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482 lines (318 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

482 lines (318 loc) · 13.1 KB



  • Fix bug where block creation toggle could get stuck open


  • Address embed issues where manually typing in HTML was impossible


  • Generate a unique ID for and its associated label
  • Content may now be updated by passing a key/value pair to onChange. See the following section for more info.

Content may now be updated by passing a key/value pair

We've hit many situations where we need to update a deeply nested key in CK. This is particularly painful when updating an index of an array:

let tags = this.props.metadata.tags.concat()

tags[1] = 'jellybeans'

  metadata: { ...this.props.content.metadata, tags }

Instead, with this release you can provide a key path. This behaves similarly to Lodash's set function:

this.props.onChange('title', 'My Dessert Foods')
this.props.onChange('metadata.tags.1', 'jellybeans')

By providing a string of dot separated values, CK will drill down into content properties on your behalf. This aims to greatly improve the ergonomics of updating nested keys.


  • Fix build issue where Object.assign compiled to true


  • Remove uglify step to avoid unexpected minification errors


Upgrade to support React 16.0

Breaking Changes

Component definitions must now be React class instances. If your components use the React.createClass syntax, consider moving over to ES6 classes, or use the react-create-class package.


  • Inline the uid module


  • Use ref callback pattern. This change removes deprecation warnings in the browser console when Colonel Kurtz is used with React 15.6.0.


  • Add maxDepth config option to ColonelKurtz application


  • Blocks assign default content when mounted. This is technically a bug, but the fix impacts content assignment (default values will start to show up), so we're releasing it under a minor revision.


  • Upgraded dependencies
  • Removed deprecation warnings for React 15.x
  • Added support for React 15.x


  • Added a style tag to the HTML embed addon to cut default body margins


  • Added a fallback state for when a block type is not recognized.


  • Upgrade Microcosm to 9.21.x
  • The <Field /> component is once again controlled. Upgrading Microcosm addressed issues with using a controlled input inside of this add-on.
  • Fix html embed styles


If you are using the <Field /> component, verify that it continues to work as expected. We moved away from controlled inputs in a prior release when we were unable to determine why cursor position would erratically move to the end of an input when it changed. This was due to a way older versions of Microcosm batched state changes together. This is no longer an issue, so we moved back to the original controlled strategy.

If you would like to keep the old behavior, instead of passing a value property into the <Field /> component, send in defaultValue. This is the method exposed by React for uncontrolled inputs.

For more information on controlled inputs, see the React documentation:


  • Added html-embed add-on. This component may be used to include HTML and accompanying scripts within Colonel Kurtz.


  • The menu item component is now available as the third argument of onClick handlers for custom menu items.


  • Fixed style issue in Firefox where menu items were truncated


  • Added a clientOnly property to blocks. This is a boolean property indicating if the block was created by the user during the current editing session (as opposed to being present when the editor starts).


  • Important Update: This update makes breaking changes to support React 0.14. colonel-kurtz now takes advantage of react-addons-css-transition-group and utilizes react-dom for rendering.


  • Address bug where default content block information was not respected.


Noticeable Changes

  • The BlockType creator menu now properly displays focus state
  • BlockTypes given a group property will display as a dropdown in the BlockType creator menu.


All changes are non-breaking. For those not including the Colonel Kurtz stylesheet via node_modules, you will need to update your stylesheet in order to benefit from the new focus state on the BlockType creator menu

BlockTypes can be grouped! To do this, add a group property to your block type like so:

let blockTypes = [
    id: 'youtube',
    group: 'Embedded'
    // other props
    id: 'twitter',
    group: 'Embedded'
    // other props
    id: 'facebook',
    group: 'Embedded'
    // other props


Noticeable Changes

  • Added a hint property the <Field />
  • Added uid dependency to generate unique ids for <Field /> hints
  • Updated some development dependencies
  • The YouTube addon will now accept a URL in addition to ID. The ID of the YouTube video will be extracted and saved (no breaking change)
  • Updated the labels and hints for the YouTube addon to make it clear that a URL may also be pasted into the field.
  • Added hint property to <Embeddable /> to allow hint text on its <Field /> component
  • Added padding to right of <Field /> label to handle very long labels colliding with menu button.


There are small style updates to <Field /> those not pulling in the style sheet from node_modules should update theirs accordingly.


  • The <Field /> component is no longer a controlled input
  • The <Field /> component label now wraps its input


  • Added Embedded common component addon. The YouTube addon now uses it.


  • BlockTypes are provided a default component definition that only renders children. This is to provide a standard default for block types that are containers for other blocks.
  • This project no longer compiles in Babel loose mode.


Noticeable Changes

  • Focus places upon the navigation element instead of the first button of a block creator menu when opened.
  • Improved focus state of block creator menu buttons.
  • Added col-block-editor and col-block-children css hooks
  • Field component can take an element option (for text areas, defaults to input)
  • Added allow property to configuration options to only allow specific blocks
  • The Youtube and Image addons strip white space when checking to open
  • Upgraded Microcosm to 8.1.0
  • Added root property to blockTypes. When set to false, it will prevent it from displaying in the default block menu
  • Added maxChildren property to Colonel instances and BlockTypes to limit the number of children
  • Returned "Move up" and "Move down" phrasing in menu items.


Noticeable Changes

  • The content object of a block is always defined as an object.


Internal Changes

  • Bump react-ink to 0.4


Internal Changes

  • Lock down a few dependencies to prevent installation of React 0.14


Noticeable Changes

  • Slightly increased padding of switch navigation buttons. This is present when block type labels exceed the min-width of those buttons
  • Tweaked vertical alignment of secondary add block buttons
  • Increased contrast of button focus background for block menu
  • Improve animation for menus, add closing animation.
  • "Move Up" and "Move Down" have been renamed to "Move Before" and "Move After". This is in anticipation for block types that display children horizontally.
  • Dialog addon accepts title and headingComponent props for customizable headings.
  • Dialog y-axis overflow scrolls when necessary.


This releases an update to the stylesheet. If you are not including it from node_modules, be sure to pull down the latest files from ./style


Noticeable Changes

  • The menu to add new blocks will now collapse when the escape key is pressed.
  • Refactored switch navigation to be smarter about secondary buttons.
  • Improved animation for switches. Refactored Switch css


This releases an update to the stylesheet. If you are not including it from node_modules, be sure to pull down the latest files from ./style


New style updates warranted a minor release, however we also refactored some internal components related to block type navigation.

Noticeable Changes

  • Improved the appearance and opening animation of the dialog addon
  • Improved focus for switch navigation
  • Fixed a case where an error would be thrown related to menus of torn down blocks.


The stylesheet for this release was updated, for a stylesheet specific to this version, reference the style directory that is pulled down with the npm module.


Breaking changes

  • Custom menu items are no longer defined in statics. Instead, they are returned from a getMenuItems method on the component itself.
  • The component lifecycle method menuWillSelect has been removed. For the purposes it was required for, getMenuItems is sufficient


  • For those using custom menu items, see the updated doc for the updated API.


  • react-ink was missing in the build. Originally it was compiled into the main payload, this changed when we updated the build process. react-ink is now a standard dependency.


  • Publishing to NPM occurs by pushing the dist folder. Instead, the root folder was published


Breaking changes

  • Addons are now available directly under colonel-kurtz/addons, their colonel-kurtz/build counterparts have been removed. This is due to a change in the build process to help expose components for use when building new UI.

Noticeable Changes

  • New menu items may now be added on an individual block type level. For more information, see ./docs/
  • Style for addons has been moved to ./style/addons so that it is easier to pull down all styles at once or reference the directory in node_modules.


This release has a breaking change to improve the ease of including React components defined by Colonel Kurtz when building new block types. If you are including addons, the following change is necessary:

In the case of the YouTube component addon, in the previous release it can be included using:

let YouTube = require('colonel-kurtz/build/addons/youtube')

This has now become:

let YouTube = require('colonel-kurtz/addons/youtube')


Noticeable Changes

  • Youtube and Image components can accept children. This is intended to better support additional fields.


Noticeable Changes

  • Colonel Kurtz will now inherit theme colors from upcoming active_material gem. Beyond exposing variables, no visual differences should be observed.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some style inconsistencies in Firefox


Noticeable Changes

  • Colonel's blocks option can accept an input or textarea


As of this release, we will break out changes into those noticeable to users and those internal to Colonel itself.

Noticeable changes

  • Menu items will always display for moving blocks. If a block can not be moved further, the item will be disabled.

Internal changes

  • Change internal moving method to eliminate edge cases and fragility
  • Increase test coverage


  • Add experimental "Section" block type addon


  • Reworked build process to speedup setup time


  • Externalize react-focus-trap so it gets patches


  • Upgrade react focus trap for better focus management of menus


  • Upgraded Microcosm to 7.0.0.
  • Renamed Toolbar to Menu, be sure to upgrade CSS with this change.
  • Refactored some internals, though nothing should surface itself


  • Set up more sharing between Youtube and Image addons
  • Improve animations of Image and Youtube UI


  • Refined YouTube UI


  • Added a section addon
  • Improved focus state of buttons


  • Internal updates. We make better use of react-focus-trap and resolve some testing issues


  • Menus will no longer automatically close, this is to improve the experience of keyboard navigation


  • Fixed main entry point


  • Each Colonel Kurtz is now an isolated instance with its own state
  • Refactored internals to achieve higher test coverage
  • Compliance with React 0.13.0
  • Updated UI to better support nested blocks
  • Added block menus (instead of just a remove button)
  • Colonel Kurtz is now a layer on top of Microcosm. It now benefits from the features provided by this system.
  • Added a plugin system which will run before Colonel Kurtz starts

Breaking changes

  • addCallback is now listen
  • removeCallback is now ignore
  • simulateChange is now emit
  • Block types must provided within the blockTypes key when instantiating Colonel Kurtz
  • render is now start. start comes from Microcosm and will run through all configured plugins and render the app.