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Vasiliy Yeremeyev authored and vayerx committed Aug 5, 2011
1 parent 6a5dbb1 commit fcb13ff
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Showing 1,954 changed files with 508,813 additions and 452,643 deletions.
24 changes: 7 additions & 17 deletions LICENSE.txt

Last update to this file: 21st of April 2011 (v1)
Last update to this file: 6th of June 2011 (v1)

This source code package allows you to compile the game and develop it further if you wish (for non-commercial purposes). All other files, including the art assets and the level editor, remain the sole property and copyright of Frozenbyte. You may not distribute any of the files not included in the source code package. Should the source code include any 3rd party files or software, the copyright remains with the original owner and you are not allowed to distribute or modify such files or software. It is also forbidden to distribute Shadowgrounds or Shadowgrounds Survivor, or any direct derivative, in any way (e.g. not even for free), in any "app stores" such as the Mac App Store or similar, or in any distribution channel that has authorization control by a third party.
This source code package allows you to compile the games develop them further if you wish (for non-commercial purposes). All other files, including the art assets and the level editor, remain the sole property and copyright of Frozenbyte. You may not distribute any of the files not included in the source code package. Should the source code include any 3rd party files or software, the copyright remains with the original owner and you are not allowed to distribute or modify such files or software. It is also forbidden to distribute Shadowgrounds or Shadowgrounds Survivor, or any direct derivative, in any way (e.g. not even for free), in any "app stores" such as the Mac App Store or similar, or in any distribution channel that has authorization control by a third party.

If you have a question about the license or a specific file, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're mostly just covering our legal base with this stuff.

Please note that we cannot provide any official support for this source code release. You can however visit the Frozenbyte Community at to discuss the games and the source.


The source code as it is packaged will not compile properly. The following libraries have been deleted from the source code:

Boost 1.39.0
zlib 1.2.3
FMOD 3.75
DirectX SDK
Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK

Some of these are required in order to build the executables. If/when you encounter errors, they should be reasonably easy to fix.
The source code as it is packaged may not compile properly. This package includes both the Windows and Linux/Mac source code. However, it might be better to use the separately packaged SG/SGS source code archive for Windows purposes, because it differs slightly from this. At the very least run a diff comparison tool and see for yourself.

Shadowgrounds specific code is under /shadowgrounds, and Shadowgrounds Survivor under /survivor .

The Shadowgrounds games use FMOD for sound and the dll is distributed with the game files. No source code for FMOD can be distributed. If you require low-level access to the sound libraries, it's recommended you obtain a license to FMOD ( ), or integrate OpenAL or other free sound library.

DirectX SDK And Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK can be obtained from Microsoft.

Shadowgrounds does not use PhysX, but Shadowgrounds Survivor does.

PhysX SDK can be obtained from NVIDIA - see or
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,10 +65,13 @@ THANKS

Thanks to all of the Frozenbyte / Shadowgrounds / Shadowgrounds Survivor team(s).

Thanks to Alternative Games for the Linux/Mac versions

Thanks to Parallax Software for license inspiration.

Frozenbyte team - 2011
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250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions Launcher/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
package LauncherWindow;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::GladeXML;
use SGConfig;
use SGOptions;

sub run
my ($class,$config,$options) = @_;
my $self = $class->new($config,$options);
return $self->result;

sub new
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = { };
$self->{CONFIG} = SGConfig->new("Config/options.txt");
$self->{OPTIONS} = SGOptions->new;
$self->{RESULT} = undef;
return $self;

sub _warning
my ($self,$text) = @_;
print "WARNING: $text\n";

sub _config
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{CONFIG};

sub _options
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{OPTIONS};

sub _init
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{GUI} = Gtk2::GladeXML->new('Resource/');
return $self;

sub _widget
my ($self,$name) = @_;
return $self->{GUI}->get_widget($name);

# Initializes the widget(s) matching a single option
sub _initializeWidget
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $option = $self->_options->option($name);
my $type = $option->{type};
my $widget_name = $type."_$name";
if (my $widget = $self->_widget($widget_name)) {
if (my $label = $self->_widget("label_$name")) { $label->set(label => $option->{title}); }
if ($type eq "combo") {
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#{$option->{items}};$i+=2) {
$widget->signal_connect(changed => sub {
} elsif ($type eq "check") {
$widget->set(label => $option->{title});
$widget->signal_connect(toggled => sub {
} else { $self->_warning("Unknown option type: ".$option->{type}) }
} else { $self->_warning("No such widget: $widget_name for option $name"); }

# Initializes all widgets
sub _initializeWidgets
my ($self) = @_;
foreach my $name ($self->_options->options) { $self->_initializeWidget($name); }

# UNUSED: Returns true if current widget value matches the current configuration for the named option
sub _matchOption
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $option = $self->_options->option($name);
my $widget = $self->_widget($option->{type}."_$name");
if ($option->{type} eq "combo") {
my $value = $widget->get_active_text;
my $items = $option->{items}->{$value} || die "Current widget value not found in supported options.";
foreach my $key (keys %$items) {
my $configValue = $self->_config->option($key);
return 0 if ($configValue ne $items->{$key});
return 1;
} elsif ($option->{type} eq "check") {

} else { $self->_warning("Unknown option type: ".$option->{type}) }

# Sets current config values to match the values in the associated widget for the named option
sub _setConfig
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $option = $self->_options->option($name);
my $widget = $self->_widget($option->{type}."_$name");
my $value = undef;
if ($option->{type} eq "combo") {
$value = $widget->get_active_text;
} elsif ($option->{type} eq "check") {
$value = $widget->get_active?"true":"false";
} else { $self->_warning("Unknown option type: ".$option->{type}) }
if (defined $value) {
my $items = eval {
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#{$option->{items}};$i+=2) {
return $option->{items}->[$i+1] if ($option->{items}->[$i] eq $value);
return undef;
foreach my $key (keys %$items) {
# print $key," = ",$items->{$key},"\n";
} else { $self->warning("No value found for: $name"); }

# Sets the current widget values to match the values in the named option
sub _setWidgets
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $option = $self->_options->option($name);
if (my $widget = $self->_widget($option->{type}."_$name")) {
my $value = undef;
MAIN: for(my $i=0;$i<=$#{$option->{items}};$i+=2) {
my $items = $option->{items}->[$i+1];
foreach my $key (keys %$items) {
my $current = $self->_config->option($key);
if (defined $current) {
next MAIN if ($current ne $items->{$key});
} else { $self->_warning("Unable to find config value matching: $key"); }
if ($option->{type} eq "combo") {
$value = $i/2;
} elsif ($option->{type} eq "check") {
$value = $option->{items}->[$i] eq "true";
} else { die "Unknown option type: ".$option->{type}; }
last MAIN;
if (defined $value) {
} else { die "Unable to find a matching option value for: $name"; }
} else { $self->_warning("Unable to find a widget for option: $name"); }

# Sets all widgets to match the relevant config values
sub _setAllWidgets
my ($self) = @_;
foreach my $option ($self->_options->options) { $self->_setWidgets($option); }

sub _notImplemented
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_warning("Not yet implemented!");

sub result
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{RESULT};

sub quit
my ($self,$result) = @_;
$self->{RESULT} = $result;

sub on_LauncherWindow_delete_event
my ($self) = @_;

sub on_launcher_launch_clicked
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_widget("LauncherWindow")->set(visible => FALSE);

sub on_launcher_cancel_clicked
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_widget("LauncherWindow")->set(visible => FALSE);

sub on_launcher_advanced_clicked
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{ADVANCED} = $self->{CONFIG}->clone;
$self->_widget("notebook_main")->set(page => 1);

sub on_advanced_button_ok_clicked
my ($self) = @_;
undef $self->{ADVANCED};
$self->_widget("notebook_main")->set(page => 0);

sub on_advanced_button_cancel_clicked
my ($self) = @_;
undef $self->{ADVANCED};
$self->_widget("notebook_main")->set(page => 0);

sub on_launcher_activatemod_clicked
my ($self) = @_;


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