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Releases: vercel/next.js


21 Jul 23:31
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v15.0.0-canary.76 Pre-release

Example Changes

  • [examples] fix: ant-design unstyled hydration issue: #68000
  • Update cookie handling for Supabase SSR package: #67413

Misc Changes

  • Update 12-third-party-libraries.mdx: #67142
  • Update 10-open-telemetry.mdx, missing packages.: #65885
  • docs(tailwind-css): add tailwind.config.ts code block: #68006
  • docs: add typescript samples on using local assets for opengraph/twitter image: #64947


Huge thanks to @NavidNourani, @allanchau, @ekremkenter, @yurivangeffen, @Juneezee, and @KagamiChan for helping!


20 Jul 23:30
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v15.0.0-canary.75 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Ensure "[Fast Refresh] rebuilding" logs have a matching "[Fast Refresh] done" log in Webpack: #67968

Misc Changes

  • Attempt to fix flakiness of prerender e2e tests: #67965
  • Turbopack build: Fix next-image-legacy test: #67989
  • Turbopack build: Fix useReportWebVitals test: #67991
  • Fix flakiness of should not cause error when removing loading.js test: #67978


Huge thanks to @eps1lon, @unstubbable, and @timneutkens for helping!


19 Jul 23:31
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v15.0.0-canary.74 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Log fetch requests during client-side navigation: #67925
  • Fix fetch logging in edge runtime: #67952
  • fix: merged middleware cookies should preserve options: #67956
  • feat: disable development logging by setting logging: false in next config: #67590
  • Add experimental flag for chunk failure handling during app navigation: #67926
  • Do not limit the number of fetch requests that are logged: #67957
  • Fix a bug in the webpack-sources patch that happens sometimes when using the webpack cache: #67928

Example Changes

  • Examples: Updated the example of headers to utilize the App Router: #67920
  • Updated/Migrated next-css example to the App Router: #67942

Misc Changes

  • Exclude aarch64-pc-windows-msvc instead of x86_64 for preview build: #67927
  • fix retrieval of deploy test build logs: #67971
  • capture test-deploy stderr in cliOutput: #67976
  • Print Redbox content if assertNoRedbox fails: #67973


Huge thanks to @Sam-Phillemon9493, @Shruthireddy04, @unstubbable, @ztanner, @devjiwonchoi, @ijjk, @eps1lon, and @mknichel for helping!


19 Jul 02:17
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v15.0.0-canary.73 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Hide caniuse-lite outdated warning in terminal: #67869
  • Support compiler.removeConsole with Turbopack: #67849
  • remove extraneous field from FetchServerResponse: #67865
  • refactor FetchServerResponse shape: #67866
  • Support reactRemoveProperties with Turbopack: #67853
  • prerendered pages should use static staleTime: #67868
  • ensure cookies set in middleware can be read in a server action: #67924

Example Changes

  • Examples: updated the example of analyze-bundles to utilize the App Router: #67843
  • fix[examples]: update example cache-handler-redis: #67350

Misc Changes

  • docs: add i18n caveat for global-error file #66905: #67894
  • Docs: Bump min Node.js version to 18.18 (RC Docs): #67902
  • chore(github): add bitbucket and gitlab hosts: #67899
  • Improve performance of test cleanup step: #67845
  • Turbopack build: Skip experimental.sri tests: #67898
  • Turbopack build: Skip AMP tests (not supported): #67888
  • Turbopack build: Skip typedRoutes tests (experimental feature): #67891
  • Turbopack build: Skip babel specific tests: #67912
  • Turbopack build: Ensure standalone-gsp.test.ts can run: #67900
  • Turbopack build: Skip experimental.esmExternals tests: #67901


Huge thanks to @archanaagivale30, @huozhi, @pathliving, @mischnic, @delbaoliveira, @samcx, @mauroaccornero, @ztanner, and @timneutkens for helping!


18 Jul 08:04
Choose a tag to compare
v15.0.0-canary.72 Pre-release

Core Changes


Huge thanks to @sokra for helping!


17 Jul 23:32
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v15.0.0-canary.71 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • refactor client router initialization: #67821
  • Fix for typedRoutes when setting pageExtensions - for typedRoutes MDX support: #67824
  • [Diagnostics] Record framework.json after creating and cleaning distDir: #67819
  • Enable experimental.serverComponentsHmrCache by default: #67800
  • Drop the experimental env var for onRequestError API: #67856
  • Add additional handling for experimental tracing: #67785

Misc Changes

  • chore: bump turbo to 2.0.7: #67847
  • Add test for Server Components HMR after navigating to page with Edge runtime: #67782
  • Turbopack build: Fix re-export-all-exports-from-page-disallowed test: #67851
  • test: add dynamic routes and suspense test case for onRequestError: #67848


Huge thanks to @samcx, @eps1lon, @timneutkens, @ztanner, @controversial, @mknichel, @unstubbable, @huozhi, and @ijjk for helping!


17 Jul 15:57
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v15.0.0-canary.70 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Don’t show long internal Rust stack traces to users: #67678
  • Align the typeEnv value type with default process env value type: #67804
  • ensure component tree is only rendered once during SSG/revalidations: #67680

Example Changes

  • Examples: updated the example of head-elements to utilize the App Router: #67829

Misc Changes

  • docs: add next.config.ts: #67773
  • Docs: Update note on Next.js ignoring CRA files: #67346
  • docs: add important info around global styles: #67778
  • Turbopack build: Fix client-404 tests: #67846
  • Turbopack build: Fix production/jest test: #67840


Huge thanks to @wbinnssmith, @devjiwonchoi, @delbaoliveira, @samcx, @Sam-Phillemon9493, @ztanner, and @timneutkens for helping!


16 Jul 23:32
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v15.0.0-canary.69 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • update turbopack: #67795
  • Drop edge prerender manifest: #67787
  • perf: Optmize react_server_component transform: #67335
  • Turbopack build: Implement app/global-error.tsx: #67803
  • Ensure instrumentation register only call once: #67805
  • Set @next/font to private and remove peer deps field: #67797
  • Handle server actions error in onRequestError: #67769

Misc Changes

  • Update Turbopack production test manifest: #67793
  • Update Turbopack development test manifest: #67794


Huge thanks to @sokra, @huozhi, @kdy1, and @timneutkens for helping!


15 Jul 23:31
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v15.0.0-canary.68 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • chore: Update @swc/core and @swc/heleprs: #67757
  • feat: facebook metadata: #65713
  • fix: unstable_cache should not cache new result in draft mode: #67772
  • Fix edge preview props are not matched with cookie: #67779
  • Wait for βœ“ Ready log in NextInstance#start: #67767
  • Ensure serverSourceMaps is in webpack cache key: #67786
  • TypeScript plugin: Allow functions in action-like props: #67211

Example Changes

  • Examples: updated the example of dynamic-routing to utilize the App Router: #67684
  • Updated basic-export example with app router: #67760
  • Migrated the active-class-name Example to App router: #67622
  • Downgrade react and react-dom to 19.0.0-rc.0: #67788

Misc Changes

  • docs(generateMetadata): update code blocks to include filename: #67745
  • chore: use '...' instead of fragments or null in docs: #67717
  • Wait for stdio streams to be closed before resolving NextInstance#stop: #67764
  • docs: address comments on RC: #67774
  • Docs: Document cssChunking option: #67691
  • Exclude changes that already landed in canary when finding changed tests: #64218


Huge thanks to @Juneezee, @Sam-Phillemon9493, @Shruthireddy04, @devjiwonchoi, @kdy1, @unstubbable, @Netail, @Hemanshu-Upadhyay, @leerob, @delbaoliveira, @timfuhrmann, @huozhi, @karlhorky, @ijjk, and @eps1lon for helping!


14 Jul 23:30
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v15.0.0-canary.67 Pre-release

Core Changes

  • Turbopack build: Exclude .d.ts files as routes: #67744

Misc Changes

  • Update Turbopack production test manifest: #67743


Huge thanks to @timneutkens for helping!