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Python Jenkins Backup Restore Module

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jenkins-backup-restore-cli module takes a backup of the jenkins home directory and restores it as required.

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  • python2.7 or higher
  • pip or pip3


Run the following command to install the jenkins-backup-restore-cli,

pip3 install jenkins-backup-restore-cli

What does it do?

The jenkins-backup-restore-cli tool will backup the jenkins_home directory as well as restores it.


  • The backup module will look for a jenkins-home directory
  • Tar it into a temporary directory.
  • Copy the tarfile to an user specified location or to a AWS s3 bucket.
  • Delete the temporary directory (can be persisted with --persist-tmp-archive)


  • The restore module will look for a jenkins-home directory that needs to be restored
  • create a tmp directory and copy the tarfile or download the tarfile from an s3 bucket to it.
  • Untar the tarfile in that temporary directory
  • Make a copy of existing jenkins_home directory
  • Replace the old jenkins_home with the untarred jenkins_home
  • Delete the temporary directory (can be persisted with --persist-tmp-archive)

Backup and restore

jenkins-backup-restore-cli common options for both backup and restore,

Common Options


Shows version number of the package

jenkins-backup-restore-cli --version

To create a backup tarfile with the custom name,

jenkins-backup-restore-cli --custom-archive-name my-backup

Note: If not provided, it will backup with the default name (default: jenkins_backup.tar.gz)

  • user should provide a --jenkins-home-dir.
  • If the user specified directory does not exists, tool looks for a default location (default: /var/jenkins_home)
  • If the default location does not exists, the tool will look for an JENKINS_HOME environment variable.
jenkins-backup-restore-cli --jenkins-home-dir /var/lib/jenkins

Note: In above each step the tool will throw a warning and throws an error if environment variable does not exists or the path set in the value does not exists.


Backup Commands

To backup jenkins_home, either one of the following commands with arguments can be used,

  • backup-local - Take a backup in the local machine (same machine where jenkins is running)

    • --backup-destination-path, local path to store the backup
jenkins-backup-restore-cli --jenkins-home-dir <jenkins_home> backup-local --backup-destination-path <local-path>
  • backup-s3 - Take a backup and push it to an s3 bucket

    • --backup-bucket-name, s3 bucket name to store the backup.
    • --persist-tmp-archive, persists(True) or delete(False) the archive, in the temporary path once the archive pushed to s3 bucket (default: False)
jenkins-backup-restore-cli --jenkins-home-dir <jenkins_home> backup-s3 --backup-bucket-name <bucket-name> --persist-tmp-archive True

Restore Commands

To restore jenkins_home, either one of the following commands with arguments can be used,

  • restore-local - Restore from a local jenkins backup tarfile

    • --restore-archive-path, local path to the backup tarfile
    • --persist-tmp-archive, persists(True) or delete(False) the archive in the temporary path once the archive is extracted to jenkins_home (default: False)
jenkins-backup-restore-cli --jenkins-home-dir <jenkins_home> restore-local --restore-archive-path <path-to-backup-tarfile> --persist-tmp-archive True
  • restore-s3 - Restore from a s3 bucket

    • --restore-bucket-name, bucket name to download the archive from
    • --restore-archive-download-path, local path to download the archive from s3 bucket
    • --persist-tmp-archive, persists(True) or delete(False) the archive in the temporary path once the archive is extracted to jenkins_home (default: False)
jenkins-backup-restore-cli --jenkins-home-dir <jenkins_home> restore-s3 --restore-bucket-path <bucket-name> --restore-archive-download-path <local-path-to-download-tarfile> --persist-tmp-archive True
Note: For any help, use --help flag.


A Dockerfile that has the jenkins-backup-restore-cli latest package installed on it.

Helm Chart

A Helm chart for the jenkins-backup-restore-cli tool to perform backup and restore on Jenkins pod running in a Kubernetes cluster, find a here.


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All source code is hosted on GitHub. Contributions are welcome. Contribution Guide here

Happy CI/CD!! 🚀