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//kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[].status.volumesAttached[]}{.name}{"\t"}{.devicePath}{"\n"}{end}'

package main

import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" )

type ServiceNowResponse struct { Result []struct { SysID string json:"sys_id" Number string json:"number" // Add more fields here based on your requirements } json:"result" }

func getSysIDByREQID(instanceURL, username, password, tableName, reqID string) (string, error) { // ServiceNow API endpoint URL for the specified table apiURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/now/table/%s", instanceURL, tableName)

// Set up basic authentication with username and password
client := &http.Client{}
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", apiURL, nil)
if err != nil {
	return "", err
req.SetBasicAuth(username, password)

// Set the filter to retrieve the record with the specified REQID
req.URL.RawQuery = "sysparm_query=number=" + reqID

// Send GET request to ServiceNow API
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
	return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()

if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
	return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch data. Status code: %d", resp.StatusCode)

var snResp ServiceNowResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&snResp); err != nil {
	return "", err

// Check if a record is found with the provided REQID
if len(snResp.Result) > 0 {
	return snResp.Result[0].SysID, nil

return "", nil // No record found for the given REQID


func main() { // Replace these variables with your ServiceNow instance URL, username, password, table name, and REQID instanceURL := "" username := "admin" password := "WPmfr7sMB*%1" tableName := "sc_request" // Change to the appropriate table name (e.g., "incident" or "sc_request") reqID := "REQ00w10001"

// Fetch the sys_id of the specified REQID from the specified table
sysID, err := getSysIDByREQID(instanceURL, username, password, tableName, reqID)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Error:", err)

if sysID != "" {
	fmt.Printf("Sys_id of REQID %s: %s\n", reqID, sysID)
} else {
	fmt.Println("REQID not found.")



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