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vertiginous edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 16 revisions



  • Bugs / TODO

    • Templates:
      1. Source code view background color isn’t being inherited. IE6 problem.
      2. CHM files look best with a single column layout. Darkfish is a two column layout, working to adjust to single-column without leaving out important information.
      3. CHM TOC method links should differentiate between class (::) and instance (#) methods.
        (used method.pretty_name)
      4. Links to files in class pages use a js lightbox (not sure if that’s the correct term). Need to change these to regular http links.
      5. Class and File index page – this would be used when you click on the “Classes” or “Files” folder in the CHM TOC. Right now, it shows nothing.
      6. Change “Classes” to “Classes/Modules” in CHM TOC
      7. HTML Help compiler doesn’t find images in CSS


  • Bugs / TODO

  • Features:

    • New RDOC Layout
      • instead of hacking up Darkfish, possibly come up with something new?
    • Add a merge facility
      • This would be useful for making a central index of multiple CHM files (Ruby Core and stdlib, gem index…)
        Two possibilities
        1. Incorporate into current RDoc::Generator::CHM class and templates
          • Overly complex?
        2. Subclass CHM class, and create seperat templates
          • Duplicate code? More to maintain?
    • Seperate command for creating gem indexes (dependant on merge capability)? possibly as a gem plugin?
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