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fmincg() algorithm with test on MNIST digits.
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versilov committed May 13, 2018
1 parent 5c19608 commit ebfce7b
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Showing 4 changed files with 446 additions and 0 deletions.
351 changes: 351 additions & 0 deletions lib/matrex/algorithms.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
defmodule Matrex.Algorithms do
@moduledoc """
Contains machine learning algorithms using matrices.

# a bunch of constants for line searches
# RHO and SIG are the constants in the Wolfe-Powell conditions
@rho 0.01
@sig 0.5
# don't reevaluate within 0.1 of the limit of the current bracket
@int 0.1
# extrapolate maximum 3 times the current bracket
@ext 3.0
# maximum allowed slope ratio
@ratio 100.0
# max 20 function evaluations per line search
@max 20
@float_min 2.2251e-308

# The reduction in function value to be expected in the first line-search.
# The original version did the following, but we simply fix it to 1.0:
# if max(size(length)) == 2 { red=length(2); length=length(1) } else { red=1 }
@red 1.0

defmodule FMinCG do
defstruct ~w(f fParams fX d1 d2 d3 df0 df1 df2 df3 f0 f1 f2 f3 i length limit m s x x0 z1 z2 z3 line_search_failed)a

@doc """
Minimizes a continuous differentiable multivariate function.

@spec fmincg(
(Matrex.t(), any -> {float, Matrex.t()}),
) :: {Matrex.t(), [float], pos_integer}
def fmincg(f, %Matrex{} = x, fParams, length)
when is_integer(length) and is_function(f, 2) do
# Key to the variable names being used:
# i counts iterations or function evaluations ("epochs")
# s search_direction (a vector)
# f1 cost (a scalar), also f0, f2, f3
# df1 gradient (a vector), also df0, df2, df3
# d1 slope (a scalar), also d2, d3
# z1 point (a scalar), also z2, z3
# m counter for maximum function evaluations per line search

# zero the run length counter
i = 0

fX = []

# get function value and gradient
{f1, df1} = f.(x, fParams)

# search direction is steepest
s = Matrex.neg(df1)

# the slope
d1 =
|> Matrex.multiply(-1)
|> Matrex.dot_tn(s)
|> Matrex.first()

# d1 = (-s′ <*> s).scalar # this is the slope
# initial step is red/(|s|+1)
z1 = @red / (1 - d1)

fX: fX,
f1: f1,
df1: df1,
s: s,
d1: d1,
z1: z1,
i: i,
length: length,
f: f,
fParams: fParams,
x: x,
line_search_failed: false
|> iteration()

def iteration(%FMinCG{i: i, length: length, fX: fX, x: x})
when i >= length do
IO.puts("Iterations #{i} | Cost: #{List.last(fX)}")

{x, fX, i}

def iteration(
f: f,
fParams: fParams,
d1: d1,
df1: df1,
f1: f1,
s: s,
x: x,
z1: z1
} = data
) do
data = %{
| x0: x,
f0: f1,
df0: df1,
x: Matrex.add(x, Matrex.multiply(z1, s))

{f2, df2} = f.(data.x, fParams)

d2 = Matrex.dot_tn(df2, s) |> Matrex.first()

# initialize point 3 equal to point 1
data = %{
| f2: f2,
df2: df2,
d2: d2,
f3: f1,
d3: d1,
z3: -z1,
m: @max,
limit: -1

{success, data} = iteration2(data)

data = process_result(data, success)

iteration(%{data | i: data.i + 1})

def process_result(data, true) do
f1 = data.f2
fX = data.fX ++ [f1]

IO.write("Iteration #{data.i} | Cost: #{f1}\r")

s =
Matrex.dot_tn(data.df2, data.df2),
Matrex.dot_tn(data.df1, data.df2)
|> Matrex.first()
|> Kernel./(Matrex.dot_tn(data.df1, data.df1) |> Matrex.first())
|> Matrex.multiply(data.s)
|> Matrex.substract(data.df2)

{df1, df2} = {data.df2, data.df1}

d2 = Matrex.dot_tn(df1, s) |> Matrex.first()

{d2, s} =
if d2 > 0 do
s = Matrex.neg(df1)
d2 = Matrex.dot_tn(Matrex.neg(s), s) |> Matrex.first()
{d2, s}
{d2, s}

z1 = data.z1 * min(@ratio, data.d1 / (d2 - @float_min))
d1 = d2

| d1: d1,
d2: d2,
df1: df1,
df2: df2,
f1: f1,
fX: fX,
s: s,
z1: z1,
line_search_failed: false

def process_result(data, false) do
df1 = data.df0
{df2, df1} = {df1, data.df2}
s = Matrex.neg(df1)
d1 = Matrex.dot_tn(Matrex.neg(data.s), data.s) |> Matrex.first()
z1 = 1 / (1 - d1)

| x: data.x0,
f1: data.f0,
df1: df1,
df2: df2,
s: s,
d1: d1,
z1: z1,
line_search_failed: true

# def iteration2(%FMinCG{d1: d1, d2: d2, f1: f1, f2: f2, z1: z1} = data)
# when f2 > f1 + z1 * @rho * d1 or d2 > -@sig * d1,
# do: {false, data}
# def iteration2(%FMinCG{d2: d2, d1: d1} = data)
# when d2 > @sig * d1,
# do: {true, data}
# def iteration2(%FMinCG{m: 0} = data), do: {false, data}

def iteration2(%FMinCG{} = data) do
data = tighten(data)

cond do
data.f2 in [NaN, Inf, NegInf] ->
{false, data}

data.f2 > data.f1 + data.z1 * @rho * data.d1 or data.d2 > -@sig * data.d1 ->
{false, data}

data.d2 > @sig * data.d1 ->
# IO.puts("second #{data.d1}, #{data.d2}")
{true, data}

data.m == 0 ->
# IO.puts("third")
{false, data}

true ->
z2 = z2(data, data.limit)
# IO.puts("none, z2=#{z2}")

data = %{
| z2: z2,
f3: data.f2,
d3: data.d2,
z3: -z2,
z1: data.z1 + z2,
x: Matrex.add(data.x, Matrex.multiply(data.s, z2))

{f2, df2} = data.f.(data.x, data.fParams)

data = %{
| m: data.m - 1,
f2: f2,
df2: df2,
d2: Matrex.dot_tn(df2, data.s) |> Matrex.first()


def tighten(%FMinCG{f2: f2, f1: f1, z1: z1, d1: d1, d2: d2, m: m} = data)
when not (((f2 != NaN and f2 > f1 + z1 * @rho * d1) or d2 > -@sig * d1) and m > 0),
do: data

def tighten(%FMinCG{d2: d2, d3: d3, f1: f1, f2: f2, f3: f3, z1: z1, z3: z3} = data) do
# tighten the bracket

data = %{data | limit: z1}

z2 =
try do
if f2 > f1 do
# quadratic fit
z3 - 0.5 * d3 * z3 * z3 / (d3 * z3 + f2 - f3)
# cubic fit
a = a(d2, d3, f2, f3, z3)
b = b(d2, d3, f2, f3, z3)

(:math.sqrt(b * b - a * d2 * z3 * z3) - b) / a
ArithmeticError ->
# bisect
z3 / 2

# don't accept too close to limits
z2 = max(min(z2, @int * z3), (1 - @int) * z3)

# update the step
z1 = z1 + z2
x = Matrex.add(data.x, Matrex.multiply(z2, data.s))
{f2, df2} = data.f.(x, data.fParams)
m = data.m - 1
d2 = Matrex.dot_tn(df2, data.s) |> Matrex.first()

# z3 is now relative to the location of z2
z3 = z3 - z2

%FMinCG{data | d2: d2, m: m, f2: f2, df2: df2, x: x, z1: z1, z2: z2, z3: z3}
|> tighten()

def a(d2, d3, f2, f3, z3), do: 6 * (f2 - f3) / z3 + 3 * (d2 + d3)
def b(d2, d3, f2, f3, z3), do: 3 * (f3 - f2) - z3 * (d3 + 2 * d2)

def z2(%FMinCG{d2: d2, d3: d3, f2: f2, f3: f3, z1: z1, z3: z3}, limit) do
# make cubic extrapolation

try do
a = a(d2, d3, f2, f3, z3)
b = b(d2, d3, f2, f3, z3)
-d2 * z3 * z3 / (b + :math.sqrt(b * b - a * d2 * z3 * z3))
# num prob?
ArithmeticError ->
# extrapolate the maximum amount or bisect
if limit < -0.5, do: z1 * (@ext - 1), else: (limit - z1) / 2
# wrong sign?
z2 when z2 < 0 ->
# extrapolate the maximum amount or bisect
if limit < -0.5, do: z1 * (@ext - 1), else: (limit - z1) / 2

# extrapolation beyond max?
z2 when limit > -0.5 and z2 + z1 > limit ->
# bisect
(limit - z1) / 2

# extrapolation beyond limit
z2 when limit < -0.5 and z2 + z1 > z1 * @ext ->
# set to extrapolation limit
z1 * (@ext - 1.0)

z2 when z2 < -z3 * @int ->
-z3 * @int

# too close to limit?
z2 when limit > -0.5 and z2 < (limit - z1) * (1.0 - @int) ->
(limit - z1) * (1.0 - @int)

z2 ->
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