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Centrifuge OS node

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go-centrifuge is the go implementation of the Centrifuge OS interacting with the peer to peer network and our Ethereum smart contracts.

Getting help: Head over to our developer documentation at to learn how to setup a node and interact with it. If you have any questions, feel free to join our slack channel

DISCLAIMER: The code released here presents a very early alpha version that should not be used in production and has not been audited. Use this at your own risk.

Table of Contents

Installing pre-requisites


# install jq
sudo apt-get install jq

# install truffle framework
npm install -g truffle@4.0.4

# install Dep
curl | sh

Install Docker Compose

# Run this command to download the latest version of Docker Compose
sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

# Apply executable permissions to the binary
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


# install jq
brew install jq

# install truffle framework
npm install -g truffle@4.0.4

# install Dep
curl | sh

Install Docker Compose

Make sure you have docker-compose installed, usually comes bundled with Mac OS Docker. Otherwise:


Build & install the Centrifuge OS Node

cd $GOPATH/src/
make install


mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
git clone $GOPATH/src/

# run your local geth node for the first time
./build/scripts/docker/ dev

# You can, however, already run unit/integration tests

Running Tests

Install packages and dependencies

dep ensure

Run only unit tests


Run only integration Tests:


To run integration/functional tests a few other components need to be set up.

  • Geth node needs to be up and running
  • Contracts need to be deployed
    • Run contract migration (fetched by ENV_VAR CENT_ETHEREUM_CONTRACTS_DIR under build/scripts/test-dependencies/test-ethereum/ )
  • Local account keys need to be set and able to call the right contracts on Ethereum

To do this setup + run all the tests (unit, integration, functional) use the script.

Run the whole test-suite with


Running tests continuously while developing

If you want to run tests continuously when a file changes, you can use reflex:

go get

Then run (only for unit tests). It is a good idea to exclude the vendor and ``.idea` folders from scanning by reflex as it hogs a lot of resources for no good reason.

reflex -R '(^|/)vendor/|(^|/)\\.idea/' -- go test ./centrifuge/... -tags=unit

Or run for specific tests only:

reflex -R '(^|/)vendor/|(^|/)\\.idea/' -- go test ./centrifuge/invoice/... -tags=unit

Run a Geth node locally or Rinkeby environments

For development, we make use of Docker Compose locally as it is easy and clear to bundle volume and environment configurations: Docker Compose files live in ./build/scripts/docker

Run as local node in dev mode

Then run the local node via ./build/scripts/docker/ dev By default it uses:

  • ETH_DATADIR=${HOME}/Library/Ethereum
  • RPC_PORT=9545
  • WS_PORT=9546

Run local peer connected to Rinkeby

Let's run the rinkeby local node: ./build/scripts/docker/ rinkeby By default it uses:

  • ETH_DATADIR=${HOME}/Library/Ethereum
  • RPC_PORT=9545

Override those when needed

Let it catch up for a while until is fully synced with the remote peer

Run Integration Tests against Local/Rinkeby Environments

Configure local dev node + run integration/functional tests

  • Remove running container if any:
    • docker rm -f geth-node
  • Clear up ~/Library/Ethereum/8383 folder (keep in mind this will clear up all previous data you had before)
    • rm -Rf ~/Library/Ethereum/8383
  • In go-centrifuge project run:
    • ./build/scripts/docker/ dev
  • Run contract migration to generate local contract address artifact:
    • In centrifuge-ethereum-contracts project:
      • ./build/scripts/ localgeth
      • Verify that ./deployments/local.json has been generated (note that local.json is excluded in .gitignore)
  • Run tests:
    • To run only integration tests:
      • ./build/scripts/tests/

Configure node to point to rinkeby + run integration/functional tests

  • Remove running container if any:
    • docker rm -f geth-node
  • In go-centrifuge project run:
    • ./build/scripts/docker/ rinkeby
    • Wait until node is in sync with remote peer (1-2 hours):
      • geth attach http://localhost:9545 --exec "net.peerCount" > 0 (rinkeby takes additional time to sync as it needs a peer to pull from, and has shortage of full node peers)
      • geth attach http://localhost:9545 --exec "eth.syncing" -> false
  • Run tests:
    • To run only integration tests:

Configure node to point to infura-rinkeby + run integration/functional tests

  • Run tests:
    • To run only integration tests:

Ethereum Contract Bindings

To create the go bindings for the deployed truffle contract, use the following command:

abigen --abi abi/AnchorRepository.abi --pkg anchor --type EthereumAnchorRepositoryContract --out ${GOPATH}/src/

and then copy the ethereum_anchor_registry_contract.go file to anchors/. You will also need to modify the file to add the following imports:

	ethereum ""

Protobufs bindings

Create any new .proto files in its own package under protobufs folder. Generating go bindings and swagger with the following command

make proto-all

Kovan FAQ

  • With infura you get an error - "This request is not supported because your node is running with state pruning. Run with --pruning=archive.", what to do? Run a local parity node with kovan eg: with parity --chain=kovan --port=30304 --warp --warp-barrier 5680000 --no-ancient-blocks --no-serve-light --max-peers 250 --snapshot-peers 50 --min-peers 50 --mode active --tracing off --pruning=archive --db-compaction ssd --cache-size 4096 --jsonrpc-hosts all --jsonrpc-interface all
  • With local parity node you get an error - "Blocked connection to WebSockets server from untrusted origin: .." what to do? Run the parity node with --unsafe-expose flag


Golang implementation of Centrifuge Node



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  • Go 97.9%
  • Shell 1.3%
  • Other 0.8%