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  • Version: 3.0
  • Release date: 27 May 2024

VBFNLO is a fully flexible parton level Monte Carlo program for the simulation of vector boson fusion, double and triple vector boson production in hadronic collisions at next-to-leading order in the strong coupling constant. Electroweak corrections to Higgs production via vector boson fusion are also included in the SM and MSSM. VBFNLO includes Higgs and vector boson decays with full spin correlations and all off-shell effects. In addition, VBFNLO implements CP-even and CP-odd Higgs boson production via gluon fusion, associated with two jets, at the leading-order one-loop level.

A variety of effects arising from beyond the Standard Model physics are implemented for selected processes. Processes can be run in the MSSM, anomalous couplings of Higgs and vector bosons can be used, a Three-Site Higgsless model and a Warped Higgsless extra dimension model are included. The program offers the possibility of generating Les Houches Accord event files for most processes available at leading order.

Complete documentation, including instructions for building, installing and running VBFNLO, is available in the doc/Manual.pdf file.


  • autoreconf -vi (only needed for git checkouts. You may need to install autoconf and libtool)
  • ./configure --OPTIONS see below
  • make
  • make install

Running VBFNLO

To run VBFNLO: ./bin/vbfnlo --input=PATH/TO/INPUT_FILES

If the input -- e.g. vbfnlo.dat -- files are in the current directory, the --input can of course be omitted.

Configuration Options

VBFNLO can be configured with several options, a complete list of which can be found in the manual or by running ./configure --help.

The main options are:

  • --prefix=/path/to/install/dir: Install VBFNLO in the location given by path.

  • --enable-processes=LIST: Comma-separated list of processes to enable. Options are: vbf, ggf, diboson, dibosonjet, triboson, tribosonjet, hjjj, top, qcdvvjj, qcdvjj, all_except_hexagons, all. Default: all_except_hexagons

  • --enable-kk: enable simulation of Kaluza-Klein resonances

  • --enable-MPI: use MPI parallelization

  • --disable-NLO: disable next-to-leading order QCD

  • --enable-madgraph: include code for MadGraph comparisons

  • --enable-quad: enable quad precision for difficult phase space points

Optional Packages:

  • --with-LHAPDF=DIR: location of LHAPDF installation
  • --with-LOOPTOOLS=/path/to/LOOPTOOLS/: needed for the calculation of electroweak corrections
  • --with-FEYNHIGGS=/path/to/FEYNHIGGS/: needed for the calculation of MSSM Higgs sector by FeynHiggs
  • --with-root=DIR: location of ROOT installation
  • --with-hepmc=DIR: location of HepMC installation
  • --with-gsl=DIR: location of gsl installation, default=system lib path

Bug reports

Please report any problems to with a short report including the configure options used to build VBFNLO, as well as the versions of compilers and external libraries used.

You can also open issues in github: