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PHP + Vue = `vueReady && __v.component`. Load Vue components with PHP

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Vuelab – PHP loader for Vue Single File Components

It's tiny tool that helps to integrate Vue (v.2) with all reactivity benefits to almost every PHP project on any PHP hosting – without need of heavy-weight loaders like webpack/rollup nor gulp/require.js.

Also available as WordPress plugin: just drop in /wp-content/plugins folder.

Vue components composes with vuer utility and injects with simple html container + new Vue vueLauncher technique.

Additionally it uses lessphp for processing styles written in less.

Note that Vue 3, ES6/module exports, template languages, loading by src and so on not supported – loader do not process nor evaluate js on server side, only composing *.vue into valid ES5 scripts and boot instances.

Template compilation relies on Vue built-in template compiler, so you must use full version of vue.js lib, not runtime-only.


  1. Clone this repo – or load via composer:
composer require vikseriq/vuelab
  1. Include vuelab.php – or use composer autoload.

  2. Provide path to dir with Vue single file components. Or drop some into /vuelab/components.

  3. Register components – just by typing component names.

  4. Place somewhere html element with class js-v-scope – it will indicate vuelab to start Vue instance it this container.

  5. And call vuelab_inject(). Now your PHP page become a first-class Vue app.

Assume that we have app.vue that loads todo-list.vue with todo.vue inside. Drop vuelab and create index.php looking like:

include '/vuelab/vuelab.php';

vuelab_setup(__DIR__, ['app', 'todo-list', 'todo']);

vuelab_append('<div class="js-v-scope"><app /></div>');


That's all.

Usage on WordPress

  1. Add plugin to Wordpress: via upload or copy to plugins dir.

  2. Enable plugin from Plugins page – it will hook automatically.

  3. Just use it: register components and their placeholders on desired page areas.

For example, place foo.vue inside your template folder and add in functions.php:

// register component located in current path named foo.vue
vikseriq\vuelab\vuelab_setup(__DIR__, ['foo']);
// register placement for `foo` component - it will placed where `vuelab_inject` executed, in this case - at footer
vikseriq\vuelab\vuelab_append('<div class="js-v-scope"><foo /></div>');
// optionally: enable less styles compilation
vikseriq\vuelab\VueLab::$use_less = true;
  <div class="foo">Hello from Vue <span>{{ createdAt }}</span></div>
Vue.component('foo', {
  template: template, // ! it allows to pass template inside component
  data: function () {
    return {
      createdAt: new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
<style lang="less">
// feel free to use less here
@justOrange: #fc0;

.foo {
  display: block;
  margin: 1rem auto;
  padding: 1rem;
  width: fit-content;
  // sample use of less variables
  border: 3px outset @justOrange;
  // ... and nesting
  span {
    font-style: italic;

Then on the very bottom of pages will be foo component with greeting and current page loading time.




Returns HTML string with Vue components, styles and launcher.

  1. Composes script+template bundle with every component via vuer.

  2. Wrap bundle in js function and bind execution on document.vueReady event to prevent evaluation before Vue and vueLauncher is ready.

  3. Appends vueLauncher code with trimmed space and comments.

  4. Process bundle styles.

  5. If \VueLab::$use_less is set – load less compiler and process styles.

  6. Appends rest of html added via \VueLab::append.

Vuer – load Vue SFC with PHP

Vuer used to convert *.vue files to browser-executable <script>

Inspired by requirejs-vue technique.

VueLauncher – make a Vue instance anywhere

VueLauncher helps boot Vue instance on any html container, by default used selector .js-v-scope.

WordPress plugin

Install by uploading archive with this repos or by using awesome GitHub Updater plugin.

When \VueLab::$wp_enqueue_vue flag is set, Vue wp_enqueue_script-ed as vue from path specified in \VueLab::$wp_vuejs_path. Obviously, for better loading time and use with cache/packer plugins provide path to local copy of vue.min.js.

Things to do

[+] Sample project.

[_] Pass variables (like string translations) to Vue component via __v on build time.

[+] Make Vuelab available as Composer package.


MIT © 2020 - present, vikseriq


PHP + Vue = `vueReady && __v.component`. Load Vue components with PHP






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