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Mokio CMS <Versoft>

In short:

MOKIO is open source CMS compatible with rails 6.0.1 and ruby 2.6.5.


  1. Add gem mokio to Gemfile in your project
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Run rake mokio:install
  4. Ensure is add the following line added to config/routes.rb mount Mokio::Engine => "/backend"
  5. Start rails server rails s and open http://localhost:3000/backend
  6. Your login is, password admin
  7. Remember to change this sample credentials!

Test by RSpec

Run all tests in main directory using command: rspec To suppress warnings use: rspec --deprecation-out /dev/null Details for configure Spec Dummy App for properly working tests.

Useful tasks:

  1. Regenerate static pages based on route.rb rake mokio:refresh_static_pages


Overriding Mokio js

In case you need to add some custom logic to Mokio panel's javascript, run:

rails mokio:add_custom_js

in your project's folder.

This task will create custom.js file in under assets/javascripts/backend folder, which will be imported in the panel.

Adding gallery to your custom model

In your model:

Include Gallery

include Mokio::CustomGallery

Change DataFile type if needed (Mokio::Photo is set by default)

def default_data_file
  # Available options:
  # Mokio::Photo
  # Mokio::Youtube

Optionaly add gallery title

def gallery_title
  "Gallery title"

More docs:

Secure login with Google reCAPTCHA v3

To turn on login with reCAPTCHA go to config/mokio.rb and update configs:

  config.mokio_login_with_recaptcha = true
  config.mokio_login_recaptcha_site_key = 'KEY'
  config.mokio_login_recaptcha_secret_key = 'KEY'
  config.mokio_login_recaptcha_score = 0.9

More info: reCAPTCHA v3

Gems and sample_app:

Sample app using Mokio CMS


Gems dedicated for Mokio CMS:


Tutorials, documentation & useful tips


Known issues

To use Mokio::MovGallery you have to add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'youtube_it', github: 'LiveWorld/youtube_it'

because original version of youtube_it gem is not maintained anymore and uncompatibile with Rails 5.

Migrating your app to Mokio >= 2.7.14

Please add mount Ckeditor::Engine => '/ckeditor' to Rails.application.routes block, since Ckeditor mount has been moved to mokio:install task.


Mokio is a Content Management System that allows creation of sophisticated websites. It consists maily of administration panel for your desired website. It provides the following types of content: Article (piece of text with pictures, lists, links, etc.), Picture Gallery (easily managed article with a number of photos - thumbs and edition provided), Movie Gallery (article with links to Dailymotion, Vimeo and Youtube movies - thumbs and edition provided), Contact Page with Google map and contact form.

Apart from content it is possible to manage menu structure of your website for each language and defined position (part of the screen).

If this is not enough for what you need, you can also include pieces of HTML code that should be shared by some (or all) subpages - called HTML Blocks. You can define on which part of the page, these blocks should be displayed. Mokio provides also administration panel for javascripts, languages and backend users.

Beside Mokio itself, there are various gems dedicated for Mokio, that extends its core functionality.
