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Fabio Vedovelli Movie Finder

Search for movies to read additional information about them!

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



You'll need GIT in order to clone this project. Head to GIT's website to get download and installation instructions to your operating system.

Node.js and NPM

In order to install project's dependencies, start development server and build for production, you'll need Node and NPM. Head to Node.js website to get download and installation instructions to your operating system.


First you have to use your Terminal to get to the directory you want to store the project. Then you run:

git clone

Access the created directory and you'll be in the project's root directory:

cd movie-finder-react

Install project's dependencies:

npm install

Finally run the development server and the application should be available in the following URL: http://localhost:8000

npm run dev


To build the application for production, just run npm run prod and the compiled assets will be saved in the dist/ directory:

npm run prod


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

Project's Details

Application Diagram

It is a Single Page Application that consumes data from the's API.

There are 2 routes available: /movies for the search form and the results list and /movie/:id for the movie details screen.

On the first access user will be automatically redirected from the main route / to the /movies route. This allows the movie feature to be sitting in its final URL, leaving the main one ready to receive a new feature, such as a Dashboard, for instance.

When a search is performed, the search term is also included in the URL, in a query string. This allows the search results to be shared with others and also ensure that during navigation the feature states doesn't get lost.

Development decisions

Single Source of Truth

Despite being highly desirable to abstract application main state to a Single Source of Truth, I thought including Redux or Mobx in such a small project would be an overkill, so I'd like to mention it crossed my mind but I've made the decision to keep it out.

For the record if I was to include it I'd go for Redux Zero which I consider a very good solution for small a project.

Application Evolution

During development an idea came to my mind: to abstract all domain specific logic to a NPM package. For instance: the service layer which performs all the API calls.

Then, using React Native, build a separate application and consume this library.

Built With


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