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PURPOSE; NO ADVICE This communication and the content contained therein is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing therein is intended to provide investing, accounting, tax, legal or any other advice, nor shall any content contained therein be deemed a recommendation that you pursue any investment style or strategy, nor shall it be construed as an endorsement of any particular investment style or strategy. If you would like investing, accounting, tax, legal or any other advice, you should consult with your own professional advisors regarding your individual circumstances and needs. An investment in any strategy, including strategies related to digital assets or as otherwise described herein, involves a high degree of risk. There is no guarantee that the investment objective will be achieved and any investment includes the possibility of total loss of principal.

NO WARRANTY This communication and the content contained therein are provided “as is” and author expressly disclaims all express or implied warranties and representations with respect to the fitness of information contained therein for any particular usage, its merchantability or its application or purpose. While this communication and some of the content discussed therein has been based on public sources believed to be reliable, author makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of such information. Any opinions, projections, forecasts and estimates contained in this communication or the content therein are necessarily speculative in nature and are based upon certain assumptions and are subject to change without notice. Author has no obligation to update, modify or amend this communication or the content therein or to otherwise notify a participant thereof in the event that any matter stated therein, or any opinion, project on, forecast or estimate set forth therein, changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate. In no event shall author be responsible or liable for the correctness of any such material or damage or lost opportunities resulting from use of this information.

GRAPHS AND CHARTS The graphs, charts and other visual aids contained herein are provided for informational purposes only. None of these graphs, charts or visual aids can and of themselves be used to make investment decisions. No representation is made that these will assist any person in making investment decisions and no graph, chart or other visual aid can capture all factors and variables required in making such decisions.

LINKS TO THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES Certain links, including links to other websites which may not be maintained or controlled by author, may be provided in this communication. These links are provided as a convenience and do not imply author’s endorsement, sponsorship, affiliation with or approval of any third-party websites or their content. You acknowledge that by using the link(s) and accessing the contents, you may be subject to privacy and security exploitations, including without limitation, the ability of unauthorized persons to intercept or access information transmitted by you through the sites.

SPECULATIVE AND RISKY INVESTMENT Investing in newer and smaller asset classes such as cryptocurrencies is speculative, risky and unsuitable for some investors even when representing only a portion of a broader investment program. Some of the specific risks to which an investment in the cryptocurrency sector may be subject include, without limitation:

· High levels of volatility · Illiquidity · Uncertain valuations · Dynamics which may be adverse to the investment, including broad market movement, instrument-specific factors, sector-specific factors, and geography-specific factors · Investments may be based on flawed, incomplete or misunderstood premises · Investments may be mistimed or otherwise ineffectively executed · Exchanges and wallets may close, become regulated, be hacked, etc. · Over the counter trading and counterparty risks · Limited and rapidly changing regulations · Potential illegality of various assets and activities · Conflicts of interest and fraud · Litigation · Operational challenges and risks, including underdeveloped and untested asset custody practices · Limitations in market infrastructure, which is developing and incomplete · Transfers of cryptocurrency assets generally irrevocable · Lost or stolen private keys, malware, hacks, other cyberattacks · Blockchain protocol amendments (malicious or otherwise) · Startup and untested technologies and companies, technology and market changes, redundancy and obsolescence risks

These materials presume that the participate is an experienced and sophisticated investor who is willing to bear substantial risks and losses.


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