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CouchBase Monitoring Extension

This extension works only with the standalone machine agent.

Use Case

Couchbase Server is an open source, distributed (shared-nothing architecture) NoSQL document-oriented database that is optimized for interactive applications. This extension allows the user to connect to a specific cluster host and retrieve metrics about the cluster, all the nodes within the cluster and any buckets associated with the nodes.


  1. Run 'mvn clean install' in the command line from the couchbase-monitoring-extension directory.
  2. Deploy the file found in the 'target' directory into <MACHINE_AGENT_HOME>/monitors/ directory.
  3. Unzip the deployed file.
  4. Open <MACHINE_AGENT_HOME>/monitors/CouchBaseMonitor/monitor.xml and configure the CouchBase parameters.

  <argument name="host" is-required="true" default-value="localhost">
  <argument name="port" is-required="true" default-value="8091">
  <argument name="username" is-required="true" default-value="username">
  <argument name="password" is-required="true" default-value="password">
  <argument name="disabled-metrics-path" is-required="false" default-value="monitors/CouchBaseMonitor/conf/DisabledMetrics.xml">
  <argument name="metric-prefix" is-required="false" default-value="Custom Metrics|Couchbase|">
  1. Open <MACHINE_AGENT_HOME>/monitors/CouchBaseMonitor/conf/DisabledMetrics.xml and configure the list of disabled metrics. Here is a sample configuration of the disabled metrics:

  <Metric name="mem_free">
  <Metric name="mem_total">
  1. Restart the machine agent.

In the AppDynamics Metric Browser, look for: Application Infrastructure Performance | <Tier> | Custom Metrics | CouchBase

Directory Structure

Directory/File Description
src/main/resources/conf Contains the monitor.xml, DisabledMetrics.xml
src/main/java Contains source code of the CouchBase monitoring extension
target Only obtained when using maven. Run 'mvn clean install' to get the distributable .zip file
pom.xml Maven build script to package the project (required only if changing Java code)

##Password Encryption Support

To avoid setting the clear text password in the monitor.xml. Please follow the process to encrypt the password and set the encrypted password and the key in the monitor.xml

  1. Download the util jar to encrypt the password from
  2. Encrypt password from the commandline java -cp "appd-exts-commons-1.1.2.jar" com.appdynamics.extensions.crypto.Encryptor myKey myPassword
  3. Add the properties in the monitor.xml. Substitute the default-value


Metric Category: Cluster Metrics

Metric Name Description
ram_total Total ram available to cluster (bytes)
ram_quotaUsed Ram quota used by the cluster (bytes)
ram_usedByData Ram used by the data in the cluster (bytes)
ram_quotaTotal Ram quota total for the cluster (bytes)
ram_used Ram used by the cluster (bytes)
hdd_total Total harddrive space available to cluster (bytes)
hdd_used Harddrive space used by the cluster (bytes)
hdd_usedByData Harddrive use by the data in the cluster(bytes)
hdd_quotaTotal Harddrive quota total for the cluster (bytes)
hdd_free Free harddrive space in the cluster (bytes)

Metric Category: Node Metrics

Metric Name Description
memoryFree Amount of memory free for the node (bytes)
vb_replica_curr_items Number of items/documents that are replicas
couch_docs_data_size Data size of couch documents associated with a node (bytes)
mem_total Total memory available to the node (bytes)
mcdMemoryAllocated Amount of memcached memory allocated (bytes)
mcdMemoryReserved Amount of memcached memory reserved (bytes)
uptime Time during which the node was in operation (sec)
ep_bg_fetched Number of disk fetches performed since server was started
mem_used Memory used by the node (bytes)
memoryTotal Total memory available to the node (bytes)
get_hits Number of get hits
curr_items Number of current items
cmd_get Number of get commands
couch_views_actual_disk_size Amount of disk space occupied by Couch views (bytes)
swap_used Amount of swap space used.(bytes)
cpu_utilization_rate The CPU utilization rate (%)
couch_views_data_size Size of object data for Couch views (bytes)
curr_items_tot Total number of items associated with node
couch_docs_actual_disk_size Amount of disk space used by Couch docs.(bytes)
swap_total Total swap size allocated (bytes)
ops Number of operations performed on Couchbase

Metric Category: Bucket Metrics

Metric Name Description
opsPerSec Number of operations per second
rawRAM Amount of raw RAM used by the bucket (bytes)
diskFetches Number of disk fetches
ram Amount of RAM used by the bucket (bytes)
dataUsed Size of user data within buckets of the specified state that are resident in RAM.(%)
memUsed Amount of memory used by the bucket (bytes)
itemCount Number of items associated with the bucket
diskUsed Amount of disk used (bytes)
quotaPercentUsed Percentage of RAM used (for active objects) against the configure bucket size.(%)

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