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Protected and restricted routes within iron-router

Create protected and user-roles restricted routes within iron-router. For roles-restricted routes, please see meteor-roles, you need to install meteor-roles separately to use it.

This package supports protected option defined in list below, ordered by prioritization:

  • Router.route() [overrides all]
  • RouteController.extend()
  • Router.configure() [might be overridden by any above]


meteor add ostrio:iron-router-protected

Demo app


Router.configure, Router.route, and RouteController will use next properties:

  • protected {Boolean} - Make route explicitly protected for all unauthorized users
  • authTemplate {String} - Name of the template to render, when access is denied
  • authRoute {String} - Route where user will be redirected, when access is denied
  • allowedRoles {[String]} - Array of roles, which have access to route
  • allowedGroup {String} - Name of the role-group, which have access to route. Note: use only with allowedRoles property, if allowedRoles is not defined check by allowedGroup will be omitted
  • authCallback {Function} - This function will be triggered on each route, with current route-object as a context and two arguments:
    • error {Object|null} - Object with error and reason properties, if access is denied
      • error - 401 or 403. 401 when access denied as for unauthorized user (Unauthorized. Permission denied). 403 when access denied by role (Forbidden. Not enough rights).
    • isGranted {Boolean|null} - true if access is granted
    • return false to prevent further code execution and rendering
    • return true to continue default behavior

Note: Don't use authTemplate and authRoute at the same time. If authTemplate and authRoute is both presented - only authTemplate will be used and rendered.


Create config:

  // Render login form
  authTemplate: 'loginForm',
  // Redirect to login form, by exact route or route-name
  authRoute: '/admin/login',
  // Deny access for unauthorized users on all routes
  "protected": true,
  // Restrict access by array of roles on all routes
  allowedRoles: ['admin'],
  // Restrict access by role and role-group. 
  // Use only with `allowedRoles` property, otherwise check on group is omitted
  allowedGroup: Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP,
  // This callback triggered each time when access is granted or forbidden for user
  authCallback: function(error, isGranted) {
    return console.log(error, isGranted);

  // Common options:
  layoutTemplate: '_layout',
  notFoundTemplate: '_404',
  loadingTemplate: 'loading'

Create protected route:

Router.route('admin', {
  template: 'admin',
  path: '/admin',
  "protected": true, // Deny access for unauthorized users
  allowedRoles: ['admin'] // Restrict access by role

Override default options:

Router.route('admin', {
  template: 'admin',
  path: '/admin',
  authTemplate: null, // Do not render
  authRoute: '/admin/login', // Redirect to login form
  "protected": true // Deny access for unauthorized users

If all routes is protected, give access to loginForm:

Router.route('loginForm', {
  template: 'loginForm',
  path: '/admin/login',
  "protected": false // Allow access to this route for anyone

Options can be defined on controllers:

var LocationController = RouteController.extend({
  "protected": true

Router.route('locations', {
  controller: LocationController // Will be protected

Options on routes will override controller options:

Router.route('location', {
  controller: 'LocationController',
  "protected": false // Won't be protected