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Compiler for unfinished and unnamed programming language for ISP RAS compilers course

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Project description

This program is developed as a part of ISP RAS course.

This program is a compiler for a currently unnamed language. It can program build and show AST for code, compile and run programs on pseudo-virtual-stack-machine.

NOTE: This program runs only on UNIX-like OS. Also dot should be installed.


  • src/ : Main project

    • backend/ : IR generation
      • codegen.h, codegen.cpp : Definition and implementation of IR code generation functions - particularly, a CodegenVisitor for ASTNodes;
      • Label.h, Label.cpp : Definition and implementation of IR code label (used for jump and call instructions);
      • SymbolTable.h, SymbolTable.cpp : Definition and implementation of symbol table and symbols for variables and functions. Used to save symbols, their positions in memory and specific information (like labels for functions);
    • frontend/ : Parsing, AST building and etc.
      • ast.h, ast.cpp : Definition and implementation of AST node, AST building and visualization functions;
      • recursive_parser.h, recursive_parser.cpp : Definition and implementation of recursive parser;
      • tokenizer.h, tokenizer.cpp : Definition and implementation of tokens and tokenizer functions;
    • middleend/ : AST optimizations
      • ast-optimizers.h, ast-optimizers.cpp : Definition and implementation of AST optimizers;
    • stack-machine/ : stack machine that runs compiled program (see GitHub repo)
    • util/ : Utility classes, functions, etc.
      • constants.h : Useful constants like maximal variable name length;
      • RedefinitionError.h, RedefinitionError.cpp : Definition and implementation of exception that is thrown on variable or function being redefined;
      • SyntaxError.h, SyntaxError.cpp : Definition and implementation of exception that is thrown on syntax error;
      • TokenOrigin.h : Structure containing origin position of token;
    • main.cpp : Entry point for the program;
    • MappedFile.h, MappedFile.cpp : Represents a text file mapped by mmap function.
  • test/ : Tests and testing library

    • frontend/: Tests for compiler frontend
      • tokenizer_tests.cpp : Tests for tokenizer functions;
    • testlib.h, testlib.cpp : Library for testing with assertions and helper macros;
    • main.cpp : Entry point for tests. Just runs all tests.
  • doc/ : doxygen documentation

  • Doxyfile : doxygen config file

Language description

This language has (almost) a C-style syntax.
Each program should have no-arg main function.
Each statement should be terminated with ;. Each variable should be declared using var keyword: var x = 42;.
There are constant/final variables (a.k.a. values), that can be declared using val keyword: val eps = 0.001;. Values can't be reassigned.
There's no global variables.
Each function should be defined using func keyword: func foo(a, b, c) { ... }.
Each function (except main) should return value. Implicit return 0 added to the end of each function, if there's no return.

Like in C, only functions defined above are visible in the current function.
Variables can be shadowed in the nested scopes. For example:

    var x = 0;
        var x = 1; <-- Shadows previous declared variable
    <-- But x is equal to 0 here

There's no type system in the current version of this language, so every variable and function has type double (only exception is main function - it has type void).
This means, that there's no operations like % (remainder operator).
Note: == operator compares value with 1e-9 precision (x == y -> |x - y| < 1e-9), not by actual value.

Language has next internal functions:

  • read() - reads number from console and returns it's value;
  • print(x) - prints value of x into console;
  • sqrt(x) - returns square root of the x;
  • pow(x, y) - returns x raised to the y power.

For list of all features to be done, see


All examples can be found in examples/ directory.

Recursive and non-recursive fibonacci

File: fibonacci.txt

func fib(n) {
    var cur = 0;
    var next = 1;
    while (n > 0) {
        next = cur + next;
        cur = next - cur;
        n = n - 1;
    return cur;

func recFib(n) {
    if (n <= 2) return 1;
    return recFib(n - 1) + recFib(n - 2);

func main() {
    var n = read();
    while (n > 0) {
        n = read();

Quadratic equation solver

File: quadratic_equation.txt

func solveLinear(a, b) {
    if (a == 0) {
        if (b == 0) {
        } else {
        return 0;

    print(-b / a);
    return 0;

func solveQuadratic(a, b, c) {
    if (a == 0) {
        solveLinear(b, c);
        return 0;

    val d = b*b - 4*a*c;
    if (d < 0) {
    } else if (d == 0) {
        print(-b / (2 * a));
    } else {
        val x1 = (-b - sqrt(d)) / (2 * a);
        val x2 = (-b + sqrt(d)) / (2 * a);
    return 0;

func main() {
    val a = read();
    val b = read();
    val c = read();

    solveQuadratic(a, b, c);


G = OuterScopeStatements '\0'
OuterScopeStatements = (OuterScopeStatement)*
FunctionScopeStatements = (FunctionScopeStatement)*
OuterScopeStatement = FunctionDefinition
FunctionScopeStatement = Expression ';' | Assignment ';' | VariableDeclaration | ValueDeclaration | Block | IfStatement | WhileStatement | ReturnStatement
Block = '{' FunctionScopeStatements '}'
IfStatement = 'if' '(' ComparisonExpression ')' FunctionScopeStatement ('else' FunctionScopeStatement)?
WhileStatement = 'while' '(' ComparisonExpression ')' FunctionScopeStatement
ComparisonExpression = Expression [< > == <= >=] Expression
FunctionDefinition = 'func' ID '(' ParametersList ')' Block
ParametersList = ( Variable (',' Variable)* )?
ReturnStatement = 'return' Expression ';'
VariableDeclaration = 'var' Variable ('=' Expression)? ';'
ValueDeclaration = 'val' Value '=' Expression ';'
Expression = Term ([+ -] Term)*
Term = Factor ([* /] Factor)*
Factor = ('+' | '-') Factor | '(' Expression ')' | Number | Value | FunctionCall
Assignment = Variable '=' Expression
FunctionCall = ID '(' ArgumentsList ')'
ArgumentsList = ( Expression (',' Expression)* )?
Variable = ID
Value = ID
Number = [0-9]+
ID = [a-z A-Z] [a-z A-Z 0-9]*



There are 3 modes compiler can be run in:

  • Compile
  • Print AST
  • Compile and run

To run compiler execute next commands in terminal:

cmake . && make
./compiler code.txt     # Just compile program code from code.txt
./compiler code.txt ast # Print AST of the parsed program
./compiler code.txt run # Compile and run program on stack machine


To run tests execute next commands in terminal:

cmake . && make


Doxygen is used to create documentation. You can watch it by opening doc/html/index.html in browser.


Program is developed under Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS.


Compiler for unfinished and unnamed programming language for ISP RAS compilers course



