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This is a mirror of

The plugin enhances syntax/folding/mappings of the current buffer, converting it to simple yet useful single-file wiki. Name stands for something like "compact wiki".

Screenshot can be downloaded here:


 * single file storage (readable textual format; built-in VIM encryption can be applied)
 * unobtrusive wikiwords (no special symbols like brackets)
 * synonyms (you can define them, so "Bill", "William", and "Mr. W. Smith" point to the same article)
 * folding (separates articles; shows number of meaningful article lines)
 * syntax highlighting
 * visual wikiword selector


First level article title: +++ Wiki word
Second level article title: ++++ Wiki word
Third level article title: +++++ Wiki word

Level affects folding only, no other side effects.

Optional metadata is expected to be the first non-blank line after the title:

	Synonyms: a, b, {C,c}def

Whitespace before "Synonyms" and after comma is mandatory. Curly braces are expanded like shell patterns, i.e. the line above is equivalent to the following:

	Synonyms: a, b, Cdef, cdef

Actually "Synonyms" is the only metadata currently supported.

Key mappings:

n_Ctrl-]: follow wikiword under cursor
v_Ctrl-]: add new article; currently selected text is used as title
n_F5: refresh the wiki (you need this if you altered synonyms)
n_F3: show wikiword selector (current wikiword will be highlighted; move cursor to the desired wikiword and press <CR> to select it, or press <F3> to close the selector)

No other special bindings so far. You can move text around at will. Specifically it is really handy to move whole articles by doing DD and p with folded blocks.

Highlighting groups:

 * CWikiTitle1, CWikiTitle2, CWikiTitle3: article titles (linked to Title by default).
 * CWikiTitleMark: "+" signs in the title (linked to Title by default)
 * CWikiWord: any detected wikiword (linked to Underlined by default)


AFAIK on Win32 by default Underlined looks like Normal, so you won't be able to see any wikiwords. The following might help:

	:highlight Underlined gui=underlined

I didn't experience any problems with the plugin yet. But maybe it is a good idea to make backups every now and then (if you do something useful, of course):

	set backup
	set writebackup
	au BufWritePre <buffer> let &bex = '-' . strftime("%Y%b%d%X") . '~'


Here is minimal yet complete sample of the wikifile. Just paste it into new buffer and type :set ft=cwiki (after installing the plugin, of course).

+++ First article

    Synonyms: 1st article, {A,a}rticle #1

Here we have some text. I'd like to mention Mr. W.
Smith (note that his name is wrapped with <CR>).

+++ Mr. W. Smith

    Synonyms: William, Bill, dad

This article is about Mr. W. Smith, also known as
William, Bill. He has two doughters: Jane and Kim.

Article #1 mentions Bill. Though, that 1st article
is rather short.

++++ Jane Smith

    Synonyms: Jane

Ms. Jane's dad is Bill.

++++ Kim

Kim is too young, so we refer to her without the last
name, e.g. no synonyms yet. She loves her dad.