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Testem with BrowserStack

Run your tests on various browsers hosted on Browserstack!


  1. Get a BrowserStack account.
  2. Install this package npm install -g browserstack-jstesting-cli
  3. This package provides 3 binaries:
  • start-BrowserStackLocal : This starts the BrowserStackLocal Binary on the local machine.
  • run_on_browserstack : This starts a browser instance on BrowserStack.
  • stop-BrowserStackLocal : This stops a previously started BrowserStackLocal instance
  1. For BrowserStack Authentication export the environment variables for the username and access key of your BrowserStack account. These can be found on the automate accounts page on BrowserStack export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<browserstack-username> && export BROWSERSTACK_KEY=<browserstack-access-key>

    Alternatively, you can use command-line options as explained below.

CLI Options

Start Binary

Module - specific options

  • --logLevel value : Specify the level of logging. This corresponds to logging levels of the npmlog package. The binary output is also displayed at logLevel silly.
  • --async : Start the binary in async mode. This means that the command will wait till the BrowserStackLocal binary starts successfully and then will return without stopping the binary. You can later stop the binary with stop-BrowserStackLocal script. In sync mode, stopping the command will stop the binary.
  • --pidFile file : Specify a pidFile to write the BrowserStackLocal binary pid to. This is handled automatically and you do not need to specify this option.

Binary - specific options

You can pass in any option specified here as new BrowserStackTunnel arguments. Any non-module level option is forwarded to this function.

If a BrowserStack access_key is not provided as an argument (--key=access_key) then the environment variable BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY is used.

The --hosts options requires a hash, This must be specified as --hosts name1,port1,sslFlag1,name2,port2,sslFlag2 as the binary uses internally.

All BrowserStackLocal binary related modifiers are listed here

Stop Binary

Module - specific options

  • --logLevel value : Specify the level of logging. This corresponds to logging levels of the npmlog package.
  • --pidFile file : Specify a pidFile to write the BrowserStackLocal binary pid to. This is handled automatically and you do not need to specify this option.
  • --pid pid : Specify a pid to kill.

Run tests / Launch Browser

Module - specific options

  • --logLevel value : Specify the level of logging. This corresponds to logging levels of the npmlog package.
  • --hardTimeout value : The maximum amount of time the the tests should run. This is in conjuction with BrowserStack specific timeouts mentioned later. The value should be in milliseconds. The default hardTimeout is 600000.

BrowserStack Client specific options

These option can be either from here or here.

  • The --timeout value option specifies the worker specific timeout in seconds.
  • The server host and port are specified as --server.port 80
  • Currently, --username, --pasword, --version, and --server.port options are identified as createClient options. Others will be supplies to createWorker settings.

Testem configuration


You need to run the scripts start-BrowserStackLocal and stop-BrowserStackLocal, respectively when starting/stopping the test run. Put this configuration in your testem.json:

"on_start": "$(npm bin)/start-BrowserStackLocal async",
"on_exit": "$(npm bin)/stop-BrowserStackLocal",

The command start-BrowserStackLocal will fail if it is not provided with a localIdentifier as an argument and there is another BrowserStackLocal binary instance running. You can use --force option to make any concurrently running binary to close connections. Alternatively, pass --localIdentifier=identifier to create a new instance which is idetified by string identifier and you can have multiple BrowserStackLocal binary instances, each with different identifiers.


You need to configure the launchers manually in your testem configuration. Examples are given in sample-testem.json. It is basically using the script run_on_browserstack.js with the name of the browser as argument.

"launchers": {
  "bs_chrome": {
    "command": "$(npm bin)/run_on_browserstack --os Windows --os_version 10 --browser chrome  --browser_version latest --url <url>",
    "protocol": "browser"

<url> gets replaced with the proper test URL by testem.

The arguments of run_on_browserstack are

You need to add single quotes if one of the arguments contains a space (e.g. 'OS X' 'Mountain Lion'). You'll find further examples in sample-testem.json of this repository.

Running Testem

Install testem globally by running npm install testem -g. This might be optional depending on your project's test suite setup.

Use testem ci -l bs_chrome to test out the setup with just the Chrome browser, configured above. Run testem ci to run it on all configured browsers - see testem launchers for the full list.

Optional: browserstack-cli

You can optionally install browserstack-cli in order to get a list of all available browsers (as opposed to testem launchers which only lists the browsers, you have configured in testem.json), devices and operating systems.

npm install -g browserstack-cli
browserstack setup # asks for your credentials and stores the information in $HOME/.browserstack
browserstack browsers | less -r


Command Line tools to start/stop BrowserStackLocal and to launch a browser instance on BrowserStack for js-testing






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