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Re-added old trader code for backwards compatibility
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vbawol committed Feb 5, 2014
1 parent 963b54b commit 55b46b4
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,156 additions and 0 deletions.
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions SQF/dayz_code/actions/trade_any_bicycle_old.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
private ["_veh","_location","_part_out","_part_in","_qty_out","_qty_in","_qty","_buy_o_sell","_obj","_objectID","_objectUID","_bos","_started","_finished","_animState","_isMedic","_dir","_helipad","_removed","_damage","_tireDmg","_tires","_okToSell","_hitpoints","_needed","_activatingPlayer","_textPartIn","_textPartOut","_traderID","_playerNear"];

if(DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_103") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;

// Test cannot lock while another player is nearby
//_playerNear = {isPlayer _x} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 12]) > 1;
//if(_playerNear) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_104") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

// [part_out,part_in, qty_out, qty_in, loc];

_activatingPlayer = player;

_part_out = (_this select 3) select 0;
_part_in = (_this select 3) select 1;
_qty_out = (_this select 3) select 2;
_qty_in = (_this select 3) select 3;
_buy_o_sell = (_this select 3) select 4;
_textPartIn = (_this select 3) select 5;
_textPartOut = (_this select 3) select 6;
_traderID = (_this select 3) select 7;
_bos = 0;

if(_buy_o_sell == "buy") then {
_qty = {_x == _part_in} count magazines player;
} else {
_obj = nearestObjects [(getPosATL player), [_part_in], dayz_sellDistance_vehicle];
_qty = count _obj;
_bos = 1;

if (_qty >= _qty_in) then {

cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_105"), "PLAIN DOWN"];

[1,1] call dayz_HungerThirst;
// force animation
player playActionNow "Medic";

r_interrupt = false;
_animState = animationState player;
r_doLoop = true;
_started = false;
_finished = false;

while {r_doLoop} do {
_animState = animationState player;
_isMedic = ["medic",_animState] call fnc_inString;
if (_isMedic) then {
_started = true;
if (_started and !_isMedic) then {
r_doLoop = false;
_finished = true;
if (r_interrupt) then {
r_doLoop = false;
sleep 0.1;
r_doLoop = false;

if (!_finished) exitWith {
r_interrupt = false;
if (vehicle player == player) then {
[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE;
player playActionNow "stop";
cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_106") , "PLAIN DOWN"];

if (_finished) then {

// Double check for items
if(_buy_o_sell == "buy") then {
_qty = {_x == _part_in} count magazines player;
} else {
_obj = nearestObjects [(getPosATL player), [_part_in], dayz_sellDistance_vehicle];
_qty = count _obj;

if (_qty >= _qty_in) then {

//["PVDZE_obj_Trade",[_activatingPlayer,_traderID,_bos]] call callRpcProcedure;
if (isNil "_obj") then { _obj = "Unknown Vehicle" };
if (isNil "inTraderCity") then { inTraderCity = "Unknown Trader City" };
PVDZE_obj_Trade = [_activatingPlayer,_traderID,_bos,_obj,inTraderCity];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Trade";

//diag_log format["DEBUG Starting to wait for answer: %1", PVDZE_obj_Trade];

waitUntil {!isNil "dayzTradeResult"};

//diag_log format["DEBUG Complete Trade: %1", dayzTradeResult];

if(dayzTradeResult == "PASS") then {

if(_buy_o_sell == "buy") then {

_removed = ([player,_part_in,_qty_in] call BIS_fnc_invRemove);
if(_removed == _qty_in) then {
_dir = round(random 360);

_helipad = nearestObjects [player, ["HeliHCivil","HeliHempty"], 100];
if(count _helipad > 0) then {
_location = (getPosATL (_helipad select 0));
} else {
_location = [(position player),0,20,1,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

//place vehicle spawn marker (local)
_veh = createVehicle ["Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_location = (getPosATL _veh);

//["PVDZE_veh_Publish",[_veh,[_dir,_location],_part_out,false,_keySelected]] call callRpcProcedure;
PVDZE_veh_Publish2 = [_veh,[_dir,_location],_part_out,true,dayz_characterID,_activatingPlayer];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_veh_Publish2";

player reveal _veh;

cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_180"),_qty_in,_textPartIn,_textPartOut], "PLAIN DOWN"];

} else {

_obj = _obj select 0;

//check to make sure vehicle has no more than 75% average tire damage
_hitpoints = _obj call vehicle_getHitpoints;
_okToSell = true;

// count parts
_tires = 0;

// total damage
_tireDmg = 0;

_damage = 0;
if(["Wheel",_x,false] call fnc_inString) then {
_damage = [_obj,_x] call object_getHit;
_tireDmg = _tireDmg + _damage;
_tires = _tires + 1;
} forEach _hitpoints;

// find average tire damage
if(_tireDmg > 0 and _tires > 0) then {
if((_tireDmg / _tires) > 0.75) then {
_okToSell = false;
if(local _obj) then {

if(_okToSell) then {

if(!isNull _obj and alive _obj) then {

for "_x" from 1 to _qty_out do {
player addMagazine _part_out;

_objectID = _obj getVariable ["ObjectID","0"];
_objectUID = _obj getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"];

PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID,_activatingPlayer];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";

deleteVehicle _obj;

cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_181"),_qty_in,_textPartIn,_qty_out,_textPartOut], "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_182"),_textPartIn] , "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_245"), "PLAIN DOWN"];

{player removeAction _x} forEach s_player_parts;s_player_parts = [];
s_player_parts_crtl = -1;

} else {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_183"),_textPartOut] , "PLAIN DOWN"];
dayzTradeResult = nil;

} else {
_needed = _qty_in - _qty;
if(_buy_o_sell == "buy") then {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_184"),_needed,_textPartIn] , "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_185"),_textPartIn] , "PLAIN DOWN"];

DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions SQF/dayz_code/actions/trade_any_boat_old.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
private ["_veh","_location","_isOk","_part_out","_part_in","_qty_out","_qty_in","_qty","_buy_o_sell","_obj","_objectID","_objectUID","_bos","_started","_finished","_animState","_isMedic","_dir","_helipad","_removed","_keyColor","_keyNumber","_keySelected","_isKeyOK","_config","_okToSell","_needed","_activatingPlayer","_textPartIn","_textPartOut","_traderID","_playerNear"];

if(DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_103") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;

// Test cannot lock while another player is nearby
//_playerNear = {isPlayer _x} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 12]) > 1;
//if(_playerNear) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_104") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

// [part_out,part_in, qty_out, qty_in, loc];

_activatingPlayer = player;

_part_out = (_this select 3) select 0;
_part_in = (_this select 3) select 1;
_qty_out = (_this select 3) select 2;
_qty_in = (_this select 3) select 3;
_buy_o_sell = (_this select 3) select 4;
_textPartIn = (_this select 3) select 5;
_textPartOut = (_this select 3) select 6;
_traderID = (_this select 3) select 7;
_bos = 0;

if(_buy_o_sell == "buy") then {
_qty = {_x == _part_in} count magazines player;
} else {
_obj = nearestObjects [(getPosATL player), [_part_in], dayz_sellDistance_boat];
_qty = count _obj;
_bos = 1;

if (_qty >= _qty_in) then {

cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_105"), "PLAIN DOWN"];

[1,1] call dayz_HungerThirst;
// force animation
player playActionNow "Medic";

r_interrupt = false;
_animState = animationState player;
r_doLoop = true;
_started = false;
_finished = false;

while {r_doLoop} do {
_animState = animationState player;
_isMedic = ["medic",_animState] call fnc_inString;
if (_isMedic) then {
_started = true;
if (_started and !_isMedic) then {
r_doLoop = false;
_finished = true;
if (r_interrupt) then {
r_doLoop = false;
sleep 0.1;
r_doLoop = false;

if (!_finished) exitWith {
r_interrupt = false;
if (vehicle player == player) then {
[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE;
player playActionNow "stop";
cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_106") , "PLAIN DOWN"];

if (_finished) then {

// Double check for items
if(_buy_o_sell == "buy") then {
_qty = {_x == _part_in} count magazines player;
} else {
_obj = nearestObjects [(getPosATL player), [_part_in], dayz_sellDistance_boat];
_qty = count _obj;

if (_qty >= _qty_in) then {

//["PVDZE_obj_Trade",[_activatingPlayer,_traderID,_bos]] call callRpcProcedure;
if (isNil "_obj") then { _obj = "Unknown Vehicle" };
if (isNil "inTraderCity") then { inTraderCity = "Unknown Trader City" };
PVDZE_obj_Trade = [_activatingPlayer,_traderID,_bos,_obj,inTraderCity];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Trade";

//diag_log format["DEBUG Starting to wait for answer: %1", PVDZE_obj_Trade];

waitUntil {!isNil "dayzTradeResult"};

//diag_log format["DEBUG Complete Trade: %1", dayzTradeResult];

if(dayzTradeResult == "PASS") then {

if(_buy_o_sell == "buy") then {

// First select key color
_keyColor = ["Green","Red","Blue","Yellow","Black"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

// then select number from 1 - 2500
_keyNumber = (floor(random 2500)) + 1;

// Combine to key (eg.ItemKeyYellow2494) classname
_keySelected = format[("ItemKey%1%2"),_keyColor,_keyNumber];

_isKeyOK = isClass(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _keySelected);

_config = _keySelected;
_isOk = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
waitUntil {!isNil "_isOk"};
if (_isOk and _isKeyOK) then {

_removed = ([player,_part_in,_qty_in] call BIS_fnc_invRemove);
if(_removed == _qty_in) then {
_dir = round(random 360);

_helipad = nearestObjects [player, ["HeliHCivil","HeliHempty"], 100];
if(count _helipad > 0) then {
_location = (getPosATL (_helipad select 0));
} else {
_location = [(position player),0,20,1,2,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

//place vehicle spawn marker (local)
_veh = createVehicle ["Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_location = (getPosATL _veh);

//["PVDZE_veh_Publish",[_veh,[_dir,_location],_part_out,false,_keySelected]] call callRpcProcedure;
PVDZE_veh_Publish2 = [_veh,[_dir,_location],_part_out,false,_keySelected,_activatingPlayer];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_veh_Publish2";

player reveal _veh;

cutText [format[("Bought %3 for %1 %2, key added to toolbelt."),_qty_in,_textPartIn,_textPartOut], "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
player removeMagazine _keySelected;
} else {
cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_107"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {

_obj = _obj select 0;

_okToSell = true;
if(!local _obj) then {
_okToSell = false;

if(_okToSell and !isNull _obj and alive _obj) then {

for "_x" from 1 to _qty_out do {
player addMagazine _part_out;

_objectID = _obj getVariable ["ObjectID","0"];
_objectUID = _obj getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"];

PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID,_activatingPlayer];
publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";

deleteVehicle _obj;

cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_181"),_qty_in,_textPartIn,_qty_out,_textPartOut], "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_245"), "PLAIN DOWN"];

{player removeAction _x} forEach s_player_parts;s_player_parts = [];
s_player_parts_crtl = -1;

} else {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_183"),_textPartOut] , "PLAIN DOWN"];
dayzTradeResult = nil;

} else {
_needed = _qty_in - _qty;
if(_buy_o_sell == "buy") then {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_184"),_needed,_textPartIn] , "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_185"),_textPartIn] , "PLAIN DOWN"];

DZE_ActionInProgress = false;

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