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Module lowpass. Low Pass Filters.

Vladimir Botka edited this page Sep 29, 2022 · 5 revisions


Reference: Chapter 6.2 A Low-Pass Filter Design. Nonrecursive.

# All rights reserved (c) 2022, Vladimir Botka <>
# Simplified BSD License,

from hamming_digital_filters import gradient as hdfg
from hamming_digital_filters import lowpass as hdfl

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import random
import io

def print_to_string(x):
    output = io.StringIO()
    print("%.3f" % x, file=output, end='')
    contents = output.getvalue()
    return contents

def distance(x, y):
    s = sum([(xi - yi) ** 2 for xi, yi in zip(x, y)])
    return round(s / len(x) * 1000, 3)

fc = 0.1
nfp = 7
nnfp = (2 * nfp)
noise = 1 / 100

dx = 0.01
x = np.array([i * dx for i in range(2 * 314)])
y = np.array([math.sin(xi) for xi in x])
z = np.array([math.cos(xi) for xi in x])

r = np.array([yi + (random.random() - 0.5) * noise for yi in y])
dist_r = distance(y, r)

drdx = hdfg.gradient_nr(r, dx, fc, nfp)
dist_d = distance(z[nfp:-nfp], drdx[nfp:-nfp])

s1 = hdfl.lowpass_nr(r, fc, nfp)
dist_s1 = distance(y, s1)

ds1dx = hdfg.gradient_nr(s1, dx, fc, nfp)
dist_d1 = distance(z[nnfp:-nnfp], ds1dx[nnfp:-nnfp])

s2 = hdfl.lowpass_nr(s1, fc, nfp)
dist_s2 = distance(y, s2)
ds2dx = hdfg.gradient_nr(s2, dx, fc, nfp)
dist_d2 = distance(z[nnfp:-nnfp], ds2dx[nnfp:-nnfp])
  1. Differentiate sin(x) with random noise.
plt.title("gradient_nr fc=0.1, N=7, dist f="
          + print_to_string(dist_r) + ", dist df="
          + print_to_string(dist_d))
plt.ylabel("sin(x)+random()/100, cos(x), d(sin(x))/dx")
plt.plot(x, r, x, z, x[nfp:-nfp], drdx[nfp:-nfp])

Figure 5.

  1. Hamming Low-Pass filter nonrecursive fc=0.1 N=7. Reduce noise.
plt.title("lowpass_nr fc=0.1, N=7, dist f="
          + print_to_string(dist_s1))
plt.plot(x, r, x[nfp:-nfp], s1[nfp:-nfp])

Figure 6.

  1. Differentiate sin(x) with random noise. Noise is reduced by the lowpass_nr filter.
plt.title("gradient_nr fc=0.1, N=7, dist f="
          + print_to_string(dist_s1) + ", dist df="
          + print_to_string(dist_d1))
plt.ylabel("sin(x)+random()/100, cos(x), d(sin(x))/dx")
plt.plot(x[nfp:-nfp], s1[nfp:-nfp], x, z, x[nnfp:-nnfp], ds1dx[nnfp:-nnfp])

Figure 7.

  1. Differentiate sin(x) with random noise. Noise is reduced twice by the lowpass_nr filter.
plt.title("gradient_nr fc=0.1, N=7, dist f="
          + print_to_string(dist_s2) + ", dist df="
          + print_to_string(dist_d2))
plt.ylabel("sin(x)+random()/100, cos(x), d(sin(x))/dx")
plt.plot(x[nfp:-nfp], s2[nfp:-nfp], x, z, x[nnfp:-nnfp], ds2dx[nnfp:-nnfp])

Figure 8.


Reference: Chapter 7.5 The Design Of A Smooth Filter. Monotone.

# All rights reserved (c) 2022, Vladimir Botka <>
# Simplified BSD License,

from hamming_digital_filters import gradient as hdfg
from hamming_digital_filters import lowpass as hdfl

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import random
import io

def print_to_string(x):
    output = io.StringIO()
    print("%.3f" % x, file=output, end='')
    contents = output.getvalue()
    return contents

def distance(x, y):
    s = sum([(xi - yi) ** 2 for xi, yi in zip(x, y)])
    return round(s / len(x) * 1000, 3)

fc = 0.1
nfp = 7
nnfp = (2 * nfp)
noise = 1 / 100

dx = 0.01
x = np.array([i * dx for i in range(2 * 314)])
y = np.array([math.sin(xi) for xi in x])
z = np.array([math.cos(xi) for xi in x])

r = np.array([yi + (random.random() - 0.5) * noise for yi in y])
dist_r = distance(y, r)
drdx = hdfg.gradient_nr(r, dx, fc, nfp)
dist_d = distance(z[nfp:-nfp], drdx[nfp:-nfp])

s1 = hdfl.lowpass_mt(r, '3_1')
dist_s1 = distance(y, s1)
ds1dx = hdfg.gradient_nr(s1, dx, fc, nfp)
dist_d1 = distance(z[nnfp:-nnfp], ds1dx[nnfp:-nnfp])

s2 = hdfl.lowpass_mt(s1, '3_1')
dist_s2 = distance(y, s2)
ds2dx = hdfg.gradient_nr(s2, dx, fc, nfp)
dist_d2 = distance(z[nnfp:-nnfp], ds2dx[nnfp:-nnfp])
  1. Differentiate sin(x) with random noise.
plt.title("gradient_nr fc=0.1, N=7, dist f="
          + print_to_string(dist_r) + ", dist df="
          + print_to_string(dist_d))
plt.ylabel("sin(x)+random()/100, cos(x), d(sin(x))/dx")
plt.plot(x, r, x, z, x[nfp:-nfp], drdx[nfp:-nfp])

Figure 9.

  1. Hamming Low-Pass filter monotone p=3 q=1. Reduce noise.
plt.title("lowpass_mt p=3, q=1, dist f="
          + print_to_string(dist_s1))
plt.plot(x, r, x, s1)

Figure 10.

  1. Differentiate sin(x) with random noise. Noise is reduced by the lowpass_mt filter.
plt.title("gradient_nr fc=0.1, N=7, dist f="
          + print_to_string(dist_s1) + ", dist df="
          + print_to_string(dist_d1))
plt.ylabel("sin(x)+random()/50, cos(x), d(sin(x))/dx")
plt.plot(x[nfp:-nfp], s1[nfp:-nfp], x, z, x[nnfp:-nnfp], ds1dx[nnfp:-nnfp])

Figure 11.

  1. Differentiate sin(x) with random noise. Noise is reduced twice by the lowpass_mt filter.
plt.title("gradient_nr fc=0.1, N=7, dist f="
          + print_to_string(dist_s2) + ", dist df="
          + print_to_string(dist_d2))
plt.ylabel("sin(x)+random()/100, cos(x), d(sin(x))/dx")
plt.plot(x[nfp:-nfp], s2[nfp:-nfp], x, z, x[nnfp:-nnfp], ds2dx[nnfp:-nnfp])

Figure 12.