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Fluttter One2One Application for Audio and Video Call to Mobile/Web Application using vdotok_stream SDK.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation




Open the below link, and select “Operating System” for the installation of Flutter:


Now run "flutter doctor" in Terminal/Command Prompt, and make sure all tick-marks appear green, as shown in the below screenshot.


Repo Clone:

  1. Open Github URL of VdoTok’s Flutter one2one Audio/Video Call " "
  2. Click on Code button, appearing on R.H.S
  3. A toast for Clone will appear, containing HTTPS, SSH, and GitHub CLI information
  4. On HTTPS section, copy repository URL
  5. Open Terminal/Command Prompt and go to the Directory where you want to clone the project
  6. Write git clone and Paste copied repository URL and press Enter

VS Code Installation:

  1. Install the latest version of VS Code
  2. Open your Project in VS Code

Project Run Steps:

  1. Open Project in VS Code
  2. Open Terminal and go to Project Directory and run “flutter pub get”. If this command runs successfully, then a success message (exit code 0) will display, as shown below:


SDK Authentication:

  • Every User is required to authenticate SDK before using VdoTok application.
  • When a User connects with an application using SDK, the application will require a Project_ID. (A Project_ID is a string that uniquely identifies a project).
  • To generate a Project_ID, perform the following steps:
  1. Run this link -> in Chrome. A screen will appear. Please click on the Login link, as shown below:


  • This will navigate to Login page, where the User is required to enter the following information: Email > Password. If User does not have any account then follow Sign up here link, as shown below


  • This will navigate to Sign Up page, where the User is required to enter the following information: First Name > Last Name > Email > Country > Password. Select Sign Up For Free button


  • This will navigate to Verify your email address page, where the User is required to enter the code which is sent to the registered email


  • After verifing email address ,user will navigate to Verify your Phone Number where the User is required to enter the his/her Phone number and press SEND CODE button

  • Else press Skip for now button


  • After this, User will navigate to Tell us more about yourself where the User is required to select Type of Business and Organization name and press DONE button


  • After this, a screen will display in which User has to enter some details about Project: Project name > Your role? and press TAKE ME TO THE DASHBOARD


  • Now User is on Dashboard screen. Follow the link API TOKENS, as shown below


  • Copy Tenant Testing Server and Project ID


  1. Open Project in VS Code
  2. Go to lib folder > src > core > config > open config.dart file, add API Service URL in const URL as http:// Paste Url Here Which You Copied/API/ and Project ID against project_id String in config.dart file


  1. Save config.dart file

iOS Setup:

  • Make sure that you have Xcode version (14.3.1) installed in your MacBook
  • For pod installation:
  1. Open Terminal
  2. Go to Project Directory
  3. Run cd ios
  4. Run pod install / pod update

MicrosoftTeams-image (1)

  • To Open a Project in Xcode:
  1. Go to your Project Folder
  2. Go to ios folder in your project
  3. Double click on the Runner.xcworkspace


  • To Configure Developer Account after Opening a Project in Xcode:
  1. Select File Folder icon, appearing on top LHS in blue color
  2. Select Runner of Xcode
  3. Select Runner of your application
  4. Select Signing and Capabilities
  5. Select All
  6. Select Teams dropdown
  7. Select Add an Account option 9
  • To Add Apple Account:
  1. Enter Apple ID

  2. Select Next button MicrosoftTeams-image (5)

  3. Enter Password

  4. Select Next button MicrosoftTeams-image (2)

  5. Enter Verification Code

  6. Select Continue button

MicrosoftTeams-image (3)

  1. The end-product will look like below screenshot. Make sure it contains no error box MicrosoftTeams-image (4)
  • To Run Code on a Physical Device:
  1. Attach iOS device with your machine
  2. Select your device from Xcode 14


  1. Select Run button 16

Android Setup:

Project Run Steps:

  1. Open Project in VS Code
  2. Open Terminal/Command Prompt and go to Project Directory and run “flutter pub get”

Device Setting:

To connect a device, enable Developer Mode and USB Debug by following the device-specific steps given on the below link:

Build Project:

After connecting your phone, run the following command in Project Directory -> "flutter run". If this command runs successfully, then following screen will display on mobile phone.

New Project (23)


Fluttter One2One Application for Audio and Video Call to Mobile/Web Application using vdotok_stream SDK.






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