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Record events a user has performed and design their experience accordingly - from

Chronicle is a library that is designed to help you create specific, targeted experiences for your Android app users. It’s goal is to make it easier to build in onboarding and feature discovery techniques that might otherwise be fairly complicated.


Designing for feature discovery can be complicated: we can force our users through guided tutorials, show tooltips and spotlights whenever they reach a new screen and more. The problem with such techniques is that they often lead to a firehose of information that users simply ignore or forget.

Instead, what we often find ourselves wishing we could do is get the user to learn more about our app over a period of time. For example, we might want to point out what that Floating Action Button can do the first time they're on a screen, but maybe only point out about some of the options tucked away in a Navigation Drawer much, much later. Or another common design flow is to show a user a feature only if they've already accomplished certain task(s) in the past.

The challenge for such experiences is that they tend to be technically complicated to build. Currently, most apps keep flags to track if a user has performed a certain action “once”., and decide the flow of your app accordingly. But this is still limiting - what if I cared if they'd done it more than once?

Chronicle is designed to instead work like a service that stores occurrences of key user events, but also allows you to query the analytics from your app. It is largely meant to provide a specification, for which custom implementations can be created as required. A local, SQLite implementation will be provided as well, but keeping them separate allows for easy drop-and-replace if you want to change where the data's stored. For example, you could build a Firebase implementation that allows for simple cross-device sync as well, allowing you to track a user's actions across devices and hence account for that in your experience if you so wish.



An EventRecord is the core model in Chronicle. It is basically a tuple of an event name, and the time at which the event occurred. For example, ("add_to_cart", 1513615464000L) is an EventRecord that states the event add_to_cart has occured at 1513615464000L time.


A Store is an interface that works as a warehouse for EventRecords. Depending on the users needs, a Store could be a simple in-memory store, a local database or even a cloud store. Currently, not Store instances are provided out of the box. Implementations are planned for in-memory and Android SQLite stores.


A Query is a collection of conditions that are evaluated together in order to qualify for a particular UI flow to be triggered. For example, in the case of an e-commerce app, if an offers component has to be displayed if the user has added to cart at least twice but has not checked out even once, a query for this would be similar to

  .timesDone("add_to_cart", new GreaterThanOrEqualTo(2))
  .timesDone("checkout", new LesserThan(1))

Here, GreaterThanOrEqualTo and LesserThan are basically expressions that allow evaluation of conditions in different ways. A range of expressions are provided out of the box, namely

  • LesserThanOrEqualTo
  • GreaterThanOrEqualTo
  • NotEqual
  • LesserThan
  • GreaterThan
  • Equal
  • Between

In addition, users are free to implement their own expressions by implementing the Expression interface.

// TODO: More documentation to come


Record events a user has performed and design their experience accordingly - from







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