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VRL WASM Web Playground

This directory houses the exposed VRL function to WASM run_vrl() used to power Vector Remap Language Playground, or VRL Playground for short. Although there is already a local REPL supported for use within the terminal, this playground will support running VRL in the web browser and test input via uploading event files, or specifying an event via a text input field.


To build the project we need to use wasm-pack. This compiles our Rust code to WebAssembly which can then be used within the browser. Install it by running:

cargo install --locked --version 0.10.3 wasm-pack

After installing wasm-pack we must compile our project by running:

wasm-pack build --target web --out-dir public/pkg

Notice the public directory was populated with .wasm, and .js, files these will be used by our index.html to run the run_vrl() function originally written in Rust.

For more information on Rust and WebAssembly please visit the mozilla docs or the Rust book wasm chapter

Run locally

The src/ file is the entry point of the web-playground crate. This file is necessary so we can use the run_vrl() function in the browser. Notice our index.html imports the VRL wasm module from ./vrl_web_playground.js and sets the window.run_vrl function so that we can test VRL within the web browser console.

To see this in action we host index.html locally, for example by running:

cd public
python3 -m http.server

Remember to be in the public directory where index.html is located for the relative paths specified in index.html to work. We should also be able to open the index.html file in chrome, or use Live Server in VSCode to see index.html working.


Some functions of VRL are not supported or don't work as expected at the moment due to WASM limitations with some Rust crates, in the future we will modify the functions so that they are supported.

List of functions that aren't supported at the moment. All of them exist, but they will either error (enrichment functions) or abort (all the others) at runtime.

  • log
  • get_hostname
  • parse_grok
  • parse_groks
  • reverse_dns
  • find_enrichment_table_records
  • get_enrichment_table_record

Functions from VRL stdlib that are currently not supported can be found with this issue filter.

macOS Troubleshooting

If you are getting compilation errors on macOS here are some things to check:

xcode-select -p
# Example: '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
# To change this use: xcode-select -s

You can clean and reinstall with:

rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools # might require sudo elevation
xcode-select --install

Check your llvm installation and ensure that there are no conflicting installations. Check that the following command returns the expected version:

clang --version
# Example:
# Homebrew clang version 16.0.6
# Target: arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0
# Thread model: posix
# InstalledDir: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin

The output of the following command should contain WebAssembly:

llvm-config --targets-built # WebAssembly should be in the results
# Example: AArch64 <omitted> WebAssembly <omitted>



For now, you can use an old npm-published version of vrl-web-playground, please note that this was done for testing purposes and in the future we will likely release this automatically upon each version release of Vector, probably under a different package name.

Use this dependency in package.json

"dependencies": {
    "vrl-web-playground": "0.1.0"

Example import and usage in a React component

import init, { run_vrl } from 'vrl-web-playground';

export function VectorExecuteButton() {
  let vrlInput = {};
  try {
    vrlInput = {
        program: '.something = "added by vrl!"\n.message = "modified by vrl!"',
        event: JSON.parse('{message: "log message here"}'),
  } catch (error) {
        console.log('error parsing the event contents as JSON object');

  return (
        onClick={() => {
            console.log("[DEBUG] Initializing WASM");
            init().then(() => {
                console.log("[DEBUG] WASM initialized");
                console.log("[DEBUG] Attempting to run vrl with input: ", vrlInput);

                let res = run_vrl(vrlInput);
                console.log("[DEBUG] run_vrl() output", res);


Example usage in vanilla JavaScript

import init, { run_vrl } from "./vrl_web_playground.js";
let vrlInput = {};
try {
    vrlInput = {
        program: '.something = "added by vrl!"\n.message = "modified by vrl!"',
        event: JSON.parse('{message: "log message here"}'),
} catch (error) {
    console.log('error parsing the event contents as JSON object');
init().then(() => {
    window.run_vrl = run_vrl;