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Simpelt duste-api

Functions / Endpoints

GET /Report/{reportId}

Gets a report from mongodb. If report have finishedTimestamp: null, returns status 202. If report have value in finishedTimestamp returns 200.

POST /Report

Creates a new report in mongodb, and returns reportId (ObjectId)

GET /UserSearch?query={searchstring}

Returns list of users that matches the query (case-insensitive):

  $or: [
    { displayName: regex },
    { samAccountName: regex },
    { userPrincipalName: regex }


git clone <this repo>
  • Install project
npm i
  • Create local.settings.json
  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags": "EnableWorkerIndexing",
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "",
    "MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING": "mongodb+srv://{db-user}:{db-user-password}@{cluster-url}/?retryWrites=true&w=majority",
    "MONGODB_USERS_COLLECTION": "{name of users collection}",
    "MONGODB_REPORT_COLLECTION": "{name of reports collection}",
    "MONGODB_DB_NAME": "{name of db}",
    "DUST_USER_ROLE": "{name of role for regular access}",
    "DUST_ADMIN_ROLE": "{name of role for admin access}"
  "Host": {
    "CORS": "*" // For cors in local development
  • Start up the local environment
func start

Create azure resources

(Through portal / AZ CLI / Terraform / Bicep)

  • Azure function
    • With entra Id authentication enabled through app registration
      • Add the roles DUST_USER_ROLE and DUST_ADMIN_ROLE to the app registration
      • Make sure the api user_impersonation is exposed from the app registration


Through AZ CLI or Github actions / Azure pipelines or similar