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CRYPTOSTATS: Master the Art of Crypto Trading with This Web-Based Simulator (CS50x 2023 Final Project)


Welcome to Cryptostats, the culmination of my CS50x 2023 Final Project! This interactive web app is your playground to hone your crypto trading skills without any real-world risk.

Immerse Yourself in a Vibrant Crypto Ecosystem:

  • Real-time market data powered by the Coingecko API: React to live market fluctuations and refine your timing.
  • Start with $1000 virtual cash: Experiment with different strategies and discover your trading aptitude.
  • Track your portfolio performance: Analyze your decisions and optimize your approach based on results.
  • Uncover trending coins and visualize market dynamics: Make informed choices guided by market insights.
  • Experiment with diverse trading strategies: Find the perfect technique that aligns with your risk tolerance.
  • Learn from your mistakes without financial consequences: Use Cryptostats as a safe haven to hone your skills.

Key Features:

  • Seamless Registration and Login: Track your progress and personalize your trading journey.
  • Intuitive Buy and Sell Interface: Execute trades with ease and navigate the market seamlessly.
  • Detailed Transaction History: Analyze your past decisions and identify areas for improvement.
  • Visually Appealing Portfolio Overview: Monitor your gains and losses in real-time with clear data visualizations.
  • Trending Coins Section: Stay ahead of the curve by identifying rapidly rising crypto assets.
  • Individual Coin Pages with Price Charts and Stats: Deep dive into specific coins and make informed investment decisions.
  • Robust Search Functionality: Find the coins you're interested in quickly and efficiently.

Tech Stack Powering Your Journey:

  • React: Built with this popular frontend framework for a dynamic and engaging user experience.
  • Next.js: Leverages the power of Next.js for enhanced performance and SEO optimization.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utilizes a utility-first approach for rapid styling and customization.
  • Supabase: Open-source Firebase alternative providing a robust backend, database, and authentication system.
  • CoinGecko: Integrates real-time market data through the comprehensive CoinGecko API.

Get Started in Minutes:

Follow these steps to set up Cryptostats locally:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:
    cd cryptostats
    npm install
  3. Create a .env file:
    • Copy the contents of .env.example into a new .env file.
    • Fill in the required variables with your Supabase credentials.
  4. Start the development server:
    npm run dev
  5. Access the application: Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and unleash your inner crypto trader!

Join the Community and Contribute:

This project thrives on feedback and collaboration! Feel free to create issues for bug reports or feature requests, or submit pull requests to enhance the experience.

Beyond the Course:

This project goes beyond a mere CS50x final requirement. It represents my passion for the intersection of technology and finance, and I hope it empowers others to navigate the exciting world of crypto with confidence.

Start Trading with Confidence Today!

Cryptostats provides a safe and stimulating environment to learn, experiment, and master the art of crypto trading. Don't wait any longer - dive in and unlock your full trading potential!