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Vavr Blog Developer Guide

This repository contains the source code of the Vavr blog. It is based on Ghost and hosted at Clever Cloud.

Branches of this repository

  • master - Contains only this README.
  • ghost - Contains the unmodified Ghost version downloaded here.
  • blog - Rebased on the ghost branch, contains adjustments for hosting at Clever Cloud.

Cloning this repository

# get a copy
git clone
cd blog

# add clever cloud remote repo
git remote add clever git+ssh://

Start a local instance

Default Ghost config (sqlite3 database)

# nvm use v6.11.3
npm install
node index

Then open

Vavr development config (MySQL database)

Prerequisites: Running MySQL instance (see below)

export NODE_ENV=development
# nvm use v6.11.3
npm install
node index

Then open

Ghost Version Update


First of all, do a database backup! Go to and visit the 'Labs' menu item. Then use 'Export your content' to export the blog contents. These do not include the images, they are stored in the filesystem-bucket.


New Ghost versions are downloaded as .zip here. The contents are extracted to the ghost branch. We create a new commit and do not squash previous commits. Then the blog branch is rebased on the ghost branch. Finally we push the blog branch to Clever Cloud.

# Switch to ghost releases branch
git checkout ghost
# Copy downloaded files...
cp -r path-to-ghost/* .
# Commit the unmodified release, replace x.y.z with the current version
git commit -a -m "Ghost-x.y.z"
# Push the changes to Github
git push -u origin ghost

# Switch to blog branch hosted in the cloud
git checkout blog
# Then rebase the blog branch on the newest version in ghost branch
# and fix conflicts (e.g. using GitUp).
# Then push the changes to origin (tracking that location).
git push -u origin blog --force
# Finally push changes of the blog branch to Clever Cloud (not tracking that location).
git push clever blog:master --force

Database Migration

Currently it is not clear if the database is migrated automatically. However, there exists a workaround:

  1. Install a local MySQL database
brew info mysql
brew install mysql
mysqladmin -u root password '<secret>'
  1. Create a database 'blog' and a user 'vavr':
mysql --user root --password=root
# -- revert: DROP DATABASE blog;
# -- revert: DROP USER 'vavr'@'localhost';
> CREATE USER 'vavr'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<secret>';
> GRANT ALL ON blog.* TO 'vavr'@'localhost';
> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'vavr'@'localhost';
  1. Create Ghost database and dump it
# once
npm install -g knex-migrator
knex-migrator init
mysqldump --user vavr --password=<secret> blog > blog.sql
  1. Import the initial database dump into the Clever Cloud database
# This can be done with with mysql on the shell (see MySQL add-on on Clever Cloud) or using Clever Cloud's PhpMyAdmin.
  1. Finally, the content backup (json) is imported
# Ghost admin page / Labs

Info: Adjustments to Ghost for Clever Cloud

Ghost reads the production configuration from a file config.production.json. We put secret configuration details into Clever Cloud's environment variables. Ghost is based on node.js, a json file can't refer to process.env variables. Therefore we generate the configration on-the-fly at application startup.

Ghost stores images in /content/images. These are erased each time we push a new version of the blog source to Clever Cloud because the application is immutable. We removed the images folder and added a filesystem bucket that is mounted to the images folder. That way the images are persisted.


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