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A Warframe AutoBuilder! Lets you simulate weapon builds. Can auto generate build given a stat to max!


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A auto-builder for Warframe weapons!

Table of Contents


Cloning The Repository

If you know your way around git, skip to next section.

  1. Install git
    • You can use your distro's package manager
    • For Windows you can visit gitforwindows
    • For Mac you can visit gitformac
  2. Copy the repository link by clicking on the clone button and choosing which method you want to use.
  3. Open terminal or git bash or cmd depending on your system and type
    git clone <copied link>

Installing Warframe Autobuilder

Warframe-AutoBuilder is written in Haskell so you'll need a Haskell compiler and some other stuff.
Luckily there's a magical tool called stack, and it can take care of all the stuff for you!

Installing stack

  1. For most Un*x OSs, the easiest way to install stack is via your distro's package manager
    • or by running
      curl -sSL | sh
      wget -q0- | sh
    • For Windows or Mac, checkout the stack install and upgrade section.
  2. Get yourself familiar with stack by going over the stack README

Installing Warframe-AutoBuilder

  1. cd to the cloned Warframe-AutoBuilder directory
  2. Run stack build
    This will build the project.
  3. Run stack test
    This will run the test suite.
  4. If the process is successful, run stack install

If you haven't installed ghc or any Haskell related library or project the first install might seem long.
Also stack can be very verbose.
But don't worry the subsequent builds and runs will be much faster!

If you want to see how the install process would look like, check out the CI/CD terminal. pipeline status

Few things to remember

Warframe-AutoBuilder looks for data files in warframe-autobuilder-data folder in $HOME/.config/ directory.
For most Un*x OSs it's your config directory and for Windows users it's your home path.
So move <cloned repo directory>/warframe-autobuilder-data to $HOME/.config/
For Windows users move the directory to <user-name>/.config/.
If .config directory doesn't exist already, you'll have to create it.
If you're not sure where to put the directory, dry run the application,
the error message you'll get will specify where Warframe-AutoBuilder is trying to look for those data files.
For example,

autobuilder -w "Tigris Prime" -b "Primed Point Blank"


Please copy directory
'<cloned repo location>/warframe-autobuilder-data'
autobuilder: /home/<my-user-name>/.config/warframe-autobuilder-data/Primary_Weapons/Tigris_Prime: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

that it is looking for Tigris_Prime file in /home/<my-user-name>/.config/warframe-autobuilder-data.
This path may be unique to your machine so try it out yourself.


The builder loosely is based upon the idea of 'Expected value'. So stats like total damage, proc dps, etc. may not look exactly like in the arsenal UI.

Because every weapon has 'damage', GenericDamage is made an instance of MonoFunctor.

As a typical builder

Example command

	-w "Soma Prime"
	-b " Serration
	, Split Chamber
	, Point Strike
	, Vital Sense
	, Argon Scope
	, Hunters Munition
	, Infected Clip
	, High Voltage"


Soma Prime Build

As a typical melee builder

Example command with Combo Multiplier

For Paracesis at 3.5x combo multiplier

	-w "Paracesis"
	-b " Sacrifical Pressure
	, Primed Fury
	, Organ Shatter
	, Blood Rush
	, Primed Fever Strike
	, Shocking Touch
	, Drifting Contact
	, Berserker" 
	-m 3.5


Paracesis Build

Example command with Condition Overload

For Paracesis at 3.5x combo multiplier and 3 status procs affecting the enemy (Condition Overload)

	-w "Paracesis"
	-b " Sacrifical Pressure
	, Condition Overload
	, Organ Shatter
	, Blood Rush
	, Primed Fever Strike
	, Shocking Touch
	, Drifting Contact
	, Berserker"
	-m 3.5
	-g 14.336

14.336 is a generic multiplier, so it'll be (1.6 ^ number of procs on the enemy) * combo counter To get +33% to sentinel damage bonus, just add 33% to both of the multipliers.


Paracesis Condition Overload Build

As an auto-builder

This is the interesting part!
Say you want to build Baza for high sustained DPS and Viral-Slash.
You might go for a build like this

Split Chamber
Point Strike
Vital Sense
Rime Rounds
Malignant Force
Hunters Munition

but you don't know which mods would be best for that last slot.

This is what you can do

Command for auto-building

Tell autobuilder which mods you definitely want


<previous command> 
	-b " Serration
	, Split Chamber
	, Point Strike
	, Vital Sense
	, Rime Rounds
	, Malignant Force
	, Hunters Munition"

and which mods you definitely do not want


<previous command> 
	-i " Amalgam Serration
	, Primed Infected Clip
	, Primed Hellfire
	, Primed Stormbringer"

and what property of the weapon you want to max out!


<previous command> -c "adjusted sustained dps"

final command would look like this

	-w "Baza" 
	-b " Serration
	, Split Chamber
	, Point Strike
	, Vital Sense
	, Rime Rounds
	, Malignant Force
	, Hunters Munition
	-i " Amalgam Serration
	, Primed Infected Clip
	, Primed Hellfire
	, Primed Stormbringer
	-c "adjusted sustained dps"


Baza Build Optimized for Adjusted Sustained DPS

which tells you the best mod will be Primed Cryo Rounds

You can see now your build has two cold damage mods. What if you wanted to keep Primed Cryo Rounds and replace Rime Rounds to max out Sustained DPS?

This is what you can do

	-w "Baza"
	-b " Serration
	, Split Chamber
	, Point Strike
	, Vital Sense
	, Primed Cryo Rounds
	, Malignant Force
	, Hunters Munition
	-i " Amalgam Serration
	, Primed Infected Clip
	, Primed Hellfire
	, Primed Stormbringer
	, Rime Rounds
	-c "adjusted sustained dps"


Baza Build Optimized for Adjusted Sustained DPS ignoring Rime Rounds

Lets try this for a different comparator.

You want to build Soma Prime for maximum Corrosive Status Proc Chance

	-w "Soma Prime" 
	-b " Serration
	, Split Chamber
	, Point Strike
	, Vital Sense
	, Bladed Rounds
	, Hunter Munitions"
	-i " Amalgam Serration
	, Primed Infected Clip
	, Primed Hellfire
	, Primed Stormbringer"
	-c "corrosive proc chance"


Soma Prime built for Corrosive Proc Chance



Autobuilding given a comparator compares every possible build.
So if there are 51 mods and you only put one mod in -b's argument, that'll mean autobuilder will have to compare 50 choose 7 different builds.
That's a total of 99,88,44,00 builds.
So if you don't want your PC to turn into an impromptu room heater, I'll recommend giving autobuilder 3 or more mods to work with.



You can use any property of the weapon to compare on.

For example:

* Total Damage
* Adjusted Total Damage
* Sustained DPS
* Adjusted Sustained DPS
* Burst DPS
* Adjusted Burst DPS
* [Physical or Elemental Damage] Proc Chance
* [Physical or Elemental Damage] Proc DPS
* Ammo
* Magazine Size
* Base Damage
* Fire Rate
* Leap Attack
* ...

Source Directory Tree

├── ArgInterface
│   ├── ArgInterface.hs
│   ├── MeleeWeapons.hs
│   ├── ModsMapper
│   │   ├── MeleeModsMapper.hs
│   │   ├── PistolModsMapper.hs
│   │   ├── RifleModsMapper.hs
│   │   └── ShotgunModsMapper.hs
│   ├── PistolWeapons.hs
│   ├── RifleWeapons.hs
│   ├── ShotgunWeapons.hs
│   ├── WeaponDataDirectoryTest.hs
│   └── WeaponDetailsIdentifier.hs
├── AutoBuilder.hs
├── Builder
│   ├── Applicator
│   │   ├── MeleeModApplicator.hs
│   │   ├── PistolModApplicator.hs
│   │   ├── PostBuildSetup.hs
│   │   ├── RifleModApplicator.hs
│   │   └── ShotgunModApplicator.hs
│   └── Mods
│       ├── MeleeMods
│       │   ├── AmmoMods.hs
│       │   ├── AttackSpeedMods.hs
│       │   ├── CriticalChanceMods.hs
│       │   ├── CriticalMultiplierMods.hs
│       │   ├── DamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── ElementalDamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── MagazineMods.hs
│       │   ├── MultishotMods.hs
│       │   ├── PhysicalDamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── RivenMods.hs
│       │   ├── SpecialMods.hs
│       │   └── StatusMods.hs
│       ├── MeleeModsMetaList.hs
│       ├── PistolMods
│       │   ├── AmmoMods.hs
│       │   ├── CriticalChanceMods.hs
│       │   ├── CriticalMultiplierMods.hs
│       │   ├── DamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── ElementalDamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── FireRateMods.hs
│       │   ├── MagazineMods.hs
│       │   ├── MultishotMods.hs
│       │   ├── PhysicalDamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── RivenMods.hs
│       │   ├── SpecialMods.hs
│       │   └── StatusMods.hs
│       ├── PistolModsMetaList.hs
│       ├── RifleMods
│       │   ├── AmmoMods.hs
│       │   ├── CriticalChanceMods.hs
│       │   ├── CriticalMultiplierMods.hs
│       │   ├── DamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── ElementalDamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── FireRateMods.hs
│       │   ├── MagazineMods.hs
│       │   ├── MultishotMods.hs
│       │   ├── PhysicalDamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── RivenMods.hs
│       │   ├── SpecialMods.hs
│       │   └── StatusMods.hs
│       ├── RifleModsMetaList.hs
│       ├── ShotgunMods
│       │   ├── AmmoMods.hs
│       │   ├── CriticalChanceMods.hs
│       │   ├── CriticalMultiplierMods.hs
│       │   ├── DamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── ElementalDamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── FireRateMods.hs
│       │   ├── MagazineMods.hs
│       │   ├── MultishotMods.hs
│       │   ├── PhysicalDamageMods.hs
│       │   ├── RivenMods.hs
│       │   ├── SpecialMods.hs
│       │   └── StatusMods.hs
│       └── ShotgunModsMetaList.hs
├── ComprehensiveWeapon
│   ├── ComprehensiveFunctions.hs
│   ├── ModMultiplierFunctions
│   │   ├── ColdModMultiplier.hs
│   │   ├── ElectricityModMultiplier.hs
│   │   ├── HeatModMultiplier.hs
│   │   └── ToxinModMultiplier.hs
│   ├── ProcChances.hs
│   ├── ProcDamages.hs
│   └── SpecialAddativeFunctions.hs
├── GenericFunctions
│   └── GenericFunctions.hs
├── ModMaker
│   └── ModMaker.hs
├── Printer
│   ├── ComprehensiveWeaponPrinter.hs
│   ├── MeleePrinter.hs
│   ├── PistolPrinter.hs
│   ├── RiflePrinter.hs
│   └── ShotgunPrinter.hs
├── Ranker
│   ├── ComparatorsGenerator.hs
│   ├── Comparators.hs
│   ├── Ranker.hs
│   └── WeaponRankers.hs
└── Types
    ├── ComprehensiveWeapon.hs
    ├── GeneralTypes.hs
    └── GenericWeapon.hs

16 directories, 91 files

Adding a Mod

Adding a (new/custom/Riven) mod can be done in 5 steps.

  1. Location and identification
  2. Listing the configuration
  3. Understanding function arguments
  4. Parts Configuration
  5. Final Configuration

Lets take a look at an example.
We want to add a mod 'Rapid Fire'
for Rifles
with stats RapidFire [+60% Heat Damage, -90% Reload Time]

Location and identification

  1. Categorize the mod
    • This mod can be categorized as an 'elemental damage' mod or a 'reload speed' mod.
      Going by a general priority list, adding extra Heat damage will change the weapon more significantly
      than reducing reload time. So this mod can be classified under 'elemental damage' mod.
  2. Locating the mod.
    • To add this mod to its appropriate location, we first need to find the relavent file.
      Mods files are in src/Builder/Mods directory.
      There are different directories for each kind of mod.
      For this perticular mod, we'll need to go to src/Builder/Mods/RifleMods/ElementalDamageMods.hs
  3. Dividing the mod.
    • Since this mod lists two modification to the weapon
      +60% Heat Damage and -90% Reload Time
      you'll need to 'compose' these two different configuration into one mod.
      Lets calls the first configuration rapidFire1
      and the second configuration rapidFire2.

Listing the configurations

The mods backend file is src/GenericFunctions/GenericFunctions.hs.

rapidFire1 [+60% Heat Damage] configuration will add 60% extra Heat damage to the weapon.
Basically this mod should take a weapon's base damage, multiply it by 0.6 and add the number back.
The other stuff like increasing the proc damage, base damage, total damage, proc DPS
and all the other things this mod will change, will be handeled internally
and you won't have to change each single one manually.

So we need 4 things.

  1. The weapon stat to set.
    • In this case, it is the weapon's heat damage, the function for that is gdHeat
      (mnemonically: generic damage heat).
  2. The weapon stat to get.
    • That will be the total base damage gwBaseDamage
      (mnemonically: generic weapon base damage).
  3. The modifier.
    • Which is 0.6 (60% means 0.6x)
  4. The direction.
    • The direction is either positive or negative.
      If the modifier to the function is going to increase the stat, it'll be +, otherwise -.

Understanding function arguments

No matter how the mod is going to work, it should always have two arguments
baseWeapon (targetWeapon, mods)
baseWeapon targetWeapon

Parts configuration

Because gdHeat or just heat damage is a damage property of a weapon, we need modifyDamageProperty function from

Going by its documentation, we need

  1. Property to set -> heat damage or gdHeat
  2. Value to base on -> weapon's base damage or targetWeapon ^. gdBaseDamage
  3. Multiplier -> 60% or 0.6x or 0.6
  4. Operator to apply -> +
  5. Weapon to set -> targetWeapon (Look at Understanding Function arguments)

So this is our first configuration.

rapidFire1 baseWeapon targetWeapon = 
		(targetWeapon ^. gwBaseDamage) 
		(Just 0.6) 

where Just is a type constructor or Maybe type.
Also (targetWeapon ^. gwBaseDamage) means base the gdHeat value upon the current base damage.
If we wanted to set a base damage type which could be slash or impact or puncture, or in some cases heat (eg. Ignis)
the base value to set from would have been (baseWeapon ^. gwBaseDamage).

our second configuration need us to modify a general property so we'll need modifyGeneralProperty function from

Going by its documentation, we need

  1. Property to set -> reload speed or gwReloadTime
  2. Value to base on -> weapon's base reload time or baseWeapon ^. gwReloadTime
  3. Multiplier -> 90% or 0.9x or 0.9
  4. Operator to apply -> - (Because increase in reload speed is a decrease in realod time)
  5. Weapon to set -> targetWeapon (Look at Understanding Function arguments)

And this is our second configuration.

rapidFire2 baseWeapon targetWeapon =
		(baseWeapon ^. gwReloadTime)
		(Just 0.9)

Final configuration

These are our two configuration.

rapidFire1 baseWeapon targetWeapon = 
		(targetWeapon ^. gwBaseDamage) 
		(Just 0.6) 

rapidFire2 baseWeapon targetWeapon =
		(baseWeapon ^. gwReloadTime)
		(Just 0.9)

Our final mod would be

rapidFire baseWeapon (targetWeapon, mods) =
	( rapidFire1 baseWeapon $ rapidFire2 baseWeapon targetWeapon
	, "Rapidfire [+60% Heat Damage, +90% Reload Speed]" : mods

where this first part

rapidFire1 baseWeapon $ rapidFire2 baseWeapon targetWeapon

is a combination of

rapidFire1 baseWeapon targetWeapon


rapidFire2 baseWeapon targetWeapon

because rapidFire2 applied on argument produces a new weapon, that result is then passed into rapidFire2
giving us

rapidFire1 baseWeapon $ rapidFire2 baseWeapon targetWeapon

A mod has the type Build

so this part

"Rapidfire [+60% Heat Damage, +90% Reload Speed]" : mods

adds "Rapidfire [+60% Heat Damage, +90% Reload Speed]" to the list of mods.

Application List

Now that we've made and configured our mod, it's time to add it to the application list!
An application list is a list of tuples of mod's name and the matching mod function.
Because this is a rifle mod, we'll add Rapidfire to src/Builder/Mods/RifleModsMetaList.hs.
In the Elemental Damage Mods section, write at the bottom

, ...
, ("cryoRounds", cryoRounds wep)
, ...
, ...
, ("rapidFire", rapidFire wep)

The line ("rapidFire", rapidFire wep) basically means a mod name "rapidFire" applies function rapidFire on a weapon wep.


We're done! All we need to do now is test the mod out.
For our modifications to take effect, we'll need to rebuild and reinstall.
Redo the steps in Installing Warframe-AutoBuilder
And the mod should be available to build with!

<previous command> 
	-b " Serration
	, ...
	, ...
	, RapidFire
	, ...
	, ..."

Adding a New Weapon

To add a new weapon simply go to .config/warframe-autobuilder-data/<weapon-category>, copy any weapon file and paste it as the weapon name.

For example say we want to add a new weapon NewRifle.

We'll copy Amprex from .config/warframe-autobuilder-data/Primary_Weapons/Amprex and paste it as NewRifle as .config/warframe-autobuilder-data/Primary_Weapons/NewRifle

Each of those weapon files are encoded in json so you can open those files in any text editor and put in the NewRifle stats.

Finally add NewRifle to RifleWeapons.hs in src/ArgInterface/RifleWeapons.hs


A Warframe AutoBuilder! Lets you simulate weapon builds. Can auto generate build given a stat to max!







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