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Repository files navigation


Version: 5.1.0

Git Tree, Log and Diff plugin for vim.


This is a simple Vim plugin that will bring up the history of a given file. It will list the history in the window-pane on the left of the screen. If you hit enter it will diff that commit against the current revision loaded.

The focus of this plugin has changed from what it was originally (looking at the git log) to be a tool for looking at the git tree more than the history. It is what I need. The Google Repo support has been added to make using that set of git repositories usable from within Vim.

In the log window __gitlog__ the following commands work:

o            opens the file. This will simply open the file in a new window.
s            starts a search and opens the search window.
t            open the tree view at the current commit (only works in the main repository tree).
T            Go back to the tree view.
d            This will open the file and diff it against the window that was active when it was lauched.
<cr>         This will open the file and diff it against the window that was active when it was lauched.
<c-d>        Close all the open diff's.
<c-h>        reset the current commit to HEAD.

In the tree window __gitlog__ the following commands work:

l    		opens the local version of the file, if it exists.",
d    		diff's the tree view of the file against the local version.",
r    		refreshes the tree element that it is on.",
R    		refreshes the root directory.",
h    		show the history of the current file.",
p    		show the previous version of the file.",
a    		open the current item and all it's children.",
A    		open the whole tree (toggles).",
x    		close the current tree or the parent of the current tree.",
X    		close the whole tree.",
C    		toggle 'only changes only' and rebuild the tree.",
T    		go back to the log view.",
b    		Toggle branch window.",
s    		Toggle Secret (hidden) files.",
<cr>    	opens the local version of the file, if it exists.",
<c-d>    	pull down all the diff windows.",
<c-h>    	reset the current commit to HEAD and current working branch.",
<c-l>    	reset the current commit to latest on current branch.",
]c    	    goto next changed item.",
[c    	    goto previous changed item.",
]a    	    goto next changed/added/deleted item."
[a    	    goto previous changed/added/deleted item."

In the search window __gitsearch__ the two following commands work:

o            opens the file. This will simply open the file in a new window.
<cr>         This will open the file and diff it against the window that was active when it was lauched.

In the Branch window:

<cr>        This will change the log window to the branch selected. It does not change the current
            branch of the given repository.

The see the help during uses, type '?' in the log/tree window.


Simply copy the contents of the plugin directory to the plugin directory in your git installation.

You will need to map the toggle function to use it.

let g:GITLOG_default_mode = 2
map <silent> <f7> :call GITLOG_ToggleWindows()<cr>
map <silent> <f5> :call GITLOG_FlipWindows()<cr>

And the should be it.

will load the default window type, pressing again will switch between Log and Tree view. Pressing will flip between the views.


The defult configuration is one that supports backward compatibility, this is really to not mess up the workflow of people that currently use GITLOG. But, to make the new features usable I suggest that the following configurations are used. Obviously your workflow use whatever configurations you want.

Small Git Trees: When I say small git trees, I mean non-kernel (and especially non-repo trees) as these bad boys can run upto 600k objects in the tree - un-built. This allows for the trees to be walked and all the new goodness to be used.

    :let g:GITLOG_default_mode = 2
    :let g:GITLOG_walk_full_tree = 1
    :let g:GITLOG_show_hidden_files = 0
	:map <silent> <f7> :call GITLOG_ToggleWindows()<cr>
    :map <silent> <c-f7> :call GITLOG_FlipWindows()<cr>
    :let g:GITLOG_ignore_suffixes=['swp', 'swn', 'pyc', 'o']
    :let g:GITLOG_ignore_directories = ['.git', 'out']

The big one in there is GITLOG_walk_full_tree as this will cause the full tree to be walked and report any changes to the root. This will also make the 'C' command from tree quite quick. This may take a couple of seconds to walk the tree, but it is worth it.

Big Trees:

    :let g:GITLOG_default_mode = 2
    :let g:GITLOG_walk_full_tree = 0
    :let g:GITLOG_show_hidden_files = 0
	:map <silent> <f7> :call GITLOG_ToggleWindows()<cr>
    :map <silent> <c-f7> :call GITLOG_FlipWindows()<cr>
    :let g:GITLOG_ignore_suffixes=['swp', 'swn', 'pyc', 'o', 'zip', 'tgz', 'gz']
    :let g:GITLOG_ignore_directories = ['.git', 'out']

Essentially the same with walk turned off. It will take about 2-7 mins to build the tree for the full Android source (including changes). If you don't mind that wait (I don't as the useful features that you get will a full walk, are - well useful and this I do at start of day.

Very Big Trees (repo - say the Android Source Tree):

    :let g:GITLOG_default_mode = 2
    :let g:GITLOG_walk_full_tree = 0
    :let g:GITLOG_show_hidden_files = 0
	:let g:GITLOG_show_branch_window = 0
	:map <silent> <f7> :call GITLOG_ToggleWindows()<cr>
    :map <silent> <f9> let g:GITLOG_walk_full_tree = 1;call GITLOG_FlipWindows();<let g:GITLOG_walk_full_tree = 0;cr>
    :let g:GITLOG_ignore_suffixes=['swp', 'swn', 'pyc', 'o', 'zip', 'tgz', 'gz']
    :let g:GITLOG_ignore_directories = ['.git', 'out']

As for the big tree but not showing the branch window as that is pointless (esp. with repo). Also added is <f9> as you can cd down to the sub-project that you are looking at and press that. It will then walk the project and you can then pop-up the branch window if required. It works for me.

Obviously, choose the suffixes of your choice. As I mostly write c for day job and python for projects these are suffixes that I have chosen.

Major Changes

Tree Searching

The ability to find changes in the tree especially big trees really helps speed up development. So this feature has been added. This works similar to the way that the diff goto next change works, obviously that is deliberate. The searches will continue from the last result. It starts and end at the tree level that the search started at, this so in big trees the search does not take forever. There are two search commands, types 'c' for changes and 'a' for any. Any will find any change in the tree and 'c' will only find the changes.

The search only resets on it not finding anything. It does not loop.

Toggling Hidden files and Branch Window

The ability to toggle the list of hidden files and the branch window has been added. The hidden files you can work out why this would be useful. The branch window mostly as it is useless when in repo mode as it does not have a branch. This is not actually true, but branching in repo is not clean and the current root branch may not be the branch you want and the repos tend to be detached heads. I think the repo may have a manifest that will allow for the branch window to be more useful. But that can wait.

Bug Fixes and Tidy ups

Lots a silly bugs to do with where we are in the repository when the gvim instance was started. Basically was not taking that into account when doing most things. These should all be fixed now. Fixed the syntax tree as


  • submodule branches. Yup, not really supported. (not going to be either).

  • repo branches. You can guess this one, not supported. (not going to be either).

Licence and Copyright

                Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Peter Antoine
                         All rights Reserved.
                 Released Under the Artistic Licence