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AQA 2017 P1 Skeleton Code - VB.NET

Build status

This repository holds a modified version of the AQA 2017 Skeleton Code in VB.NET, improved as per the task. When I figure out how GitHub releases work, I'll probably create releases when new features are added!

Stuff to note


PlantFirstSeed is a function I wrote, unlike some others which were modified from WikiBooks, to allow random planting of the first seed in the simulator. If the user gives an invalid input, it defaults to planting in the centre of the field.

Function PlantFirstSeed(ByVal Field As Char(,), ByVal SeedPosition As Char) As Char(,)
    Dim Row, Column As Integer
    Dim RowValid, ColumnValid As Boolean
    Select SeedPosition
        Case "C":
            Console.WriteLine("Planting seed in the centre of the field!")
        Case "R":
            Console.WriteLine("Planting the seed in a random location")
            Row = Int(Rnd() * FIELDLENGTH)
            Column = Int(Rnd() * FIELDWIDTH)
            Field(Row, Column) = SEED
            Return Field
        Case "S":
                Console.Write("Enter the X coordinate: ")
                Row = Console.ReadLine()
                If Row >= 0 And Row <= FIELDWIDTH Then
                    RowValid = True
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please try again.")
                End If
            Loop Until RowValid = True
                Console.Write("Enter the Y coordinate: ")
                Column = Console.ReadLine()
                If Column >= 0 And Column <= FIELDLENGTH Then
                    ColumnValid = True
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please try again.")
                End If
            Loop Until ColumnValid = True
            Field(Row, Column) = SEED
            Return Field
        Case Else:
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, defaulting to centre position")
    End Select
    Row = FIELDLENGTH \ 2
    Column = FIELDWIDTH \ 2
    Field(Row, Column) = SEED
    Return Field
End Function

Console Colours

I felt like adding another unique feature, so I used Console.ForegroundColor to give each symbol a different colour; this should increase readability and make it look fanceh.

Sub Display(ByVal Field(,) As Char, ByVal Season As String, ByVal Year As Integer)
    Dim Row As Integer
    Dim Column As Integer
    Console.WriteLine("Season: " & Season & "  Year number: " & Year)
    For Row = 0 To FIELDLENGTH - 1
        For Column = 0 To FIELDWIDTH - 1
            If Field(Row, Column) = SOIL Then
                Console.ForegroundColor = 6
            Else If Field(Row, Column) = SEED Then
                Console.ForegroundColor = 11
            Else If Field(Row, Column) = PLANT Then
                Console.ForegroundColor = 10
            Else If Field(Row, Column) = ROCKS Then
                Console.ForegroundColor = 12
                Console.ForegroundColor = 7
            End If
            Console.Write(Field(Row, Column))
        Console.WriteLine("|" & Str(Row).PadLeft(3))
End Sub


Damn, I spoil you! The new Sub SaveToFile allows the user to save their field at the end of the simulation to a file. This has validation to ensure that users aren't users, and will be run at the end of the simulation.

Sub SaveToFile(ByVal Field As Char(,))
    Dim Row, Column As Integer
    Dim ToSave As Boolean = False
    Dim Save, FileName, RowEnding As String
    Dim FileHandler As IO.StreamWriter
        Console.Write("Do you want to save the file? Y/N: ")
        Save = UCase(Console.ReadLine())
        If Save = "Y" Then
            ToSave = True
            Console.Write("Please enter the file name: ")
            FileName = Console.ReadLine()
            If Right(FileName, 4) = ".txt" Then
                FileName = FileName
                FileName = String.Concat(FileName, ".txt")
            End If
                FileHandler = New IO.StreamWriter(FileName)
                For Row = 0 To FIELDLENGTH - 1
                    For Column = 0 To FIELDWIDTH - 1
                        FileHandler.Write(Field(Row, Column))
                    RowEnding = String.Format("| {0}", Row)
            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("An error occured whilst writing the file; the program will now exit.")
            End Try
        Else If Save = "N" Then
            ToSave = True
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please try again.")
        End If
    Loop Until ToSave = True
    Console.WriteLine("The program will now exit.")
End Sub