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forked from mzernetsch/jrgen

Generates docs, tests, clients and servers for json-rpc apis.


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jrgen (json-rpc-generator) generates docs, tests, clients, servers and more for json-rpc apis.

Generated example files can be found in the examples directory.







npm install -g jrgen


  Usage: jrgen [options] [command]


    -V, --version        output the version number
    -o, --outdir <path>  Output directory. Defaults to current working directory.
    -h, --help           output usage information


    client/es6 <specFiles...>
    client/ts <specFiles...>
    docs/gitbook <specFiles...>
    docs/html <specFiles...>
    docs/md <specFiles...>
    server/nodejs <specFiles...>
    test/jasmine <specFiles...>
    spec/postman <specFiles...>


    Create html documentation from 'API.schema.json':
    $ jrgen docs/html ~/API.schema.json

    Create a postman collection from 'API.schema.json':
    $ jrgen spec/postman ~/API.schema.json

    Create a js client from 'API.schema.json' and write all generated files into the ./client subdirectory:
    $ jrgen client/es6 -o ./client ~/API.schema.json

    Create a nodejs server from a combination of 'API1.schema.json' and 'API2.schema.json':
    $ jrgen server/nodejs ~/API1.schema.json ~/API2.schema.json


jrgen uses special specification files which describe all available methods, the parameters and the expected result or error responses of an api. A specification file contains valid json and mostly consists of JSON-Schema. A JSON-Schema describing a jrgen specification can be found here.
If the api is really large you may consider splitting the specification into multiple files and create references using JSON-Pointer.

  $schema: "", //Link to the schema. Used for validation and autocompletion in certain editors.
  jrgen: "1.1", //jrgen version.
  jsonrpc: "2.0", //jsonrpc version. Currently always "2.0".

  info: {
    title: "ExampleAPI", //Name of your api.
    description: [
      "An example api which handles various rpc requests.",
      "This api follows the json-rpc 2.0 specification. More information available at"
    ], //Description or usage information about your api.
    version: "1.0" //Current version of your api

  definitions: { //You can define global types and reference them from anywhere using a "$ref" property
    session: {
      type: "object",
      properties: {
        session_token: {
          description: "Bearer token of the created session.",
          default: "123456890",
          type: "string",
          minLength: 1
      required: ["session_token"]

  methods: { //All methods of the api are specified within this object.
    "Session.Login": { //The key of the property equals to the name of the method.
      summary: "Creates a new session.", //Short summary of what the method does.
      description: "Authenticates the user using the provided credentials and creates a new session.", //Longer description of what the method does.
      tags: ["Session"], //Tags for grouping similar methods.

      params: { //json-schema of the params object within a json-rpc request. Can be omitted if not used.
        type: "object",
        properties: {
          name: {
            description: "Name of the user to create a session for.", //You can provide a description for every property.
            default: "admin", //You should provide a valid default value for each non-object and non-array property. These provided default values will be used to generate example requests and responses.
            type: "string",
            minLength: 1
          password: {
            description: "Password of the user to create a session for.",
            default: "123456",
            type: "string",
            minLength: 1
        required: ["name", "password"]

      result: { //json-schema of the result object within a json-rpc response. Can be omitted if not used.
        $ref: "#/definitions/session" //Reference to a global type

      errors: [ //Possible errors in a json-rpc response. Can be omitted if not used.
          description: "The provided credentials are invalid.",

          code: 1, //code is always an integer.
          message: "InvalidCredentials", //message is always a string.
          data: { //json-schema of the data object within a json-rpc error. Can be omitted if not used.


jrgen provides a simple plugin mechanism which allows to add new generators or overwrite/extend existing ones.

A jrgen plugin...

  • is a nodejs module.
  • has a name that starts with jrgen-plugin- (e.g. jrgen-plugin-myplugin).
  • has a directory called generators which contains the custom generators.
  • must be installed as a sibling to jrgen (e.g. npm i -g jrgen jrgen-plugin-myplugin).


The path to a generator has a format like this: <jrgen-plugin>/generators/<category>/<name>/generator.js (e.g. jrgen-plugin-myplugin/generators/docs/html/generator.js).

The file generator.js must export a class called Generator with a generate method.

A simple generator would look like this:

module.exports.Generator = class Generator {
  generate(schemas) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        "HelloWorld.txt": Buffer.from("Hello World!", "utf-8");

More advanced examples for generators can be found in the main jrgen module.


Generates docs, tests, clients and servers for json-rpc apis.









  • JavaScript 76.2%
  • HTML 20.8%
  • TypeScript 3.0%