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Vilius edited this page Feb 18, 2018 · 8 revisions

miniPaint can be extended, modified by adding:

  • modules - extra functionality accessed from menu.
  • tools - extra tool in left sidebar. It can be accessed fast and easy, but GUI has limited numbers of space there.

Adding modules

  1. Register new menu on src/js/config-menu.js (example: <li><a class="trn" data-target="effects/example.functionName" href="#">Title</a>)
  2. Create module file in src/js/modules/effects/example.js.
  3. Add class with method functionName, which will be called on new menu click.
  4. Add your functionality. You can check existing examples to help you.
  5. Test.

Adding tools

  1. Register your new tool in src/js/config.js, on variable config.TOOLS.
  2. Create new file src/js/tools/example.js.
  3. Add class with methods load (will be called on app load one time) and render (will be called every time when app needs to re-render canvas).
  4. Add your functionality. You can check existing examples to help you.
  5. Test.


  • To include files, for example something.js, use: import config from './something.js'; (path must be related). Most common included files will be src/js/config.js, src/js/core/base-layers.js.
  • Don't forget to export yourclass, for example: export default Example_class;
  • Make sure your code works with all types of objects. To test all types, open images/json-test.json file with miniPaint.
  • You also can access some global objects after onload event: window.Layers, window.AppConfig.

Related: Examples, Base_layers_class

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