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Version 1.0: Converted the plugin file format to unix from dos.
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yegappan authored and vim-scripts committed Oct 18, 2010
0 parents commit 90c2bc4
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Showing 2 changed files with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions README
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
This is a mirror of


You can use the scratch plugin to create a temporary scratch buffer to store
and edit text that will be discarded when you quit/exit vim. The contents
of the scratch buffer are not saved/stored in a file.


1. Copy the scratch.vim plugin to the $HOME/.vim/plugin directory. Refer to
the following Vim help topics for more information about Vim plugins:

:help add-plugin
:help add-global-plugin
:help runtimepath

2. Restart Vim.


You can use the following command to open/edit the scratch buffer:


To open the scratch buffer in a new split window, use the following command:


When you close the scratch buffer window, the buffer will retain the
contents. You can again edit the scratch buffer by openeing it using one of
the above commands. There is no need to save the scatch buffer.

When you quit/exit Vim, the contents of the scratch buffer will be lost.
You will not be prompted to save the contents of the modified scratch

You can have only one scratch buffer open in a single Vim instance. If the
current buffer has unsaved modifications, then the scratch buffer will be
opened in a new window

110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions plugin/scratch.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
" File: scratch.vim
" Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
" Version: 1.0
" Last Modified: June 3, 2003
" Overview
" --------
" You can use the scratch plugin to create a temporary scratch buffer to store
" and edit text that will be discarded when you quit/exit vim. The contents
" of the scratch buffer are not saved/stored in a file.
" Installation
" ------------
" 1. Copy the scratch.vim plugin to the $HOME/.vim/plugin directory. Refer to
" the following Vim help topics for more information about Vim plugins:
" :help add-plugin
" :help add-global-plugin
" :help runtimepath
" 2. Restart Vim.
" Usage
" -----
" You can use the following command to open/edit the scratch buffer:
" :Scratch
" To open the scratch buffer in a new split window, use the following command:
" :Sscratch
" When you close the scratch buffer window, the buffer will retain the
" contents. You can again edit the scratch buffer by openeing it using one of
" the above commands. There is no need to save the scatch buffer.
" When you quit/exit Vim, the contents of the scratch buffer will be lost.
" You will not be prompted to save the contents of the modified scratch
" buffer.
" You can have only one scratch buffer open in a single Vim instance. If the
" current buffer has unsaved modifications, then the scratch buffer will be
" opened in a new window
" ****************** Do not modify after this line ************************
if exists('loaded_scratch') || &cp
let loaded_scratch=1

" Scratch buffer name
let ScratchBufferName = "__Scratch__"

" ScratchBufferOpen
" Open the scratch buffer
function! s:ScratchBufferOpen(new_win)
let split_win = a:new_win

" If the current buffer is modified then open the scratch buffer in a new
" window
if !split_win && &modified
let split_win = 1

" Check whether the scratch buffer is already created
let scr_bufnum = bufnr(g:ScratchBufferName)
if scr_bufnum == -1
" open a new scratch buffer
if split_win
exe "new " . g:ScratchBufferName
exe "edit " . g:ScratchBufferName
" Scratch buffer is already created. Check whether it is open
" in one of the windows
let scr_winnum = bufwinnr(scr_bufnum)
if scr_winnum != -1
" Jump to the window which has the scratch buffer if we are not
" already in that window
if winnr() != scr_winnum
exe scr_winnum . "wincmd w"
" Create a new scratch buffer
if split_win
exe "split +buffer" . scr_bufnum
exe "buffer " . scr_bufnum

" ScratchMarkBuffer
" Mark a buffer as scratch
function! s:ScratchMarkBuffer()
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal bufhidden=hide
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal buflisted

autocmd BufNewFile __Scratch__ call s:ScratchMarkBuffer()

" Command to edit the scratch buffer in the current window
command! -nargs=0 Scratch call s:ScratchBufferOpen(0)
" Command to open the scratch buffer in a new split window
command! -nargs=0 Sscratch call s:ScratchBufferOpen(1)

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