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WebSocket Protocol

haipo yang edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 53 revisions

API protocol

The API is based on JSON RPC of Websocket protocol. Repeated subscription will be cancelled for the same data type.


  • method: method,String
  • params: parameters,Array
  • id: Request id, Integer


  • result: Json object,null for failure
  • error: Json object,null for success, non-null for failure
  1. code: error code
  2. message: error message
  • id: Request id, Integer


  • method: method,String
  • params: parameters,Array
  • id: Null

General error code:

  • 1: invalid argument
  • 2: internal error
  • 3: service unavailable
  • 4: method not found
  • 5: service timeout
  • 6: require authentication

System API


  • method:
  • params: None
  • result: "pong"
  • example: {"error": null, "result": "pong", "id": 1000}

System time

  • method: server.time
  • params: none
  • result: timestamp,Integer
  • example: {"error": null, "result": 1493285895, "id": 1000}

ID verification Web

  • method: server.auth
  • params:
  1. token: String
  2. source: String, source,e.g. "web", version number up to 30 bytes is required for applications

ID verification Api

  • method: server.sign
  • params:
  1. access_id: String
  2. authorization: String, sign data
  3. tonce: timestamp,for milliseconds spent from Unix epoch to current time,and error between tonce and server time can not exceed plus or minus 60s

Market API

Market inquiry

  • method: kline.query
  • params:
  1. market: market name
  2. start: start time,Integer
  3. end: end time, Integer
  4. interval: interval, Integer
  • result:
"result": [
        1492358400, time
        "7000.00",  open
        "8000.0",   close
        "8100.00",  highest
        "6800.00",  lowest
        "1000.00"   volume
        "123456.00" amount
        "BTCCNY"    market name

Market subscription

  • method: kline.subscribe
  • params:
  1. market
  2. interval

Market notification

  • method: kline.update
  • params:
        1492358400, time
        "7000.00",  open
        "8000.0",   close
        "8100.00",  highest
        "6800.00",  lowest
        "1000.00"   volume
        "123456.00" amount
        "BTCCNY"    market name

Cancel subscription

  • method: kline.unsubscribe
  • params: none

Price API

Acquire latest price

  • method: price.query
  • params:
  1. market: String, market name
  • result: String, price

Latest price subscription

  • method: price.subscribe
  • params: market list

Latest market notification

  • method: price.update
  • params:
  1. market: String
  2. price: String

Cancel subscription

  • method: price.unsubscribe
  • params: none

Market status API

Acquire market status

  • method: state.query
  • params:
  1. market: market
  2. period: cycle period,Integer, e.g. 86400 for last 24 hours
  • result:
    "open": open price
    "last": latest price
    "high": highest price
    "low":  lowest price
    "deal": amount
    "volume": volume

Market 24H status subscription

  • method: state.subscribe
  • params: market list

Market 24H status notification

  • method: state.update
  • params:
  1. market:
  2. result: same as query

Cancel subscription

  • method: state.unsubscribe
  • params: none

Market status in Today API

Acquire Market today status

  • method: today.query
  • params:
  1. market: market
  • result:
    "open": Today open price
    "last": Today latest price
    "high": Today highest price
    "low":  Today lowest price
    "deal": 24H amount
    "volume": 24H volume

Market today status subscription

  • method: today.subscribe
  • params: market list

Market Today status notification

  • method: today.update
  • params:
  1. market:
  2. result: same as query

Cancel subscription

  • method: today.unsubscribe
  • params: none

Deal API

Acquire latest executed list

  • method: deals.query
  • params:
  1. market:market
  2. limit:amount limit
  3. last_id: largest ID of last returned result

Latest order list subscription

  • method: deals.subscribe
  • params: market list

Latest order list update

  • method: deals.update
  • params:
  1. market name
  2. order list

Cancel subscription

  • method: deals.unsubscribe
  • params: none

Depth API

Acquire depth

  • method: depth.query
  • params:
  1. market:market name
  2. limit: amount limit,Integer
  3. interval: interval,String, e.g. "1" for 1 unit interval, "0" for no interval
"result": {
    "asks": [
    "bids": [

Depth subscription

  • method: depth.subscribe
  • params:
  1. market
  2. limit
  3. interval

Depth notification

  • method: depth.update
  • params:
  1. clean: Boolean, true: complete result,false: last returned updated result
  2. Same as depth.query,only return what's different from last result, asks 或 bids may not exist. amount == 0 for delete
  3. market name

Cancel subscription

  • method: depth.unsubscribe
  • params: none

Order API (Authentication required before connection)

Unexecuted order inquiry

  • method: order.query
  • params:
  1. market: market name,String
  2. offset: offset,Integer
  3. limit: limit,Integer
  • result: see HTTP protocol

Executed order inquiry

  • method: order.history
  • params:
  1. market: market name,String
  2. start_time: start time,0 for unlimited,Integer
  3. end_time: end time,0 for unlimited, Integer
  4. offset: offset,Integer
  5. limit: limit,Integer
  6. side: side,0 for unlimited,1 for sell,2 for buy

Order subscription

  • method: order.subscribe
  • params: market list

Order notification

  • method: order.update
  • params:
  1. event: event type,Integer, 1: PUT, 2: UPDATE, 3: FINISH
  2. order: order detail,Object,see HTTP protocol

Cancel subscription

  • method: order.unsubscribe
  • params: none

Asset API (Authentication required before connection)

Asset inquiry

  • method: asset.query
  • params: asset list, null for inquire all
  • result:
{"BTC": {"available": "1.10000000","freeze": "9.90000000"}}

Asset history

  • method: asset.history
  • params:
  1. asset: asset name, which can be null
  2. business: business,which can be null, use ',' to separate types
  3. start_time: start time, 0 for unlimited,Integer
  4. end_time: end time, 0 for unlimited, Integer
  5. offset: offset,Integer
  6. limit: amount limit,Integer

Asset subscription

  • method: asset.subscribe
  • params: asset list

Asset notification

  • method: asset.update
  • params:
[{"BTC: {"available": "1.10000000","freeze": "9.90000000"}, "CNY": {}}]

Cancel subscription

  • method: asset.unsubscribe
  • params: none