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This script simplifies opening of related files in Django projects.

If you are editing a file in a Django project, vim_django will find the location of your template files and app files. In combination with the Command-T plugin: vimscript #3025, this makes it super-easy to open files related to the one you are currently editing.

Watch a demo on Viemo: (1:24) (This only shows opening of template files, but files in the app itself can be opened in the same way)

Suggested mapping:
map <Leader>dt :VimDjangoCommandTTemplate<CR>
map <Leader>da :VimDjangoCommandTApp<CR>

If you put that line in your .vimrc, hitting "<Leader>dt" while working on a Django application will start CommandT in the template directory corresponding to the application. Hitting "<Leader>da will start CommandT in the app directory. ("<Leader>" is usually mapped as "\" or "," so try "\dt" or ",dt".)

If you have any questions, please send me an email at anders AT knatten DOT org