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Foundry DeFi Stablecoin Framework

Welcome to the Foundry DeFi Stablecoin Framework repository! This project was developed as part of a comprehensive learning exercise based on the "Foundry Full Course F23," a detailed educational series focused on the fundamentals of decentralized finance (DeFi) and stablecoin programming using the Foundry toolkit. This framework is designed to provide a practical approach to understanding the mechanics behind stablecoins and DeFi applications by simulating real-world scenarios.

Original Course Reference

This project is inspired by and closely follows the Foundry Full Course F23, which is an extensive resource for learning about blockchain development, particularly focusing on Solidity and smart contract best practices in the context of DeFi. The course covers various topics from basic to advanced contract interactions, security considerations, and integration with real-world data through oracles.

Key Features

  • Smart Contract Development: Learn to craft and deploy smart contracts for stablecoin operations as demonstrated throughout the original course.
  • Testing with Foundry: Leverage Foundry's testing tools to perform comprehensive tests, ensuring contract security and functionality, following the methodologies taught in the course.
  • Chainlink Oracles Integration: Understand and implement real-world data feeds into your contracts safely and efficiently by using Chainlink oracles, as outlined in the original tutorials.
  • Mock Contracts: Experiment with mock contracts to simulate external interactions, reflecting the hands-on examples provided in the course.

Getting Started


  • Install Foundry, which includes Forge for testing and Cast for interacting with Ethereum networks.
  • Node.js and npm (for additional tooling and dependencies).


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd foundry-defi-stablecoin-f23
  2. Install dependencies:

    forge install

Running Tests

Execute the following command to run the test suites:

forge test

This command will execute all tests defined in the test/ directory, providing detailed output on the contract behaviors and their adherence to expected functionalities.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests, create issues for bugs or improvements, or suggest new features. This project is meant to be a collaborative effort to enhance learning and development in the DeFi and stablecoin domains.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT license.

Learning Resources

For those new to blockchain and smart contract development, here are a few resources to get you started:


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