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Project Description

AI-powered web application which helps users write reports. The application uses pre-trained models to generate text live as the user types. The texts which the model generates is directional assistance for the user. Reportix does not write the report on your behalf, but rather attempts to encourage and assist the process of writing.

Reportix is compatible with multiple AI models, and model management is done thru Ollama.


LaTeX needs to be installed on the host system.

For macOS SimpleTex or MacTex will do.


Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

$ git clone

Install necessary packages using pip and npm:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ npm install

Running Ollama

If Ollama is not already installed it can be found here Ollama needs to be running for Reportix to work.

Pulling models

Models need to be available in Ollama and we reccommend pulling them before using Reportix.

$ ollama pull modelName

We reccommend using llama3, but llama2, phi3, phi, and llava have also been found to work well. Feel free to try more models from the Ollama list of available models.



NPM Development Setup (Frontend)

$ npm run watch

Run using FastAPI Development Mode

$ fastapi dev


NPM Production Setup (Frontend)
$ npm run build
Run using FastAPI Production Mode
$ fastapi run


This project would not be possible (or at least require significantly more time) without the fantastic work of the following projects:

  • Ollama
  • ollama-python
  • FastAPI
  • NPM
  • Vue
  • TailwindCSS
  • daisyUI
  • Authors of models openly available thru Ollama