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The documentation of me learning the design, the architecture, and the implementation of Tone.js.

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This repo serves as a documentation of me learning Tone.js. My goal of learning is to understand the design, the architecture, and the implementation of Tone.js as a whole piece. It's based on Tone.js v14.7.17.

Start It From the Ground

Tone.js uses standardized-audio-context to replace to the native AudioContext. It helps Tone.js abstracts away from browser imeplementations of Web Audio API. In my opinion, the most important contribution of Tone.js is the timekeeper class Transport.

├── component/
├── core/
├── effect/
├── event/
├── instrument/
├── signal/
├── source/
├── classes.ts
├── fromContext.test.ts
├── fromContext.ts
├── index.test.ts
├── index.ts
└── version.ts

Above is the source code directory of Tone.js, Tone/. Let's go straight into the entry point Tone/index.ts.

The first thing I noticed is that it imports and exports the getContext and setContext from Tone/core/Global.ts:

// Tone/index.ts

export { getContext, setContext } from "./core/Global";

This method is written based on the assumption that we have only one global audio context. The context is the main access point to the Web Audio API, so almost everything in Tone.js is related to this object. But, how is this global context created? There are several files in Tone/core/context/ related to the abstractions over the standardized-audio-context, including...

  1. AudioContext.ts,
  2. BaseContext.ts,
  3. Context.ts,
  4. OfflineContext.ts, and
  5. DumyContext.ts.

AudioContext.ts is the contact point to the standardized-audio-context. It provides the methods create 2 different kinds of audio contexts, the regular one and the offline one. The offline context only renders audio signal as fast as possible to an AudioBuffer in the memory instead of to the speaker. It could be used for analysis, testing, and save audio data without worrying about real-time audio rendering. Native Web Audio API includes a class BaseAudioContext as the base class of this 2 kinds of contexts. The file BaseContext.ts is the Tone.js version of it. It extends the Tone's Emitter instead of the native EventTargetand it removes some unused or deprecated methods.

// Tone/core/context/BaseContext.ts

export type ExcludedFromBaseAudioContext =
	| "onstatechange"
	| "addEventListener"
	| "removeEventListener"
	| "listener"
	| "dispatchEvent"
	| "audioWorklet"
	| "destination"
	| "createScriptProcessor";

export type BaseAudioContextSubset = Omit<

export abstract class BaseContext
	extends Emitter<"statechange" | "tick">
	implements BaseAudioContextSubset {

Context.ts is the meat of the Tone's context implementation. I want to use the next section to cover it. It extends BaseContext and implements most of the methods of native audio context. Besides, it also includes some important member variables, such as transport, destination, _ticker, draw, and lookAhead.

OfflineContext.ts is the offline context implementation of Tone.js. One interesting thing is that it inherit the class Tone.Context rathe than BaseContext. It's a little bit different from the native Web Audio API. I am not sure about the reason, but I guess it's just convenient. Tone also provides an Offline API for using OfflineContext. You can checkout the document page to see how to use it. One interesting thing to notice is how OfflineContext render: it needs to call the native API startRendering along with _renderClock because there are events bind to the "clock" of the Context assigned by Tone.js. Inside, _renderClock, the following line is how to manually move the clock of Context forward:

// Tone/core/context/OfflineContext.ts

// invoke all the callbacks on that time

I will discuss about the mechanism behind emit in the next part.

DumyContext.ts is used in the Tone/core/Global.ts for preventing errors from Node when importing Tone.js. It's just a class extending BaseContext and implement the methods with no-op functions. As far as I know, Tone.js doesn't work on Node.js at this moment, but who knows what will happen.


Why do I want to start from Context? Isn't it just a wrapper around the native API? It's not.

Tone.Transport is the main timekeeper as the wiki says, but we can still trigger and schedule future triggers oscillators and synthesizers in Tone.js without starting Transport. It's just calling directly to the native API and schedule it precisely. A lot of the features of Transport are implemented in the code of Context, such as the _ticker in Context.

We mentioned all the Tone.js codes share a single Context. Where is it created? It's in the function getContext in Global.ts and it will be called on line 33 in Tone/index.ts.


Where are the Tone.Transport and the Tone.destination of the Tone.context created? They are both created in the initialization process of the Tone.context. By the way, the capitalization of the three objects are not typos, it was a weird convention of Tone.js.

This file Tone/core/context/ContextInitialization.ts is included in Context.ts and called in the private method initialize. It provides functions and variables in order to aggregating all the necessary callbacks to create and closed a context. The reason why they are not created in the constructor is that not every context needs these objects, such as OfflineContext. There are totally four different member variables are initilized by this mechanism:

  1. context.transport
  2. context.destination
  3. context.listener
  4. context.draw

You can find all of them by searching onContextInit in the source code directory. Also, all these objects are exposed in the core functions: Tone.getContext, Tone.getDestination, Tone.getDraw, Tone.getListener, and Tone.getTransport.


At the beginning, I thought Context provides a almost transparent layer to the native context. In terms of time keeping, the native API only provides 2 main functionality, current time (BaseAudioContext.currentTime) and schedule value changes (AudioParam.setValueAtTime). In Tone.js, Context support a mechanism "tick" with the class Ticker.

Ticker invoke callback regularly with either Web Worker or setTimeout, just like a ticking clock. You can specify the type by passing in type: TickerClockSource to the Ticker constructor. The other options is to pass offline as the type to prevent creating any clock mechanism. Ticker will fire the passed in from Context which is the emission of "tick" event repeatedly.

The reason why we can hook and emit custom events on Context is that it inherit BaseContext which inherit Emitter.

// Tone/core/context/Context.ts

this._ticker = new Ticker(
  this.emit.bind(this, "tick"),

// Tone/core/clock/Ticker.ts

// 1. worker
worker.onmessage = this._callback.bind(this);

// 2. setTimeout
this._timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, this._updateInterval * 1000);

Context implements its own BaseContext.setInterval using the "tick". It's used as a replacement for the native setInterval in Tone.js because we can manage the scheduling can canceling as we want instead of letting the browser take care of it. Also, it's nice to have a single pool for the upcoming events in the context, and it's stored in the variable _timeouts and call every tick in _timeoutLoop by binding it to the "tick" event!

What's the precision of the "tick"? It's basically based on setTimeout, so it's not sample accurate. So we usually using this to schedule callbacks before the real timing of some sound changes and schedule a sample-accurate precise event in it. It's not used heavily in Tone.js, but below is one example of using it to schedule attack or release for PolySynth. It's used here to manage the multiple voices, so it's not used in Monophonic instruments.


Furthermore, "tick" event binds with another callback, which is binded from the Clock object in Tone.Transport. We will talk about it later.

Look Ahead

Native AudioContext has an option AudioContextOptions.latencyHint to tell browser how much real-timen the application requires. Tone.js only set it in the beginning and never change it even we call _setLatencyHint. What Tone.js does is use lookAhead to adjust the amount of real-time quality. This real-time quality refer to how much time to look ahead when scheduling precise events. If we look ahead too far, we will miss the potential cancelling before it really happen, such as changing patterns rapidly in a drum sequencer. If we look ahead too shortly, the chance of delay increases because of the unpredictable JavaScript runtime. Please read about this tradeoff in "A Tale of Two Clocks - Scheduling Web Audio with Precision".

The design of the variable lookAhead leads to two different ways to lookup time in Tone.js:

  1. now
  2. immediate
// Tone/core/context/Context.ts

now(): Seconds {
  return this._context.currentTime + this.lookAhead;

immediate(): Seconds {
  return this._context.currentTime;


The meaning of Transport could be easily thought as the timeline manipulation in a traditional DAW interface, where you can start/pause/stop, traverse in time, loop certain parts, automate BPM, and etc. _processTick() is the entry point of all power of Transport. It handles the most important features of a Tone.js Transport:

  1. Loop
  2. Swing
  3. Invoke scheduled events

You can see that literally in the comment in the function implementation. Where is this callback called? It's called by the created Clock object which invokes _processTick() on "every tick". This is totally different from the "tick" I mentioned in Context part. I will later called the tick from Context as "context tick". Look at the line 97 in Clock.ts:

this.context.on("tick", this._boundLoop);

Clock bind the function this._boundLoop to the Context event "context tick" to invoke it on every "context tick", and it calls the _processTick() from Transport in it. The way it's called is interesting:

// Tone/core/clock/Clock.ts

this._tickSource.forEachTickBetween(startTime, endTime, (time, ticks) => {
	this.callback(time, ticks);

The "context tick" is a not so precise clock, and the tick provided by the _tickSource is the sample accurate clock. Therefore, we use the context tick to trigger the _loop or _boundLoop regularly, and call a series of "ticks" with the callback. Note that, the time when the "tick" callback happen is not accurate either, but it provides the accurate time as a parameter so we can use it to schedule sample-rate accurate audio events.

TickSource, TickSignal, and TickParam

In the beginnning, I didn't understand why Tone.js has to build this multilayer abstraction on the "tick", "clock", and "beats". I only realized the motivation behind this after I read about the BPM automation paper which is shout out in the source code. To my understanding, "tick" provided by TickSource is the ground truth of time in the design of Tone.js. Every kind of notation for time in Tone.js will be transformed to tick everntually. The "tick" is calculated mostly in TickSource fucntion getTicksAtTime. Everytime you want to get the current tick, you will have to count it from the last "stop" event to the "current time". The adding up needs to consider the "pause" by omitting the ticks when paused or tick offsets created when the tick is set by the setTicksAtTime.

The adding is still not trivial. It has to call getTicksAtTime of this.frequency which is a TickSignal. TickSignal extends Tone.Signal so it's like a wrapper around an audio-rate "number". In this case, the "number" is the "tick signal". Underlying the signal, it's the Param (TickParam in this case) which is a thin wrapper around native AudioParam.

The implemntation details of Clock, TickSource, TickSignal, and TickParam are quite complicated. TickParam tracks the ticks not matter the status of the Transport ("start", "stop", or "pause"). The _param in it is exactly the Transport.bpm. TickParam is fully aware of the value changing events scheduled on the tempo (BPM) but it doesn't know anything about the Transport status. TickSource is the class that takes care of how ticks count should be modified when the Transport is either "start", "stop", or "pause".


We now know that Transport keeps invoking scheduled events in the "tick loop" and how the tick is generated and tracked, the next intuitive question would be "how do you schedule new events"? There are three methods for scheduling and the names are direct:

  1. schedule,
  2. scheduleOnce, and
  3. scheduleRepeat

All of the events are stored as a object of TransportEvents in _timeline, which is class Timeline and it supports fast retrieval of stored contents with binary search. Besides from _timeline, all the scheduled events are also stored in a ID mapped hash map _scheduledEvents. It could be found in the function _addEvent which is called by every scheduling methods. Therefore, the fastest way to lookup all the events of Transport is to inspect the object _scheduledEvents. All the scheuled events will be invoked right in the _processTick which is called every tick.


The official wiki has explained a lot about what Tone.Signal is for Tone.js, but I want to mention here some of the things I realized through reading the code. Tone.Singal includes a constant source node as the signal data. It could be treated as a node in Tone.js so it could be connected to other signals or sent to destinations. It is just a "audio-rate number" which could be scheduled to change, nothing too complicated.

Future Topics

  • Events and ToneEvent
  • Component
  • Instrument
  • Effects
  • Play with microphone inputs
  • Unit


The documentation of me learning the design, the architecture, and the implementation of Tone.js.



