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This is a mirror of

Default phpcomplete.vim does not support in-file checking of $var = new Class; so if you don't have a tags file with the variable in it already you have to hack around it by placing the comment /* @var $yourvar YourClass */ above the line which is really kludgy.

This patch allows for in-file checking so you don't need the comment.

$instance = new Class;
$instance->Blah(); // <-- complete without comment

It also allows support for singleton instantiations:

$instance = Class::getInstance();
$instance->completeMe(); // sweet completion

=== Usage ===
// example class which has a TAGS file generated for it somewhere
class SomeClass {
  private function _private_method() {} // never shows up in completion list
  public static function staticMethod() {} // only shows up when using completion on SomeClass::<C-X><C-O>
  public function completeMe() {} // only shows up when using completion on $instance_of_someclass-><C-X><C-O>

== Non-static completion ==
$instance = new SomeClass;
$instance-><C-X><C-O> to display the omnicompletion menu (see :help ins-completion)
$instance->completeMe(); // will autoselect completeMe since it's the only public non-static method

== Static completion ==
SomeClass::<C-X><C-O> to display omnicompletion menu
SomeClass::staticMethod(); // once again will autoselect staticMethod since it's the only public static method

== Singleton completion ==
$instance = SomeClass::getInstance();
$instance-><C-X><C-O> complete just like non-static

=== Other features ===
 * Correct restriction of static or standard methods based on context ( show only static methods with :: and only standard with ->)
 * Real support for self:: and $this-> with the aforementioned context restriction
 * Constant variable completion (not just define(VARIABLE, 1) but const VARIABLE = 1)

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