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Twitter Client

Required Features Completed :

  1. All user stories from Week -3
  2. User can switch between Timeline and Mention views using tabs. User can view their home timeline tweets. User can view the recent mentions of their username. User can scroll to bottom of either of these lists and new tweets will load ("infinite scroll")
  3. User can navigate to view their own profile User can see picture, tagline, # of followers, # of following, and tweets on their profile.
  4. User can click on the profile image in any tweet to see another user's profile. User can see picture, tagline, # of followers, # of following, and tweets of clicked user. Profile view should include that user's timeline

Optional features completed :

  1. All optionals listed on week-3 issue
  2. When a network request goes out, user sees an indeterminate progress indicator
  3. User can view following / followers list through the profile and can open profile of anyone from any of these lists
  4. User can search for tweets matching a particular query and see results
  5. User can click on a tweet to be taken to a "detail view" of that tweet
  6. From detail view, user can retweet, reply, favorite or unfavorite and share tweet
  7. User can "reply" to any tweet on their home timeline The user that wrote the original tweet is automatically "@" replied in compose
  8. User can retweet, favorite or unfavorite from timeline also
  9. Retweet and favorite actions change icon color to show action taken
  10. Images in tweet can be seen in detailed view

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