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Antonio Vieiro edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 1 revision


The next button is never enabled when I create my DataObject from a template. Help!

Most likely your DataObject does not put itself into its own CookieSet/Lookup. If you call setCookieSet(), or override getLookup() or getCookie(), this can happen. There are a few parts of NetBeans which will expect Node`s to be present in their own `Lookup`s and `DataObject`s to be present in theirs. It is always best to make sure they are there. For a `DataObject, the code for this is usually as simple as:


Apache Migration Information

The content in this page was kindly donated by Oracle Corp. to the Apache Software Foundation.

This page was exported from , that was last modified by NetBeans user Admin on 2009-11-06T15:38:49Z.

NOTE: This document was automatically converted to the AsciiDoc format on 2018-01-26, and needs to be reviewed.

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