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A promise module for Ceylon based on Promises/A+ specification

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A module that provides Promises/A+ semantics adapted to the Ceylon language.

This implementation conforms to the Promises/A+ specification although it is not a formal implementation due to the adaptation to the Ceylon language and type system. However it attempts to respect the meaning of the specification and the same terminology.

The modules provides:

  • the Thenable interface forming the ground of promises, implemented primarily by the Promise interface.
  • the Promise interface conforming to the specification, a promise is a Thenable for a single value.
  • the Deferred type providing support for the Promise interface.
  • the Status enumerated instance with the pending, fulfilled and rejected instances.
  • the Term interface for combining promises into a conjonction promise.


If a function cannot return a value or throw an exception without blocking, it can return a promise instead. A promise is an object that represents the return value or the thrown exception that the function may eventually provide. A promise can also be used as a proxy for a remote object to overcome latency.



The Promise interface expose the then_ method allowing interested parties to be notified when the promise makes a transition to the fulfilled or the rejected status:

Promise<String> promise = getPromise();
    (String s) => print("The promise is resolved with " + s),
    (Exception e) => print("The promise is rejected with " + e.message));

The first function is called the onFulfilled callback and the second function is called the onRejected callback. The onRejected function is optional.


A Deferred object provides an implementation of the Promise interface and can be transitionned to a fulfillment or a reject resolution. It should remain private to the part of the code using it and only its promise should be visible.

The Promise of a deferred can be retrieved with its promise field.

value deferred = Deferred<String>();
return deferred.promise;

The Deferred object implements the Transitionnable interface which provides two methods for resolving the promise:

  • resolve: resolves the promise with a value
  • reject: rejects the promise with an reason of type Exception.

For example:

value deferred = Deferred<String>();
void doOperation() {
  try {
    String val = getValue();
  catch(Exception e) {

Chaining promises

When invoking the then_ method the onFulfilled and onRejected callbacks can return a value. The then_ method returns a new promise that will resolve with the value of the callback. This promise will be rejected if the callback invocation fails.

Promise<Integer> promiseOfInteger = getPromiseOfInteger();
Promise<String> promiseOfString = promiseOfInteger.then_((Integer i) => i.string);
promiseOfString.then_((String s) => print("Completed with " + s));

or shorter

getPromiseOfInteger().then_((Integer i) => i.string).then_((String s) => print("Completed with " + s));

Combining promises

Promises can be combined into a single promise that is resolved when all the combined promises are resolved. If one of the promise is rejected then the combined promise is rejected.

Promise<String> promiseOfInteger = getPromiseOfString();
Promise<Integer> promiseOfString = getPromiseOfInteger();
    (Integer i, String s) => print("All resolved"),
    (Exception e) => print("One failed"));

There are two things to note here:

  • the order of the arguments in the callback is in reverse order of the chaining.
  • the return type of combined promise is not Promise but Thenable.


Callbacks can have the type of the promise value or the Exception type, but they can also be a zero argument function when the value of the reason is not meaningful:

promise.then_(() => print("fulfilled"), () => print("rejected"));


The always method of a promise allows to be notified when the promise is fulfilled or rejected, it takes as argument of the callback an alternative of the promise value type and reason type:

promise.always((String|Integer) p => print("done!");

Always is useful for implementing a finally clause in a chain of promise. The callback can also have zero parameter.

Feeding with a promise

Deferred can be transitionned with promises instead of a value:

Deferred<String> deferred1 = getDeferred1();
Deferred<String> deferred2 = getDeferred2();

Similarly the callback can return a promise instead of a value:

Deferred<String> deferred = Deferred<String>();
promise.then__((String s) => deferred.promise);

Differences with the original specification:

  • the then must return before onFulfilled or onRejected is called is not implemented, therefore the invocation occurs inside the invocation of then.
  • the Promise Resolution Procedure is implemented for objects or promises but not for thenable as it requires a language with dynamic typing.


A promise module for Ceylon based on Promises/A+ specification






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