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Events coming from kubernetes_logs source are empty when schema.log_namespace is enabled #18018

jszwedko opened this issue Jul 18, 2023 · 2 comments 路 Fixed by #18244
meta: confirmed A bug that has been reproduced or confirmed. source: kubernetes_logs Anything `kubernetes_logs` source related type: bug A code related bug.


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jszwedko commented Jul 18, 2023

A note for the community

  • Please vote on this issue by adding a 馃憤 reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request
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When setting:

  log_namespace: true

Events coming from the kubernetes_logs source appear to be empty.

Reproduction steps:

  • Install minikube
  • Install helm
  • helm install vector vector/vector --namespace vector --create-namespace --values /tmp/values.yaml with values.yaml provided below
  • Run kubectl run --restart=Never --image busybox foo1 -- echo hello to generate logs
  • Run kubectl logs -n vector <pod name> to view output from Vector and observe events are empty


  enabled: true
data_dir: /vector-data-dir
  #log_namespace: true
    type: kubernetes_logs
    type: remap
      - kubernetes
    source: |
      . = {"msg": .}
      .metadata = {
        "cluster_name": "cluster",
        "sender": "vector",
      .vector = %vector
      .all_metadata = %
    type: console
      - enrich_event
      codec: logfmt


vector 0.31.0

Debug Output

2023-07-18T20:50:27.705860Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: Internal log [{}] has been suppressed 155 times.
2023-07-18T20:50:27.706117Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: {} internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=0
2023-07-18T20:50:27.706138Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: Internal log [{}] has been suppressed 155 times.
2023-07-18T20:50:27.706141Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: {} internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=7
metadata.cluster_name=cluster metadata.sender=vector vector=null
2023-07-18T20:50:28.754121Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: {} internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=0
2023-07-18T20:50:28.754267Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: {} internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=7
metadata.cluster_name=cluster metadata.sender=vector vector=null
2023-07-18T20:50:29.794133Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: {} internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=0
2023-07-18T20:50:29.794182Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: {} internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=7
metadata.cluster_name=cluster metadata.sender=vector vector=null
metadata.cluster_name=cluster metadata.sender=vector vector=null
2023-07-18T20:50:30.838127Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: {} internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=0
2023-07-18T20:50:30.838202Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: {} internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=7
2023-07-18T20:50:31.108123Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: Internal log [{}] is being suppressed to avoid flooding.
2023-07-18T20:50:31.108207Z  INFO transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=enrich_event component_type=remap component_name=enrich_event}: vrl::stdlib::log: Internal log [{}] is being suppressed to avoid flooding.
metadata.cluster_name=cluster metadata.sender=vector vector=null
metadata.cluster_name=cluster metadata.sender=vector vector=null

Example Data

No response

Additional Context

To generate logs for Vector to pick up I ran:

kubectl run  --restart=Never --image busybox foo1 -- echo hello

Full Helm values file:

# Default values for Vector
# See Vector helm documentation to learn more:

# nameOverride -- Override the name of resources.
nameOverride: ""

# fullnameOverride -- Override the full name of resources.
fullnameOverride: ""

# role -- [Role]( for this Vector instance, valid options are:
# "Agent", "Aggregator", and "Stateless-Aggregator".

# Each role is created with the following workloads:
# Agent = DaemonSet
# Aggregator = StatefulSet
# Stateless-Aggregator = Deployment
role: "Agent"

# rollWorkload -- Add a checksum of the generated ConfigMap to workload annotations.
rollWorkload: true

# commonLabels -- Add additional labels to all created resources.
commonLabels: {}

# Define the Vector image to use.
  # image.repository -- Override default registry and name for Vector's image.
  repository: timberio/vector
  # image.pullPolicy -- The [pullPolicy]( for
  # Vector's image.
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  # image.pullSecrets -- The [imagePullSecrets](
  # to reference for the Vector Pods.
  pullSecrets: []
  # image.tag -- The tag to use for Vector's image.
  # @default -- Derived from the Chart's appVersion.
  tag: ""
  # image.sha -- The SHA to use for Vector's image.
  sha: ""

# replicas -- Specify the number of Pods to create. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles.
replicas: 1

# podManagementPolicy -- Specify the [podManagementPolicy](
# for the StatefulSet. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady

# Create a Secret resource for Vector to use.
  # secrets.generic -- Each Key/Value will be added to the Secret's data key, each value should be raw and NOT base64
  # encoded. Any secrets can be provided here. It's commonly used for credentials and other access related values.
  # **NOTE: Don't commit unencrypted secrets to git!**
  generic: {}
    # my_variable: "my-secret-value"
    # datadog_api_key: "api-key"
    # awsAccessKeyId: "access-key"
    # awsSecretAccessKey: "secret-access-key"

  # autoscaling.enabled -- Create a [HorizontalPodAutoscaler](
  # for Vector. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles.
  enabled: false
  # autoscaling.minReplicas -- Minimum replicas for Vector's HPA.
  minReplicas: 1
  # autoscaling.maxReplicas -- Maximum replicas for Vector's HPA.
  maxReplicas: 10
  # autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage -- Target CPU utilization for Vector's HPA.
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
  # autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage -- (int) Target memory utilization for Vector's HPA.
  # autoscaling.customMetric -- Target a custom metric for autoscaling.
  customMetric: {}
    #  - type: Pods
    #    pods:
    #      metric:
    #        name: utilization
    #      target:
    #        type: AverageValue
    #        averageValue: 95
  # autoscaling.behavior -- Configure separate scale-up and scale-down behaviors.
  behavior: {}
    # scaleDown:
    #   stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300

  # podDisruptionBudget.enabled -- Enable a [PodDisruptionBudget](
  # for Vector.
  enabled: false
  # podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable -- The number of Pods that must still be available after an eviction.
  minAvailable: 1
  # podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable -- (int) The number of Pods that can be unavailable after an eviction.

  # rbac.create -- If true, create and use RBAC resources. Only valid for the "Agent" role.
  create: true

  # psp.create -- If true, create a [PodSecurityPolicy](
  # resource. PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated as of Kubernetes v1.21, and will be removed in v1.25. Intended for use
  # with the "Agent" role.
  create: false

  # serviceAccount.create -- If true, create a ServiceAccount for Vector.
  create: true
  # serviceAccount.annotations -- Annotations to add to Vector's ServiceAccount.
  annotations: {}
  # -- The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and serviceAccount.create is true, a name
  # is generated using the fullname template.
  # serviceAccount.automountToken -- Automount API credentials for Vector's ServiceAccount.
  automountToken: true

# podAnnotations -- Set annotations on Vector Pods.
podAnnotations: {}

# podLabels -- Set labels on Vector Pods.
podLabels: "true"

# podPriorityClassName -- Set the [priorityClassName](
# on Vector Pods.
podPriorityClassName: ""

# podHostNetwork -- Configure hostNetwork on Vector Pods.
podHostNetwork: false

# podSecurityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default [PodSecurityContext](
# for Vector Pods.
podSecurityContext: {}

# workloadResourceAnnotations -- Set annotations on the Vector DaemonSet, Deployment or StatefulSet.
workloadResourceAnnotations: {}

# securityContext -- Specify securityContext on Vector containers.
securityContext: {}

# command -- Override Vector's default command.
command: []

# args -- Override Vector's default arguments.
  - --config-dir
  - "/etc/vector/"

# env -- Set environment variables for Vector containers.
env: []
  # - name: MY_VARIABLE
  #   valueFrom:
  #     secretKeyRef:
  #       name: vector
  #       key: my_variable
  # - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  #   valueFrom:
  #     secretKeyRef:
  #       name: vector
  #       key: awsAccessKeyId

# envFrom -- Define environment variables from Secrets or ConfigMaps.
envFrom: []
  # - secretRef:
  #     name: vector

# containerPorts -- Manually define Vector's containerPorts, overriding automated generation of containerPorts.
containerPorts: []

# resources -- Set Vector resource requests and limits.
resources: {}
  # requests:
  #   cpu: 200m
  #   memory: 256Mi
  # limits:
  #   cpu: 200m
  #   memory: 256Mi

# lifecycle -- Set lifecycle hooks for Vector containers.
lifecycle: {}
  # preStop:
  #   exec:
  #     command:
  #     - /bin/sleep
  #     - "10"

# minReadySeconds -- Specify the minimum number of seconds a newly spun up DaemonSet pod should wait to
# pass healthchecks before it is considered available.
minReadySeconds: 0

# updateStrategy -- Customize the updateStrategy used to replace Vector Pods, this is also used for the
# DeploymentStrategy for the "Stateless-Aggregators". Valid options depend on the chosen role.

# Agent (DaemonSetUpdateStrategy):
# Aggregator (StatefulSetUpdateStrategy):
# Stateless-Aggregator (DeploymentStrategy):
updateStrategy: {}
#   type: RollingUpdate
#   rollingUpdate:
#     maxUnavailable: 1

# terminationGracePeriodSeconds -- Override Vector's terminationGracePeriodSeconds.
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60

# nodeSelector -- Configure a [nodeSelector](
# for Vector Pods.
nodeSelector: {}

# tolerations -- Configure Vector Pods to be scheduled on [tainted](
# nodes.
tolerations: []

# affinity -- Configure [affinity](
# rules for Vector Pods.
affinity: {}

# topologySpreadConstraints -- Configure [topology spread constraints](
# for Vector Pods. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles.
topologySpreadConstraints: []

# Configuration for Vector's Service.
  # service.enabled -- If true, create and provide a Service resource for Vector.
  enabled: false
  # service.type -- Set the type for Vector's Service.
  type: "ClusterIP"
  # service.annotations -- Set annotations on Vector's Service.
  annotations: {}
  # service.topologyKeys -- Specify the [topologyKeys](
  # field on Vector's Service.
  topologyKeys: []
  #   - ""
  #   - ""
  #   - ""
  #   - "*"
  # service.ports -- Manually set the Service ports, overriding automated generation of Service ports.
  ports: []
  # service.externalTrafficPolicy -- Specify the [externalTrafficPolicy](
  externalTrafficPolicy: ""
  # service.loadBalancerIP -- Specify the [loadBalancerIP](
  loadBalancerIP: ""
  # service.ipFamilyPolicy -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](
  ipFamilyPolicy: ""
  # service.ipFamilies -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](
  ipFamilies: []

# Configuration for Vector's Headless Service.
  # serviceHeadless.enabled -- If true, create and provide a Headless Service resource for Vector.
  enabled: false

# Configuration for Vector's Ingress.
  # ingress.enabled -- If true, create and use an Ingress resource.
  enabled: false
  # ingress.className -- Specify the [ingressClassName](,
  # requires Kubernetes >= 1.18
  className: ""
  # ingress.annotations -- Set annotations on the Ingress.
  annotations: {}
    # nginx
    # "true"
  # ingress.hosts -- Configure the hosts and paths for the Ingress.
  hosts: []
  #  - host: chart-example.local
  #    paths:
  #      - path: /
  #        pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  #        # Specify the port name or number on the Service
  #        # Using name requires Kubernetes >=1.19
  #        port:
  #          name: ""
  #          number: ""
  # ingress.tls -- Configure TLS for the Ingress.
  tls: []
  #  - secretName: chart-example-tls
  #    hosts:
  #      - chart-example.local

# existingConfigMaps -- List of existing ConfigMaps for Vector's configuration instead of creating a new one. Requires
# dataDir to be set. Additionally, containerPorts, service.ports, and serviceHeadless.ports should be specified based on
# your supplied configuration. If set, this parameter takes precedence over customConfig and the chart's default configs.
existingConfigMaps: []

# dataDir -- Specify the path for Vector's data, only used when existingConfigMaps are used.
dataDir: ""

# customConfig -- Override Vector's default configs, if used **all** options need to be specified. This section supports
# using helm templates to populate dynamic values. See Vector's [configuration documentation](
# for all options.
    enabled: true
  data_dir: /vector-data-dir
    log_namespace: true
      type: kubernetes_logs
      type: remap
        - kubernetes
      source: |
        . = {"msg": .}
        .metadata = {
          "cluster_name": "cluster",
          "sender": "vector",
        .vector = %vector
        .all_metadata = %
      type: console
        - enrich_event
        codec: logfmt

# defaultVolumes -- Default volumes that are mounted into pods. In most cases, these should not be changed.
# Use `extraVolumes`/`extraVolumeMounts` for additional custom volumes.
# @default -- See `values.yaml`
  - name: var-log
      path: "/var/log/"
  - name: var-lib
      path: "/var/lib/"
  - name: procfs
      path: "/proc"
  - name: sysfs
      path: "/sys"

# defaultVolumeMounts -- Default volume mounts. Corresponds to `volumes`.
# @default -- See `values.yaml`
  - name: var-log
    mountPath: "/var/log/"
    readOnly: true
  - name: var-lib
    mountPath: "/var/lib"
    readOnly: true
  - name: procfs
    mountPath: "/host/proc"
    readOnly: true
  - name: sysfs
    mountPath: "/host/sys"
    readOnly: true

# extraVolumes -- Additional Volumes to use with Vector Pods.
extraVolumes: []

# extraVolumeMounts -- Additional Volume to mount into Vector Containers.
extraVolumeMounts: []

# initContainers -- Init Containers to be added to the Vector Pods.
initContainers: []

# extraContainers -- Extra Containers to be added to the Vector Pods.
extraContainers: []

# Configuration for Vector's data persistence.
  # persistence.enabled -- If true, create and use PersistentVolumeClaims.
  enabled: false
  # persistence.existingClaim -- Name of an existing PersistentVolumeClaim to use. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
  existingClaim: ""
  # persistence.storageClassName -- Specifies the storageClassName for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the
  # "Aggregator" role.
  # storageClassName: default

  # persistence.accessModes -- Specifies the accessModes for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
    - ReadWriteOnce
  # persistence.size -- Specifies the size of PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
  size: 10Gi
  # persistence.finalizers -- Specifies the finalizers of PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
  # persistence.selectors -- Specifies the selectors for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
  selectors: {}

    # persistence.hostPath.enabled -- If true, use hostPath persistence. Valid for the "Agent" role, if it's disabled
    # the "Agent" role will use emptyDir.
    enabled: true
    # persistence.hostPath.path -- Override path used for hostPath persistence. Valid for the "Agent" role, persistence
    # is always used for the "Agent" role.
    path: "/var/lib/vector"

# dnsPolicy -- Specify the [dnsPolicy](
# for Vector Pods.
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst

# dnsConfig -- Specify the [dnsConfig](
# options for Vector Pods.
dnsConfig: {}
  # nameservers:
  #   -
  # searches:
  #   - ns1.svc.cluster-domain.example
  #   -
  # options:
  #   - name: ndots
  #     value: "2"
  #   - name: edns0

# livenessProbe -- Override default liveness probe settings. If customConfig is used, requires customConfig.api.enabled
# to be set to true.
livenessProbe: {}
  # httpGet:
  #   path: /health
  #   port: api

# readinessProbe -- Override default readiness probe settings. If customConfig is used,
# requires customConfig.api.enabled to be set to true.
readinessProbe: {}
  # httpGet:
  #   path: /health
  #   port: api

# Configure a PodMonitor for Vector, requires the PodMonitor CRD to be installed.
  # podMonitor.enabled -- If true, create a PodMonitor for Vector.
  enabled: false
  # podMonitor.jobLabel -- Override the label to retrieve the job name from.
  # podMonitor.port -- Override the port to scrape.
  port: prom-exporter
  # podMonitor.path -- Override the path to scrape.
  path: /metrics
  # podMonitor.interval -- Override the interval at which metrics should be scraped.
  # podMonitor.scrapeTimeout -- Override the timeout after which the scrape is ended.
  # podMonitor.relabelings -- [RelabelConfigs](
  # to apply to samples before scraping.
  relabelings: []
  # podMonitor.metricRelabelings -- [MetricRelabelConfigs](
  # to apply to samples before ingestion.
  metricRelabelings: []
  # podMonitor.additionalLabels -- Adds additional labels to the PodMonitor.
  additionalLabels: {}
  # podMonitor.honorLabels -- If true, honor_labels is set to true in the [scrape config](
  honorLabels: false
  # podMonitor.honorTimestamps -- If true, honor_timestamps is set to true in the [scrape config](
  honorTimestamps: true

# Log level for Vector.
logLevel: "info"

# Optional built-in HAProxy load balancer.
  # haproxy.enabled -- If true, create a HAProxy load balancer.
  enabled: false

  # Define the HAProxy image to use.
    # haproxy.image.repository -- Override default registry and name for HAProxy.
    repository: haproxytech/haproxy-alpine
    # haproxy.image.pullPolicy -- HAProxy image pullPolicy.
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    # haproxy.image.pullSecrets -- The [imagePullSecrets](
    # to reference for the HAProxy Pods.
    pullSecrets: []
    # haproxy.image.tag -- The tag to use for HAProxy's image.
    tag: "2.6.12"

  # haproxy.rollWorkload -- Add a checksum of the generated ConfigMap to the HAProxy Deployment.
  rollWorkload: true

  # haproxy.replicas -- Set the number of HAProxy Pods to create.
  replicas: 1

    # haproxy.serviceAccount.create -- If true, create a HAProxy ServiceAccount.
    create: true
    # haproxy.serviceAccount.annotations -- Annotations to add to the HAProxy ServiceAccount.
    annotations: {}
    # -- The name of the HAProxy ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a
    # name is generated using the fullname template.
    # haproxy.serviceAccount.automountToken -- Automount API credentials for the HAProxy ServiceAccount.
    automountToken: true

  # haproxy.strategy -- Customize the [strategy](
  # used to replace HAProxy Pods.
  strategy: {}
    # rollingUpdate:
    #   maxSurge: 25%
    #   maxUnavailable: 25%
    # type: RollingUpdate

  # haproxy.terminationGracePeriodSeconds -- Override HAProxy's terminationGracePeriodSeconds.
  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60

  # haproxy.podAnnotations -- Set annotations on HAProxy Pods.
  podAnnotations: {}

  # haproxy.podLabels -- Set labels on HAProxy Pods.
  podLabels: {}

  # haproxy.podPriorityClassName -- Set the priorityClassName on HAProxy Pods.
  podPriorityClassName: ""

  # haproxy.podSecurityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default PodSecurityContext for HAProxy.
  podSecurityContext: {}
    # fsGroup: 2000

  # haproxy.securityContext -- Specify securityContext on HAProxy containers.
  securityContext: {}
    # capabilities:
    #   drop:
    #   - ALL
    # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
    # runAsNonRoot: true
    # runAsUser: 1000

  # haproxy.containerPorts -- Manually define HAProxy's containerPorts, overrides automated generation of containerPorts.
  containerPorts: []

  # HAProxy's Service configuration.
    # haproxy.service.type -- Set type of HAProxy's Service.
    type: ClusterIP
    # haproxy.service.annotations -- Set annotations on HAProxy's Service.
    annotations: {}
    # haproxy.service.topologyKeys -- Specify the [topologyKeys](
    # field on HAProxy's Service spec.
    topologyKeys: []
    #   - ""
    #   - ""
    #   - ""
    #   - "*"
    # haproxy.service.ports -- Manually set HAPRoxy's Service ports, overrides automated generation of Service ports.
    ports: []
    # haproxy.service.externalTrafficPolicy -- Specify the [externalTrafficPolicy](
    externalTrafficPolicy: ""
    # haproxy.service.loadBalancerIP -- Specify the [loadBalancerIP](
    loadBalancerIP: ""
    # haproxy.service.ipFamilyPolicy -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](
    ipFamilyPolicy: ""
    # haproxy.service.ipFamilies -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](
    ipFamilies: []

  # haproxy.existingConfigMap -- Use this existing ConfigMap for HAProxy's configuration instead of creating a new one.
  # Additionally, haproxy.containerPorts and haproxy.service.ports should be specified based on your supplied
  # configuration. If set, this parameter takes precedence over customConfig and the chart's default configs.
  existingConfigMap: ""

  # haproxy.customConfig -- Override HAProxy's default configs, if used **all** options need to be specified.
  # This parameter supports using Helm templates to insert values dynamically. By default, this chart will parse
  # Vector's configuration from customConfig to generate HAProxy's config, which can be overwritten with
  # haproxy.customConfig.
  customConfig: ""

  # haproxy.extraVolumes -- Additional Volumes to use with HAProxy Pods.
  extraVolumes: []

  # haproxy.extraVolumeMounts -- Additional Volume to mount into HAProxy Containers.
  extraVolumeMounts: []

  # haproxy.initContainers -- Init Containers to be added to the HAProxy Pods.
  initContainers: []

  # haproxy.extraContainers -- Extra Containers to be added to the HAProxy Pods.
  extraContainers: []

    # haproxy.autoscaling.enabled -- Create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for HAProxy.
    enabled: false
    # haproxy.autoscaling.minReplicas -- Minimum replicas for HAProxy's HPA.
    minReplicas: 1
    # haproxy.autoscaling.maxReplicas -- Maximum replicas for HAProxy's HPA.
    maxReplicas: 10
    # haproxy.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage -- Target CPU utilization for HAProxy's HPA.
    targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
    # haproxy.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage -- (int) Target memory utilization for HAProxy's HPA.
    # haproxy.autoscaling.customMetric -- Target a custom metric for autoscaling.
    customMetric: {}
      #  - type: Pods
      #    pods:
      #      metric:
      #        name: utilization
      #      target:
      #        type: AverageValue
      #        averageValue: 95

  # haproxy.resources -- Set HAProxy resource requests and limits.
  resources: {}
    # limits:
    #   cpu: 100m
    #   memory: 128Mi
    # requests:
    #   cpu: 100m
    #   memory: 128Mi

  # haproxy.livenessProbe -- Override default HAProxy liveness probe settings.
      port: 1024

  # haproxy.readinessProbe -- Override default HAProxy readiness probe settings.
      port: 1024

  # haproxy.nodeSelector -- Configure a [nodeSelector](
  # for HAProxy Pods
  nodeSelector: {}

  # haproxy.tolerations -- Configure HAProxy Pods to be scheduled on [tainted](
  # nodes.
  tolerations: []

  # haproxy.affinity -- Configure [affinity](
  # rules for HAProxy Pods.
  affinity: {}


No response

@jszwedko jszwedko added type: bug A code related bug. source: kubernetes_logs Anything `kubernetes_logs` source related labels Jul 18, 2023
@jszwedko jszwedko added this to the Vector 0.31.1 milestone Jul 18, 2023
@neuronull neuronull added the meta: confirmed A bug that has been reproduced or confirmed. label Jul 24, 2023
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Hello, it seems to have stopped working in 0.28.0.

@fuchsnj fuchsnj self-assigned this Aug 9, 2023
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fuchsnj commented Aug 11, 2023

The root cause of this issue is the "partial events merger" which detects partial events and tries to concatenate them. This internally uses the reduce transform which has a known issue impacting this (#18219).

A temporary workaround is to disable the automatic event merger by setting the kubernetes_logs config auto_partial_merge to false (which defaults to true). This is only an issue if schema.log_namespace is enabled, which is currently in beta and defaults to false.

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meta: confirmed A bug that has been reproduced or confirmed. source: kubernetes_logs Anything `kubernetes_logs` source related type: bug A code related bug.
None yet
4 participants