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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/visual-corpus-diff' into dev
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hoelzro committed Jun 14, 2017
2 parents 429142b + a37c841 commit 439fb4a
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Showing 5 changed files with 281 additions and 37 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ language: perl
- sudo apt-get install vim
- cpanm --notest Test::Differences Text::VimColor IO::Pty Test::Deep Parallel::ForkManager JSON Path::Tiny Test::SharedFork Test::LongString
- git fetch origin p5-corpus:origin/p5-corpus
- git fetch origin p5-corpus-ng:origin/p5-corpus-ng
- vim --version
- make test
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ sub create_tree {

my $json = JSON->new->utf8->canonical;

my $iter = get_blob_iterator('origin/p5-corpus', 'corpus');
my $iter = get_blob_iterator('origin/p5-corpus-ng', 'corpus');
my $tree = {};

while(my ( $filename, $contents ) = $iter->()) {
Expand All @@ -133,32 +133,32 @@ sub create_tree {
print { $source } $contents;
close $source;

my $html = $color->color_file($source->filename);
my $marked = $color->markup_file($source->filename);
my @folds = $fold->_get_folds($source->filename);

my $html_filename = $filename;
$html_filename =~ s{\Acorpus/}{};
$html_filename .= '.html';
my $marked_filename = $filename;
$marked_filename =~ s{\Acorpus/}{};
$marked_filename .= '.json';

my $folds_filename = $filename;
$folds_filename =~ s{\Acorpus/}{};
$folds_filename .= '-folds.json';

insert_into_tree($tree, $html_filename, $html);
insert_into_tree($tree, $marked_filename, $json->encode($marked));
insert_into_tree($tree, $folds_filename, $json->encode(\@folds));

$tree = create_tree($tree);

my $corpus_tree = find_git_object('origin/p5-corpus', 'corpus');
my $corpus_tree = find_git_object('origin/p5-corpus-ng', 'corpus');

$tree = two_way_pipe('git', 'mktree', "040000 tree $tree\tcorpus_html\n040000 tree $corpus_tree\tcorpus\n");
$tree = two_way_pipe('git', 'mktree', "040000 tree $tree\tcorpus_marked\n040000 tree $corpus_tree\tcorpus\n");
chomp $tree;

open my $pipe, '-|', 'git', 'commit-tree', '-m', 'Update Perl 5 corpus', $tree;
my $commit = <$pipe>;
close $pipe;
chomp $commit;

system 'git', 'update-ref', 'refs/heads/p5-corpus', $commit;
system 'git', 'push', 'origin', '--force', 'p5-corpus:p5-corpus';
system 'git', 'update-ref', 'refs/heads/p5-corpus-ng', $commit;
system 'git', 'push', 'origin', '--force', 'p5-corpus-ng:p5-corpus-ng';
275 changes: 261 additions & 14 deletions t/06_corpus.t
Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,253 @@ use Local::VimFolds;
use Local::Utils;

use File::Temp;
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use List::Util qw(min max);
use Parallel::ForkManager;
use Path::Tiny;
use Test::Differences;
use Test::More;
use Test::SharedFork;
use Test::LongString; # for is_string()

# XXX these values are currently taken from peaksea.vim
# what about terminal attributes like bold?
my %fg_color_map = (
Identifier => 219,
Statement => 153,
Type => 153,
Constant => 110,
Comment => 186,
Number => 179,
PreProc => 84,
Special => 179,
Todo => 88,

'' => 253,

my %bg_color_map = (
'' => '',

$fg_color_map{'String'} = $fg_color_map{'Constant'};
$fg_color_map{'Float'} = $fg_color_map{'Number'};
$fg_color_map{'Conditional'} = $fg_color_map{'Statement'};
$fg_color_map{'Operator'} = $fg_color_map{'Statement'};
$fg_color_map{'Keyword'} = $fg_color_map{'Statement'};
$fg_color_map{'Function'} = $fg_color_map{'Statement'};
$fg_color_map{'Label'} = $fg_color_map{'Statement'};
$fg_color_map{'Repeat'} = $fg_color_map{'Statement'};

my $GRAY = "\e[38;5;243m";
my $RESET = "\e[0m";

sub lines_from_marked {
my ($marked) = @_;
my @lines = ();
my $current_line = [];

foreach my $elem (@$marked) {
my ( $group, $text ) = @$elem;

if($text =~ /\n/) {
while(my ( $prefix, $postfix ) = $text =~ /^(.*?)\n(.*)$/s) {
if($prefix ne '') {
push @$current_line, [ $group, $prefix ];
push @lines, $current_line;
$current_line = [];
$text = $postfix;

if($text ne '') {
push @$current_line, [ $group, $text ];
} else {
push @$current_line, $elem;
if(@$current_line) {
push @lines, $current_line;

return @lines;

# XXX not Unicode-aware! naïve implementation for now (sanity check the underlying text)
sub split_glyphs {
my ($s) = @_;
return $s =~ /(.)/g;

sub build_color_map {
my ($marked) = @_;
my @map;

for my $line (lines_from_marked($marked)) {
my $map_line = [];
push @map, $map_line;

for my $grouping (@$line) {
my ( $group, $text ) = @$grouping;

for my $glyph (split_glyphs($text)) {
push @$map_line, $group;

return \@map;

sub build_glyph_map {
my ($marked) = @_;
my @map;

for my $line (lines_from_marked($marked)) {
my $map_line = [];
push @map, $map_line;

for my $grouping (@$line) {
my ( $group, $text ) = @$grouping;

for my $glyph (split_glyphs($text)) {
push @$map_line, $glyph;

return \@map;

sub is_visible {
my ($glyph) = @_;
return $glyph !~ /\pZ/; # XXX is this good enough?

sub find_differently_colored_lines {
my ($a_lines, $b_lines) = @_;
my @differences;

my $glyph_map = build_glyph_map($a_lines);
my $before_map = build_color_map($a_lines);
my $after_map = build_color_map($b_lines);

# XXX assert that dimensions for maps match

for my $lindex (0..$#$before_map) {
my $line_no = $lindex + 1;

my $before_line = $before_map->[$lindex];
my $after_line = $after_map->[$lindex];

for my $cindex (0..$#$before_line) {
my $column_no = $cindex + 1;

my $glyph = $glyph_map->[$lindex][$cindex];
my $before_group = $before_line->[$cindex];
my $after_group = $after_line->[$cindex];

my $before_fg_color = $fg_color_map{$before_group} or die "no fg color $before_group";
my $after_fg_color = $fg_color_map{$after_group} or die "no fg color $after_group";
my $before_bg_color = $bg_color_map{$before_group} || $bg_color_map{''};
my $after_bg_color = $bg_color_map{$after_group} || $bg_color_map{''};

if($before_bg_color ne $after_bg_color) {
push @differences, [ $lindex, $cindex ];
if(is_visible($glyph) && $before_fg_color ne $after_fg_color) {
push @differences, [ $lindex, $cindex ];

return \@differences;

sub get_color_code {
my ($group) = @_;

my $fg_color_code = $fg_color_map{$group};
if($fg_color_code ne '') {
$fg_color_code = "\e[38;5;${fg_color_code}m";

my $bg_color_code = $bg_color_map{$group} || '';
if($bg_color_code ne '') {
$bg_color_code = "\e[38;5;${bg_color_code}m";

return $fg_color_code . $bg_color_code;

sub color_line {
my ($line) = @_;
my @pieces;
for my $chunk (@$line) {
my ( $group, $text ) = @$chunk;
my $color_code = get_color_code($group);
push @pieces, $color_code, $text, $RESET;
return join('', @pieces);

sub extract_text {
my ($line) = @_;
return join('', map { $_->[1] } @$line);

# XXX only print the first N differences?
# visually indicate the differing columns (via underline, reverse video, etc)?
# handle terminals too narrow to show results
sub diag_differences {
my ($before_lines, $after_lines, $diffs) = @_;
my $num_context = 3;
my @print_me = map { '' } 0..$#$before_lines;

for my $diff (@$diffs) {
my ( $line_no, undef ) = @$diff;
for my $line (max(0, $line_no - 3)..min($#$before_lines, $line_no + 3)) {
$print_me[$line] = 'context';

for my $diff (@$diffs) {
my ( $line_no, undef ) = @$diff;
$print_me[$line_no] = 'diff';

my $max_line_length = 0;

for my $lindex (0..$#print_me) {
if($print_me[$lindex]) {
$max_line_length = max($max_line_length, length(extract_text($before_lines->[$lindex])));

for my $lindex (0..$#print_me) {
my $line_no = $lindex + 1;
my $padding;

if($print_me[$lindex]) {
$padding = ' ' x ($max_line_length - length(extract_text($before_lines->[$lindex])));

if($print_me[$lindex] eq 'context') {
diag $GRAY, sprintf('%4d', $line_no),
' ',
extract_text($before_lines->[$lindex]) . $padding,
' | ',
} elsif($print_me[$lindex] eq 'diff') {
diag sprintf('%4d', $line_no),
' ',
color_line($before_lines->[$lindex]) . $padding,
' | ',

my $color = Local::VimColor->new(
language => 'perl',
Expand All @@ -31,40 +272,46 @@ my $fold = Local::VimFolds->new(

my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(16);
my $iter = get_blob_iterator('origin/p5-corpus', 'corpus');
my $is_passing = 1;
my $iter = get_blob_iterator('origin/p5-corpus-ng', 'corpus');

$pm->run_on_finish(sub {
my ( undef, $status ) = @_;
my ( undef, $status, undef, undef, undef, $data ) = @_;

my ( $filename, $expected_marked, $got_marked, $expected_folds, $got_folds ) = @$data;

$is_passing &&= ($status == 0);
# XXX calculate differences in child?
my $differences = find_differently_colored_lines($expected_marked, $got_marked);
ok(!@$differences, "colors for file '$filename' match");
if(@$differences) {
diag_differences([ lines_from_marked($expected_marked) ],
[ lines_from_marked($got_marked) ], $differences);
eq_or_diff($got_folds, $expected_folds, "folds for file '$filename' match");

while(my ( $filename, $content ) = $iter->()) {
next unless $filename =~ /(?:pm|pl)\z/;
next if $pm->start;

my $expected_html = get_html_output_for($filename);
my @expected_folds = get_folds_for($filename);
my $marks_filename = ($filename =~ s{\Acorpus}{corpus_marked}r) . '.json';
my $expected_marked = decode_json(get_corpus_contents($marks_filename));
my @expected_folds = get_folds_for($filename);

my $source = File::Temp->new;
print { $source } $content;
close $source;

my $got_html = $color->color_file($source->filename);
my $got_marked = $color->markup_file($source->filename);
my @got_folds = $fold->_get_folds($source->filename);

is_string($got_html, $expected_html, "colors for file '$filename' match");
eq_or_diff(\@got_folds, \@expected_folds, "folds for file '$filename' match");

$pm->finish(Test::More->builder->is_passing ? 0 : 1);
$pm->finish(0, [ $filename, $expected_marked, $got_marked, \@expected_folds, \@got_folds ]);


unless($is_passing) {
unless(Test::More->builder->is_passing) {
diag <<'END_DIAG';
The corpus test failed! This means that among the files stored under corpus/ in the p5-corpus
The corpus test failed! This means that among the files stored under corpus/ in the p5-corpus-ng
branch, the syntax highlighting and/or the folding has changed for one or more files. You need
to let a vim-perl maintainer know about this!
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