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All of the (Traffic) Lights – Q-Learning for Urban Traffic Optimization


Dan Amir, Omer Dolev, May Yaaron, Netai Benaim

Introduction and Usability

RL agent for traffic light control using the SUMO traffic simulation engine.

Training and Inference should be performed using the provided Dockerfile-s only. Full Training is available only with the TraCI Docker image, since no collisions information is supplied via libsumo. TraCI GUI was tested only on our on machine - running gui inside docker will require some more setup steps.

Use Instructions

  1. Build image from one of the provided dockerfiles.
  2. Run bash in a container with this directory mounted to /AI_project.
  3. Run cd /AI_project.
  4. Run the script with one of the provided example configurations or you own configuration json file.
  5. logs will be automatically saved to the logs directory

Short explanation about the supplied directory

The following subdirectories are part of the root directory:

  • configurations: Includes some examples of training and testing configurations
  • docker: Dockerfiles used for running our code
  • nets: Definitions of different road networks used for experimentation and some code for automatic generation of vehicle route plans.
  • logs: outputs from experiments runs. Each subdirectory includes the configuration file used for the experiment, data logging and weights of the trained model.

Short explanations about the supplied code

Those are some of the main python files in the supplied code base

  • The main script used for running all the trainings and tests
  • Manages the agents training
  • Implements classes used to communicate between the agent and the simulation using abstraction of states, rewards and actions.
  • Classes for extracting state representation from the simulation
  • Same but for rewards
  • our own unified API for TraCi and libsumo Different agent classes are implemented in separate files with "agent" in their names.

A bash script named is provided with some example commands.

Explanation about configuration parameters

  • "backend": One of "traci", "libsumo" and "traci-gui" the interface used for running the simulation.
  • "observation_radius": The distance from the junction from which the observation is gathered in meters
  • "sumo_cmd": The command used to initiate SUMO
  • "net_dir": Path to the directory of the routes network
  • "flow_probabilities": dictionary of per step generation probability for each car type in each possible route. In our final results we used only one type.
  • "default_program": Default phases duration program for the agent controlled junctions. Relevant only for
  • automatic.
  • "epsilon": Epsilon greedy parameter
  • "actions_type": One of "phase", "binary" and "automatic" as explained in the report.
  • "alpha": Learning rate
  • "discount": Discount gamma factor
  • "r_weight": As explained in the report
  • "junctions": List of junction IDs for junctions where reward components will be monitored
  • "junctions_with_agents": List of junctions with agents performing actions.
  • "num_episodes": Number of episodes to run
  • "steps_per_episode": Number of steps per episode
  • "log_path": Path to save logs into.
  • "fixed_action": Fixed action number for the agent. Relevant only if mode is "fixed"
  • "log": Whether to save logs or not.
  • "exploring": If True, uses epsilon greedy decay for the agent.
  • "mode": one of "linear", "lqf" and "fixed"
  • "reward_weights": Dictionary with weight for each reward component ("wait", "flicker", "emergency", "delay", "teleport").
  • "simulation_offset": Number of steps to run with automatic agent before every episode.
  • "min_phase_duration": Limits the minimal duration before phase change
  • "alpha_decay": (optional) Decay factor to multiply by alpha every epoch.
  • "load_weights" (optional) List of paths to the weight numpy arrays of the agents (loaded before training).