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Python API

Handle Graph API

The :mod:`bdsg.handlegraph` module defines the handle graph interface.

.. automodule:: bdsg.handlegraph


The module contains definitions for different types of handles. THese are references to graph elements. A basic :class:`bdsg.handelgraph.handle_t` is a reference to a strand or orientation of a node in the graph.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.handle_t

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.path_handle_t

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.step_handle_t

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.net_handle_t

Graph Interfaces

The :mod:`bdsg.handlegraph` module also defines a hierarchy of interfaces for graph implementations that provide different levels of features.


The most basic is the :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.HandleGraph`, a completely immutable, unannotated graph.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.HandleGraph


On top of this, there is the :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.PathHandleGraph`, which allows for embedded, named paths in the graph.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.PathHandleGraph

Mutable and Deletable Interfaces

Then for each there are versions where the underlying graph is "mutable" (meaning that material can be added to it and nodes can be split) and "deletable" (meaning that nodes and edges can actually be removed from the graph), and for :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.PathHandleGraph` there are versions where the paths can be altered.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.MutableHandleGraph

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.DeletableHandleGraph

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.MutablePathHandleGraph

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.MutablePathMutableHandleGraph

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.MutablePathDeletableHandleGraph

Note that there is no :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.PathMutableHandleGraph` or :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.PathDeletableHandleGraph`; it does not make sense for the paths to be static while the graph can be modified.

Position and Ordering Interfaces

For paths, there is also the :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.PathPositionHandleGraph` which provides efficient random access by or lookup of base offset along each embedded path. Additionally, there is :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.VectorizableHandleGraph` which provides the same operations for a linearization of all of the graph's bases. There is also a :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.RankedHandleGraph` interface, which provides an ordering, though not necessarily a base-level linearization, of nodes and edges.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.PathPositionHandleGraph

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.VectorizableHandleGraph

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.RankedHandleGraph

Algorithm implementers are encouraged to take the least capable graph type necessary for their algorithm to function.


Orthogonal to the mutability and paths hierarchy, there is a :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.SerializableHandleGraph` interface that is implemented by graphs that can be saved to and loaded from disk. The C++ API supports saving to and loading from C++ streams, but the Python API provides only the ability to save to or load from filenames.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.SerializableHandleGraph


A "snarl decomposition" describes the decomposition of the graph into nested substructures known as snarls and chains. The :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.SnarlDecomposition` interface defines methods for traversing the snarl decomposition of a graph using :class:`bdsg.handelgraph.net_handle_t`.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.SnarlDecomposition

libbdsg Handle Graph Implementations

The :mod:`bdsg.bdsg` module provides useful implementations of the Handle Graph API.

.. automodule:: bdsg.bdsg

Full Graph Implementations

There are two full graph implementations in the module: :class:`bdsg.bdsg.PackedGraph` and :class:`bdsg.bdsg.HashGraph`. Previously, a third implementation, ODGI, was provided, but that implementation is now part of its own odgi project.


.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.PackedGraph


.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.HashGraph

SnarlDecomposition Implementations

There is one implementation for a snarl decomposition


.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.SnarlDistanceIndex

Graph Overlays

In addition to these basic implementations, there are several "overlays". These overlays are graphs that wrap other graphs, providing features not avialable in the backing graph, or otherwise transforming it.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.PositionOverlay

.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.PackedPositionOverlay

.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.MutablePositionOverlay

.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.VectorizableOverlay

.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.PathVectorizableOverlay

.. autoclass:: bdsg.bdsg.PathPositionVectorizableOverlay

Many of these are based on the :class:`bdsg.handlegraph.ExpandingOverlayGraph` interface, which guarantees that the overlay does not remove any graph material, and allows handles form the backing graph and the overlay graph to be interconverted.

.. autoclass:: bdsg.handlegraph.ExpandingOverlayGraph

Typed Collections

Some methods, such as :func:`bdsg.handlegraph.MutableHandleGraph.divide_handle`, produce or consume collections of typed objects: C++ STL vectors with Python bindings. The typed collection classes are available in :mod:`bdsg.std`. They are convertible from and to Python lists via their constructors and the list constructor, respectively.

Here is an example of how to use these typed collections:

import bdsg
g = bdsg.bdsg.HashGraph()
h = g.create_handle("GATTACA")
v = bdsg.std.vector_unsigned_long([1, 3])
parts = g.divide_handle(h, v)
# parts is a bdsg.std.vector_handlegraph_handle_t
.. automodule:: bdsg.std

.. autoclass:: vector_handlegraph_handle_t

.. autoclass:: vector_handlegraph_path_handle_t

.. autoclass:: vector_handlegraph_step_handle_t

.. autoclass:: vector_unsigned_long