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=== P3 ===

A group blog theme for short update messages, inspired by P2.

== Description ==

P3 is shorter, better, faster, stronger.

P3 is a theme for WordPress that transforms a mild-mannered blog into a super-blog with features like inline comments on the homepage, a posting form right on the homepage, inline editing of posts and comments, real-time updates so new posts and comments come in without reloading, and much more.

You can also check out a demo of the theme in action:

== Changelog ==
version 1.0.1
- updated description informations
- posted new screenshot

version 1.0.2
- fixed wrong ajax pop-ups

version 1.0.3
- Sanitizing input form user
- using standard checked/selected functions
- refactored custom header method

version 1.0.4
- fixed showing of main menu when activating custom header image
- removed default bordering for images and tables (thanks @Eden for submitting this feature request)
- fixed footer text
- fixed background color when selecting disolve background type
- removed width, height constrains for custom header image inside backpannel administration

version 1.0.5
- fixed Google Chrome comment issue
- fixed need to reload page to see new submitted comment

version 1.1.0
- add fullwidth page template (moved sidebars declaration inside
content builder page eg. page.php, index.php)
- new theme options menu (removed old options-page.php and replaced
with option tree)
- add support for featured image
- timthumb resizer used for croping images
- new google font used for website: Roboto and Roboto Condensed (used
for headers)
- added ability to hide sidebars independently

version 1.1.1
- changed default logo image
- changed footer text

version 1.1.2
- replace timthumb with mc-image-resize

version 1.1.3
- generic logo updated

version 1.1.4
- fixed callendar
- fixed image posting
- added submenu sidebar

version 1.1.5
- fixed iphone problems
- fixed IE css3 compatibility