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  • Vibhoothi

Thanks to Nidihin mahesh and Aruna mayura for the doucmentation Link to original Documentation

Difference between student Profile and Student Diary

A student profile only provides details about name, address, contact number, father, local gaurdian etc. It is a static information which don't give any details about the student.

Student Diary keeps track of all activities (both academic and extracuricular activities) of a student from the date of joining till he/she finishes his/her course.For example,

  • Participation in a Tech Fest
  • Winning prizes in events
  • Cultural event participation
  • Malpractise during exam
  • Other wrong remarks etc
  • Placement Details
  • History of CGPA and arrears.


Stage 1

List down the classes which you require to develope the software based on your own ideas. (Don't consult other people for ideas).

Write skelton (if possible working) code for all the classes with a main class (which has public static void main(String[] args)) method known as "". The number of classes should not be less than 100. If so, your code is outrightly rejected.

This will be the class invoked using command $ java Student Diary

No login, password protection is required. It takes away your time. Upload (check in/ commit) your code in SVN. Deliverable: You need to submit softcopy and hardcopy of the classes and their functions along with an overall write-up about the software you are going to build.

Stage 2

Check out the code from SVN, refactor( restructure/rename/modify) your code (classes and methods) using the principle of inheritance and polymorphism. Use bottom up approach. That is group all similar classes and think whether they can have a super class. Sometime, the super class may be an abstract class. There are plenty of opportunities in the software for inheritance, polymorphism and abstract classes. Commit your code (version 2) in SVN (SVN will take care of verision) Deliverable: Nothing.

Stage 3

Checkout the code, now think of applying Interfaces and group your classes into meaning full packages. (The standard way of naming is "org.amrita.u4cseXXX.project".

Commit your code (Version 3) in SVN. Deliverable: Modified version of first deliverable (both hardcopy and softcopy).

Stage 4

Checkout your code. It requires lot of modification because now you know more about data structures and genrics in Java. Modify your code to organize your data in a more understandable way.

Commit your code (Version 4) in SVN. Deliverable: List of data structures and the purpose of using them in a tabular fashion. (hard and soft copy).

Stage 5

Checkout your code. Modify your interface from standard terminal to GUI using Applet or Swing. Though we cover applets towards the end of semester, we will provide documentation in the web site which will be self readable.

Commit your code (Version 5) (last one) in SVN.

Deliverable: 1. Zipped source code 2. Brief write-up about your project experience. [Mention date for all deliverables]

How to develop software.

It is not possible to finish the code only during lab session. Lab session should be used for commiting/checkout modifications, discussions with faculty and some coding. You are expected to put more effort other than lab hours in order to meet the deadline.

User Input and Persistance

Upto version 4, the user interface is terminal. Only during version 5, you build a GUI using Java Applets/Swing classes. Data should be persistant. It can stored in a file which can be updated from time to time. The format may be a plain text file, data file or an object file.

SVN Submission

You are provided with an SVN account in Saktimayi with your Amritavidya credentials. You can access Saktimayi only through AmritaConnect (either from lab or from hostel). No Github.

Saktimayi SVN documentation will be available in the website.

Devlierable Submission

There will be link in AUMS for soft copy and hard copy should be submitted to your faculty. (No pen and paper). Only neatly typed copies are accepted.


S3 Btech CSE OOPS(JAVA) Project







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