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A Light Weight PowerFull ANGULAR Directive For Uploading a File to AMAZON S3 Server.

An AngularJS directive that allows you to simply upload files directly to AWS S3.


  • Ease of Use But PowerFull Angular Directive.
  • Direct Upload to Amazon S3 Server.
  • Open Source Free Light weight angular directive.
  • Supports Call Back functions by detective the Status of file Upload ( pre-call , success-call , error-call ).
  • Supports Dynamic changes for 'Target File Name' and 'Folder Name' with Angular 2-way Data Binding.
  • Contains Status Block-elements inside directive which has auto Disable and enable for display.
  • Contains Staus Object holds the information of the File uploading along with current upload status.


  1. Create AWS S3 bucket

  2. Grant "put/delete" permissions to everyone In AWS web interface, select S3 and select the destination bucket, then expand the "Permissions" sections and click on the "Add more permissions" button. Select "Everyone" and "Upload/Delete" and save.

  3. Add CORS configuration to your bucket

In AWS web interface, select S3 and select the wanted bucket. Expand the "Permissions" section and click on the "Add CORS configuration" button. Paste the wanted CORS configuration, for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">

In addition, create the following crossdomain.xml file and upload it to the root of your bucket.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
  <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" />

Once the CORS permissions are updated, your bucket is ready for client side uploads.

  1. Create a server side service that will return the needed details for uploading files to S3. your service shall return a json in the following format:
 "policy": "XXXX",
 "signature": "YYY",
 "key": "ZZZ"

XXX - A policy json that is required by AWS, base64 encoded. YYY - HMAC and sha of your private key ZZZ - Your public key Here's a rails example, even if you're not a rails developer, read the code, it's very straight forward.

For a php example, please refer to this guide.

    def s3_access_token
      render json: {
        policy:    s3_upload_policy,
        signature: s3_upload_signature,
        key:       GLOBAL[:aws_key]


      def s3_upload_policy
        @policy ||= create_s3_upload_policy

      def create_s3_upload_policy
            "expiration" => 1.hour.from_now.utc.xmlschema,
            "conditions" => [
              { "bucket" =>  GLOBAL[:aws_bucket] },
              [ "starts-with", "$key", "" ],
              { "acl" => "public-read" },
              [ "starts-with", "$Content-Type", "" ],
              [ "content-length-range", 0, 10 * 1024 * 1024 ]

      def s3_upload_signature
        Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1'), GLOBAL[:aws_secret], s3_upload_policy)).gsub("\n","")

The following code generates an upload policy that will be used by S3, in this example the maximum file size is limited to 10MB (10 * 1024 * 1024), update it to match your requirments. for a full list of S3's policy options, please refer to AWS documentation.

How to get it ?

Manual Download

Download Zip from here (v1.0)

npm and bower direct installation will available from v2.0


  1. Add s3-file-upload.js or s3-file-upload.min.js to your main file (index.html) (min js file available in s3src folder)

      <script type="text/javascript" src="s3-file-upload.min.js"></script>
  2. Set s3FileUpload as a dependency in your module

var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['s3FileUpload'])
  1. Add s3-file-upload directive to the wanted element, example:

    • auto upload
   s3-auto-upload="true" >
   <!-- Child elements  -->
     <input s3-file-model type="file"/> <!-- input File Holder -->
     <s3-progress>Progressing...</s3-progress> <!-- this block Visible when file is uploading -->
     <s3-success>SuccessFull!!</s3-success> <!-- this block Visible when file upload is success -->
     <s3-error>Error!</s3-error> <!-- this block Visible when error in file upload -->
* upload with submit button
   s3-auto-upload="false" >
   <!-- Child elements  -->
     <input s3-file-model type="file"/> <!-- input File Holder -->
     <input s3-file-submit type="button" value="Upload"> <!-- Button Holds the click event for upload starts -->
     <s3-progress>Progressing...</s3-progress> <!-- this block Visible when file is uploading -->
     <s3-success>SuccessFull!!</s3-success> <!-- this block Visible when file upload is success -->
     <s3-error>Error!</s3-error> <!-- this block Visible when error in file upload -->

API and Attributes

Name value description type default
s3-file-upload bucket name Root atrribute to function s3 file upload required -
s3-folder Folder path Folder path in s3 server where file being uploaded required -
s3-access-uri s3 acceess API url api path to access s3 access details required -
s3-target-name Target file Name File to be upload in s3 server will changes with target-file-name attribute value optional -
s3-success-call Success Call name Function to call after successfull upload (function will called with specified name defined in latest scope) optional -
s3-pre-call Pre Call name Function to call before file upload starts (function will called with specified name defined in latest scope) optional -
s3-error-call Error Call name Function to call after error occured on upload (function will called with specified name defined in latest scope) optional -
s3-auto-upload true or false upload type (true-without upload btn , false- with upload btn) optional - true
s3-file-model no value must be used with child element of input[type=file],then this element will be the file holder(file model), this attribute has no value required -
s3-file-submit no value must be used with child element of any type(a, button, div) ,then this element will be the click event to submit the file (this attribute works only if s3-auto-upload="false") optional -

s3Status Object (contains information of s3 upload )

Members of s3Status object contains status and others inforamation of file upload provided by the directive and accessible inside the s3-file-upload scope.

    s3Status = {
              success : boolean,
              error : boolean,
              uploading : boolean,
              uploaded : boolean,
              progressCount : int,
              path : string,
              fileName : string,
              targetFileName : string,
              file: Object,
              errorMsg: string,
  • Members:
    • success (true|false) - true if upload is success else false.

    • error (true|false) - true if any error in upload else false.

    • uploading (true|false) - true if the file is uploading else false.

    • uploaded (true|false) - true if the file is uploaded else false.

    • progressCount (0-100) - progress count from 0-100.

    • path (string) - final absolute path of s3 where file is to be upload (ex: )

    • fileName (string) - name of the file selected for upload

    • targetFileName (string) - target file name to override the original name of the file selected if specified in s3-target-name attribute

    • file - javascript file Object contains file related information of the selected file

    • errMsg - error message if any error during the file upload

    • errCode - error code of the error to handle custom message in call back functions

      Error Codes Table
      Error Code Description
      1 bucket is undefined
      2 folder is undefined
      3 s3-access-uri is undefined
      4 invalid information to s3 or XMLHttpRequest cannot load due to unsupported allow-origin-access
      5 Error in Request to get S3 Access information!

Call Back Functions

  • call back functions will automatically called to the latest Angular scope of the controller.

  • call back functions should be called without any arguments .

    • correct method : s3-success-call="successHandler" ( ✔ ) .
    • wrong method : s3-success-call="successHandler()" ( × )
  • even call back functions does not expecting any arguments from attribute value , s3Upload directive will automatically passes usefull arguments and can use while it defining on latest scope

Call back functions Parameters

call-back-function arguments passed
s3-pre-call function(s3Status)
s3-success-call function(xhr, s3Status)
s3-error-call function(xhr, s3Status)
  • xhr : XMLHttpRequest Object to S3 Server

  • s3Status : s3Status Object



        <body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">
           <!-- Child elements  -->
             <input s3-file-model type="file"/> <!-- input File Holder -->
             <s3-progress>Progressing...</s3-progress> <!-- this block Visible when file is uploading -->
             <s3-success>SuccessFull!!</s3-success> <!-- this block Visible when file upload is success -->
             <s3-error>Error!</s3-error> <!-- this block Visible when error in file upload -->


         var app = angular.module("myApp", ['s3FileUpload']); // inject s3-directive dependency  
      // define call-back function inside the controller where you use the directive
      app.controller("myController", function($scope) {

        // define Pre call (function should be defined with scope keyword and with the same name as mentioned in s3-pre-call attribute
        $scope.s3PreCall = function(s3Status) 

           console.log(s3Status); // log current s3Status object to browser console


        // define Success call (function should be defined with scope keyword and with the same name as mentioned in s3-success-call attribute
        $scope.s3SuccessCall = function(xhr, s3Status) 

           console.log(s3Status); // log current s3Status object to browser console


        // define Error call (function should be defined with scope keyword and with the same name as mentioned in s3-error-call attribute
        $scope.s3ErrorCall = function(xhr, s3Status) 

           console.log(s3Status); // log current s3Status object to browser console


  • Call back Functions are helpfull in many situations where we can enable the loader icon at pre-call function and can disable at error-call or success-call functions

Upload with Dynamic Information

  • You can upload with applying dynamic information ( folder name, bucket name, target file name ) with Angular Two-way Data-binding.

  • Example :

         <!-- Child elements  -->
           <input s3-file-model type="file"/> <!-- input File Holder -->
    • {{var}} - replace with the value defined in the latest scope.
  • Example 2 : Upload file to a folder specified in the input by user

     Enter Folder path to upload: <input type="text" ng-model="folder_name"/>
       <!-- Child elements  -->
         <input s3-file-model type="file"/> <!-- input File Holder -->

Target Name Options (s3-target-name)

  • s3-target-name attribute holds the value which will override the original file name before uploading to s3 server.
  • Target file name attribute should not contain file extention , because directive will appends file extension automatically.
  • s3-target-name attributes also matches the special syntax for file renaming, v1.0 supports only one syntax : [random]
  • Ex : s3-target-name="[random]" - it changes name of file with a unique name by binding date+hashkey+original_ name

sample : original_filename to 4352837464-dhis2300ff4jekf34rhei-original_filename.png

Happy Coding..

Developer profile
alt text
Name : Vinay Shanubhag website
twitter: Vinay
linkedIn: Vinay
Developing Area : Android , Java, AngularJS/2, RestAPI , MeanStack , PHP, JavaScript, MongoDb