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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 24, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Go Report Card

Verrazzano Cluster Operator

The Verrazzano Cluster Operator is an operator that interacts with Rancher Server on behalf of the Verrazzano System.

The responsibilities of the Verrazzano Cluster Operator are the following:

  • Watch the Rancher API for available clusters, and creates VerrazzanoManagedCluster CRs to define these for the Super Domain Operator to consume.
  • Call the Rancher Catalog API to ensure things prerequisites like Prometheus Operator and Istio are installed in the Managed Clusters.

Splitting the functionality that interacts with Rancher Server into its own repo reduces the complexity of the Super Domain Operator, making it more nimble and easier to test. Verrazzano Cluster Operator will require a Rancher Server instance to test again, but can mock it out for unit testing purposes.

Project Status

This repo is currently a skeleton, with details and tests stubbed out. What it currently does:

  • Sets up informers on k8s secrets and VerrazzanoManagedClusters - these are the k8s entities that Verrazzano Cluster Operator interacts with.
  • Stubbed out calls to create/update secrets and VerrazzanoManagedClusters.
  • Stubbed out section to poll Rancher server to discover available clusters.
  • Stubbed out section to install prerequisites like Prometheus Operator and Istio.
  • Stubbed out integ tests, and no unit tests yet.


On a successful release (which occurs on a Git tag), this repo publishes a Docker image:



Go build:

make go-install

Docker build:

make build

Docker push:

make push


Running locally

While developing, it's usually most efficient to run the Super Domain Operator as an out-of-cluster process, pointing it to your Kubernetes cluster:

export KUBECONFIG=<your_kubeconfig>
make go-run

Running in a Kubernetes Cluster

kubectl apply -f ./k8s/manifests/verrazzano-cluster-operator-serviceaccount.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./k8s/manifests/verrazzano-cluster-operator-deployment.yaml

Note: - if you don't intend to use the latest official Docker image, fill in your own Docker image in verrazzano-cluster-operator-deployment.yaml above.


Running Tests

To run unit tests:

make unit-test

To run integration tests:

make integ-test