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OpenStack Secret Engine for Hashicorp Vault

This is a Vault secret engine plugin which allows you to generate OpenStack application credentials which can automatically expire (and also scoped out to specific roles as well).


Move the compiled plugin into Vault's configured plugin_directory:

mv vault-plugin-secrets-openstack /etc/vault/plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-openstack

Calculate the SHA256 of the plugin and register it in Vault's plugin catalog:

export SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 "/etc/vault/plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-openstack" | cut -d' ' -f1)

vault write sys/plugins/catalog/vault-plugin-secrets-openstack \
              sha_256="${SHA256}" \

Success! Data written to: sys/plugins/catalog/vault-plugin-secrets-openstack

In order to get started, you'll need to enable and configure the secret engine by running the following:

vault secrets enable -path="openstack" -plugin-name="vault-plugin-secrets-openstack" plugin
vault write openstack/config/lease ttl=60
vault write openstack/config/auth IdentityEndpoint="" \
                                    UserID="<user_id>" \
                                    Password="<password>" \

The example above configures a default lease of 60 seconds and points to the VEXXHOST public cloud authentication endpoint. You'll need to replace your user ID, password and tenant ID in the example above. There are some other configuration options that you can use which you can lookup using vault read openstack/config/auth command.

The next step you'll need to do is create a roleset which will be used when creating application credentials. In this example, it is using the default member role inside the VEXXHOST public cloud.

vault write openstack/roleset/member Roles=-<<EOF
    "ID": "9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab"

Now, in order to create an application credential which will expire within 60 seconds based on the configured time to live, you can run a read on the auth endpoint.

vault read openstack/creds/member
ey                              Value
---                              -----
lease_id                         openstack/creds/member/alWy2bskdhoroBKSUlKX6UgR
lease_duration                   1m
lease_renewable                  false
application_credential_id        <snip>
application_credential_secret    <snip>

You'll see that an application credential was issued once you run this command:

openstack application credential list
| ID                               | Name                                   | Project ID                       | Description                              | Expires At                 |
| bc70b161405740b9927d10b45be7502c | vault-member-token-1674140730969888877 | 8709ca2640344a4ba85cba0a1d6eea69 | Created by Vault at 2023-01-19T15:05:30Z | 2023-01-19T15:15:30.970151 |

After the 60 seconds are up, you'll see that the token no longer exists in there and the lease is revoked.


In order to run the plugin locally, you'll need to have Vault installed inside your $PATH and run the following inside your terminal which will both build the plugin and start up Vault.

make start

At this point, you can refer to the Usage section for how to enable the plugin and interact with it. The one thing to note is that you'll have to make sure that you export the VAULT_ADDR in your interactions with the tool.


OpenStack Secrets Backend using Application Credentials






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